cypress changelog

Cypress changelog

This guide details the changes and how to change your code to migrate to Cypress version

Blog Releases. Today we are thrilled to announce the release of Cypress 13, packed with new features to enhance how you debug and diagnose test failures. The highlight of this release is the introduction of Test Replay. This feature allows you to interact with previous tests as they occurred during Continuous Integration CI , eliminating the need for reproducing failures locally. Test Replay brings the debugging experience you know and love from the Cypress app directly into Cypress Cloud, allowing you to view previous test runs in a live browser, inspect your application, and debug test failures. Having all the data at your fingertips means you can quickly figure out what's going on without having to reproduce the test run locally.

Cypress changelog

When recording to Cypress Cloud, users now receive our newest feature: Test Replay. Test Replay brings the debugging experience you know and love from the Cypress app directly into your recorded tests in Cypress Cloud. Test Replay provides a way to inspect the DOM, network events, and console logs of your application from your tests exactly as they ran in CI. Test Replay is available in all Cypress Cloud plans. To start using Test Replay, simply record a run to Cypress Cloud. Learn more in the Test Replay documentation. Test Replay now serves as the primary replacement for debugging via video. Video capture and videoCompression of captured video are now set to false by default and videoUploadOnPasses is removed. Read more about v Refer to the v13 Migration Guide for help migrating your code. The Session and Origin Experiment is now generally available for end-to-end testing. This means Cypress now fully supports:. Additionally in this release, enhancements were made to how Cypress manages DOM element resolution to reduce the likelihood of hitting detached DOM errors due to maintaining stale DOM references. We've updated our Retry-ability Guide with all the details if you'd like to learn more.

The cypress changelog config option is no longer valid at the top level of the configuration, and may only be defined inside the e2e configuration object. Mocha was upgraded from 2.

Sharing our challenges, mistakes, hacks, successes, opinions and news. At Cypress, we understand that the key to successful software development is equipping developers with the tools and resources they need. In the dynamic world of software testing, the importance of ensuring the reliability of your end-to-end E2E tests cannot be overstated. End-to-end E2E tests are. Cypress Cloud users can now analyze changes to their test suite using a before-and-after view of changes made by each pull request, so they can swiftly pinpoint the differences, streamline review cycles, and prevent regressions. We're excited to introduce Branch Review, Cypress Cloud's latest featur.

Blog Releases. Today we are thrilled to announce the release of Cypress 13, packed with new features to enhance how you debug and diagnose test failures. The highlight of this release is the introduction of Test Replay. This feature allows you to interact with previous tests as they occurred during Continuous Integration CI , eliminating the need for reproducing failures locally. Test Replay brings the debugging experience you know and love from the Cypress app directly into Cypress Cloud, allowing you to view previous test runs in a live browser, inspect your application, and debug test failures.

Cypress changelog

The evolving demands of the labor market require higher education institutions to foster adaptability and provide students with vital transferable competencies, including interdisciplinary collaboration, effective communication, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving abilities. To meet these demands, innovative pedagogical approaches have gained significant popularity in enhancing the skill sets of university students. By embracing innovation and evidence, higher education can pave the way for a transformative future. Through scientific exploration and the exchange of ideas in our next joint SIG04 and SIG 17 conference, we aim to contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding the changing landscape of higher education. Our ultimate goal is to inspire actionable initiatives that enable educators and higher education institutions to effectively prepare students for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. By embracing innovation and evidence-based practices, we can ensure that higher education remains relevant, impactful, and aligned with the needs of students and the broader society.

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Refer to the v13 Migration Guide for help migrating your code. With Test Replay, you can step through each action, inspecting the application state at any point during the test run. We know that quality and engineering teams need visibility into their CI builds to catch issues early on. Fixed an issue with Accept Encoding headers by forcing gzip when no accept encoding header is sent and using identity if gzip is not sent. This resolves decoding issues observed in complex objects sent from the browser. X package embedded code coverage in your tests automatically. Today, we have an exciting announcement to share. If there are typos in property assertions, they will now appear as failures. If you want to alias a static value, such that it is never re-queried, you will need Cypress Many of the issues test isolation solved were around cookie management with tests trying to save and persist cookies because the page was still available, but the cookies on the domain were unexpectedly cleared which broke interactions with the application. After Assert that non existent element does not exist. This previously resulted in inconsistent behavior, where some commands would use all passed in elements, some would use only the first and ignore the rest, and. We no longer automatically reset the document. Read more about available functions on res.

Providing clinicians and patients seamless access to AI diagnostics for the electrocardiogram.

Because of this, if we detect your project is using Cypress Cloud during automatic migration, we won't suggest changing your spec files. Fixed an issue where network requests made from tabs, or windows other than the main Cypress tab, would be delayed. Read our Component Testing Guide for more details. More information can be found in the support file docs. The res. Refer to the v13 Migration Guide for help migrating your code. It is important to be extremely mindful of how tests are written when using this mode, and ensure that tests continue to run independently of one another. In all versions of Cypress, you can interact with elements that have opacity: 0 style. If there are typos in property assertions, they will now appear as failures. That file can be opened in your preferred file opener by clicking the file. The best way to ensure your tests are independent is to add a. Blog Releases.

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