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After you submit your comments, you will need to reload this page with your browser in order to see your additions to the log. Has anyone worked out Dolphins yet? Shame starsailor is n't on cd release; Why? Paul Zammit paolozammit hotmail. Love the site, but have to agree with Paul. Is it a label thing?

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And very sad that he's gone, codigo postal las americas outlet. I'm only 17 and i fell in love with Tim's music through his son 2 years ago, and i only regret that i hadnt flipped through my dad's vinyl collection earlier and pulled out all his Tim Buckely vinyls!


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It is just beautiful. Does anyone know if or when "Blue Afternoon" will be released on CD? Thank you Please let me know if you would be interested in this offer in fact, I can't imagine why you wouldn't be. Innocent Teen schoolgirl without bikini and coeds. My favorite artist and favorite album was Tim Buckley's. Hello everyone, just to help clarify things re Blue Afternoon and Starsailor. Love your site. I am 51 and still miss him loads. Sorry for my bad English My email:Sonia34 gazeta. Hope you don't mind if I plug my college online radio show, in which I play both Tim and Jeff quite a lot.

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As the years passing nothing of his music have lost in originality and in uniqolity. It is called Seductive Melancholia, and you can find it online at scadradio. Thank you. I remember Beckett in front English class giving his report on 'Les Miserables'. I emailed the article to two friends, both musicians to check out. When you are finished listening to his songs you are completely exhausted but it was a trip tha you would like to take over and over again. Wish he was still here. Is it a label thing? I stumbled across the man a few years ago and can't and never will put him to rest. I have Starsailor. Gary simsga tiscali. I started playing it and he really liked the music, a cross between blues, rock and roll and that funky guitar. Un Abrazo fuerte.

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