colegio arturo soria

Colegio arturo soria

Accompanied by the colourful monsters and practicing a variety of ways to stay calm when needed, they learned important life skills. Moreover, they really enjoyed singing the Scribble Spot song!

At Arturo Soria School , third, fourth, fifth and sixth graders had the astounding opportunity to meet three inspiring and wonderful women: Lara Jurado, Ana Bragado and Ana Pascual. They came to our school to give motivational speeches and talk about their experiences and their feelings working in an environment where the presence of women is not very common or having professions that are very difficult to achieve. Lara Jurado is an English teacher who always dreamed of becoming a poet. She pursued her dream and she published a book entitled Escarcha Emocional. Ana Bragado is an aerospace engineer at Iberia who spoke in English to show the importance of speaking this language.

Colegio arturo soria

We wanted to focus on the importance of reading aloud and sharing books. During the second unit of inquiry: Where We Are in Place and Time, the third-grade students created an oral historical source as a podcast as part of their learning experience. Did you know that Autumn can be a wonderful season? Our youngest students are having a great time working on Autumn colours, leaves, and forest animals. Hello everyone! Have you seen our «Readers are leaders» wall? Here you can find so many books that we are reading and working with in Early Years and Preschool. After the summer break, English teachers are ready to start a brand new school year. We hope you had a wonderful time and you could recharge batteries, because show must go on! During the last month, from 4th to 6th Grade, students have been inquiring about matter, materials and energy. They are really interesting topics that they enjoy, so they have been fully motivated. During May, our youngest students are working on Spring time and animals. Configurar consentimiento.

She gave the students useful tips on how to overcome their shyness when speaking in public and she impressively demonstrated her talent for improvisation.


Porcentaje de los alumnos que han obtenido una nota de acceso a la Universidad superior a 13 sobre Nota media de acceso a la Universidad obtenida por los alumnos en junio de sobre Ofrecemos a los alumnos la posibilidad de participar, idear e impulsar acciones y proyectos solidarios durante toda su estancia en el colegio. Programa que se desarrolla desde la etapa de Infantil, y que favorece el crecimiento emocional, intelectual y social. Ha sido un colegio ejemplar. Colegio Arturo Soria Seguir.

Colegio arturo soria

Los objetivos que nos proponemos con nuestros alumnos podemos resumirlos, fundamentalmente, en tres:. En el colegio Arturo Soria educamos a nuestros alumnos para que sean, ante todo, respetuosos y considerados con todo lo que les rodea y, sobre todo, con las personas con quienes conviven. Que se comprometan, en definitiva, con una sociedad que conviva bajo los valores de la paz, la justicia, la solidaridad y la tolerancia. El tercer objetivo del colegio Arturo Soria para sus alumnos es que alcancen el mayor nivel intelectual y cultural posible. En el Colegio Arturo Soria estamos convencidos de que educa la familia. Las personas que trabajamos en el Colegio colaboramos y ayudamos en esta tarea. Gestionamos directamente el comedor y disponemos de cocina propia, donde se elabora diariamente toda la comida a los alumnos y personal.

Patriots records by season

Here you can find so many books that we are reading and working with in Early Years and Preschool. All of the student s were highly motivated and engaged, and they asked interesting questions to the three of them. Did you know that Autumn can be a wonderful season? La cookie es establecida por el plugin GDPR Cookie Consent y se utiliza para almacenar si el usuario ha consentido o no el uso de cookies. Lastly, the students drew and painted the consequences of a healthy daily routine to give advice to other students on how to take care of themselves. At Arturo Soria School , third, fourth, fifth and sixth graders had the astounding opportunity to meet three inspiring and wonderful women: Lara Jurado, Ana Bragado and Ana Pascual. Otras Otras. She told us how lucky she feels to have achieved everything she ever wanted. La cookie es establecida por el plugin GDPR Cookie Consent y se utiliza para almacenar si el usuario ha consentido o no el uso de cookies. During May, our youngest students are working on Spring time and animals. La cookie es establecida por el plugin GDPR Cookie Consent y se utiliza para almacenar si el usuario ha consentido o no el uso de cookies. Have you seen our «Readers are leaders» wall? We hope you had a wonderful time and you could recharge batteries, because show must go on!


Moreover, they really enjoyed singing the Scribble Spot song! They are really interesting topics that they enjoy, so they have been fully motivated. During the last month, from 4th to 6th Grade, students have been inquiring about matter, materials and energy. Las cookies necesarias son absolutamente imprescindibles para que el sitio web funcione correctamente. During the second unit of inquiry: Where We Are in Place and Time, the third-grade students created an oral historical source as a podcast as part of their learning experience. Publicidad Publicidad. Configurar consentimiento. Lastly, the students drew and painted the consequences of a healthy daily routine to give advice to other students on how to take care of themselves. Then, they all shared their knowledge with the rest of the class, demonstrating their skills as effective communicators. We hope you had a wonderful time and you could recharge batteries, because show must go on! Here you can find so many books that we are reading and working with in Early Years and Preschool. Analytics Analytics. Accompanied by the colourful monsters and practicing a variety of ways to stay calm when needed, they learned important life skills.

1 thoughts on “Colegio arturo soria

  1. In my opinion it is very interesting theme. I suggest all to take part in discussion more actively.

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