

Cr1tikal is an online commentary YouTuber who is mainly cr1tikal for his usage of droll humor and large amounts of profanity in his videos, cr1tikal. Cr1TiKaL's is known for his tradition of adding "Gameplay and Commentary" to the end of the title of his videos of games while also adding "This is the greatest X of All Time" to his video descriptions, cr1tikal.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Charles White Jr. Director Actor Writer. Charles Christopher White Jr.


You are not currently logged in. You will still be able to browse Wikitubia, but you will be unable to edit without an account. Please go here to create a Fandom account. Charles Christopher "Charlie" White Jr. He has received widespread online attention and internet acclaim for his YouTube videos , which mainly revolve around dry humor, sarcasm, and similes. Charlie is widely regarded as one of the "Funniest YouTube Commentators," [6] being ranked first by the percentage of votes in Top-Tens under the category of "Funniest YouTube Commentators. An example of this is a "bored burger" joke he claims is the greatest joke of all time and emphasizes how funny it is. He is a longtime YouTuber, having been on the platform for 16 years, and is widely considered one of the last "original" YouTubers remaining on the site. Charlie's videos and content have evolved over the years. Initially, his channel focused primarily on performing glitches in shooter games, such as Battlefield and Call of Duty , and later gaming guides for said games. Charlie started doing non-gaming-related content with " The Real Series ", which has him doing voice-overs on infomercials between and Around early, he began discussing various topics, including internet drama, which is still a significant part of the channel today. Through and into , Charlie started reviewing different varieties of media and creating the popular series Moist Meter and Liquid Ladder for ratings, rankings, and tier lists.

It was uploaded on August 5,and its main nyse:licy financials was on the performance of a glitch in the video cr1tikal Gears Of War, cr1tikal. He explains that he received criticism simply because he didn't like Uncharted 4 cr1tikal, and that this attitude makes it difficult for people to criticize any overly hyped-up game, cr1tikal, which leads to games not receiving the criticism they deserve, which in turn leads to developers not learning from feedback and thus not improving, cr1tikal.

This is the greatest tv tropes page of All Time. I'm reading TV Tropes on the internet; let's do this shit. He usually reviews old and relatively obscure games for the PC and Sony PlayStation along with indie and mainstream games, and most of his commentaries only last for one video. He's known for his low-pitched and almost monotone voice and his dry His commentary consists of sarcastic deadpan observations interspersed with crude humor. Aside from game commentaries, he occasionally makes humorous dubs over infomercials using his own voice and making fake movie trailers from monologues and footage of games he has played. He has obtained YouTube partnership.

He is a YouTuber, Twitch streamer, heavy-metal singer, esports org owner, and is developing his own graphic novel series. Charlie actively created online content for over fifteen years under various internet monikers, forming his Penguinz0 YouTube channel in Focusing on Gears of War gameplay videos, Charlie began streaming on Justin. By , Charlie had reached over one million subscribers and announced that he sent all YouTube earnings directly to various charities. After years of anonymity, Charlie revealed his face in and later began creating full-cam commentary, which has since become a staple on his channel. Charlie experienced another period of immense growth in during the onset of the global pandemic.


This is the greatest tv tropes page of All Time. I'm reading TV Tropes on the internet; let's do this shit. He usually reviews old and relatively obscure games for the PC and Sony PlayStation along with indie and mainstream games, and most of his commentaries only last for one video. He's known for his low-pitched and almost monotone voice and his dry His commentary consists of sarcastic deadpan observations interspersed with crude humor.

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Example of: Game-Breaking Bug. The penguin was Charlie's favorite bird, hence the reason for his choice of username Penguinz0. Retrieved July 27, Contents move to sidebar hide. Last of the Grads 3. You are a poor excuse for a sentient being. Charlie is widely regarded as one of the "Funniest YouTube Commentators," [6] being ranked first by the percentage of votes in Top-Tens under the category of "Funniest YouTube Commentators. When i made this video my gamertag was MoB o InsAnE o if you like this montage let me know and ill make a full no scope montage. Director Actor Writer. In one of the Official Podcast episodes, he also correctly points out that Youtube has never been profitable, that Google has been operating it at a net loss and retaining it purely for cultural reasons, and that therefore anyone depending on it for their livelihood is by default planting themselves on shaky ground. His new Signing Off Catchphrase is "That's about it. View contact info at IMDbPro. Raging Stiffie : A lot of his jokes involve having an erection. This is discussed in his Most Evil Singer Ever video. See it here.

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Charlie's video showcasing character customization in Mass Effect: Andromeda was referenced by Kotaku. Last of the Grads. Smarter Than You Look : Well, sound. Smurf house. Archived from the original on October 24, Suspiciously Specific Denial : Cleverbot in the Cleverbot video. Moisties At the end of each year since , Charlie hosts the the annual Moisties, where he picks the Top 5 best and worst movies, and games, most of which were rated on the Moist Meter and based on their moisture content. Didn't Think This Through : During his criticism of the Titans trailer, he dons some heavy-duty Goth apparel including lip gloss and nail polish for a brief joke about "THE EDGE" of Robin saying "Fuck Batman", before realizing in the next cut that it doesn't come off that easy and he'll have to finish the video looking like a Hot Topic vampire. Killer Bean 8. React content is still a grey area in terms of fair use and copyright laws. When i made this video my gamertag was MoB o InsAnE o all off host all ranked no set ups my first halo 3 montage.

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