Conversation between grocery shopkeeper and customer

As human beings, we communicate all our thoughts, feelings, doubts, suggestions, etc.

Can I help you? Here it is. Thats good. I almost forgot! Bye, bye. KEY Complete the conversation between the customer and the shopkeeper.

Conversation between grocery shopkeeper and customer

Good morning! Can I help you? Yes, please. Do you have a. I dont have any. But I have a some nice. Do you want a. Yes, please! Here you are! Thank you! You are welcome! Id like some apples, please. What apples would you like: green, red or yellow? Green, please. How many apples would you like?

You buy sweets at the chemists.

Book a Free Demo. Sales Assistant : Those chocolates are placed near cash counter. I am sure you can find them there. I am a Student. I am a Tutor.

As human beings, we communicate all our thoughts, feelings, doubts, suggestions, etc. One such common communication happens to be the conversation between a shopkeeper and a customer. You must have surely had an experience of making a conversation with a shopkeeper regarding a product or service. To write a conversation between a shopkeeper and a customer is an easy task. The language used is mostly casual and polite. Check out the sample conversations given below, analyse them and learn how to write one on your own. Shopkeeper — Sure, sir. Just a moment, please.

Conversation between grocery shopkeeper and customer

How often do you go grocery shopping? What do you usually buy? How much money do you usually spend on groceries? Keep reading or listening to learn how to talk about shopping for groceries. Let's start with a dialogue. Mark: I'm going to the grocery store to pick up some snacks for the party. What else do we need? Diana: Well, we ran out of milk this morning, and we're almost out of bread.

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Uploaded by janina Antara M. Customer : I want a loaf of bread as well. Customer — No problem. Can you buy sausages at the grocers? I am sure you can find them there. I dont have any. You: Yes, thats nice, can I try it on? More than 7. Choose what cookies you allow us to use.

A conversation between shopkeeper and customer is an important part of your overall shopping experience. A friend or family member may even ask you questions. With the right answers, you can build trust and create a more comfortable environment for yourself.

Carousel Previous. What about this one? Five pounds fifty, please. Have a nice day. What is your favourite shop in our town? Oh, its very expensive. May I try it on? You cant buy shoes at the clothes shop. Aptis Test Aptis Test. Male Female Please select your gender. They usually sell food. Online Classes.

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