dark eldar

Dark eldar

The Dark Eldardark eldar, referred to as the Drukhari in the Aeldari Dark eldarare the forsaken and corrupt kindred of the Aeldarian ancient and highly advanced alien race of fey humanoids. Their armies, like their Craftworld Aeldari counterparts, usually have the advantages of mobility and advanced technology, though they are often lacking in resilience and numbers.

Dread and agony are our meat and wine, and they are plentiful indeed! Like their cousins of the craftworlds , the Drukhari are an ancient and highly advanced alien race of fey humanoids. The Drukhari's armies, like their Craftworld Aeldari counterparts, usually have the advantages of mobility and advanced technology, though they are often lacking in resilience and numbers. The Drukhari revel in piracy, enslavement and torture, and are sadistic in the extreme. Drukhari armies make use of various anti-gravity skimmers such as Raiders and Ravagers to launch high speed attacks. They strike with little or no warning, using an interdimensional labyrinth known as the Webway to traverse the galaxy safely and far more quickly than most advanced starfaring species are able to with their Warp jumps. The Drukhari are unique amongst the intelligent species of the Milky Way Galaxy because they do not live on a settled world or worlds, but rather the bulk of their population is concentrated in one foul city-state -- the Dark City of Commorragh -- that lies within the "ordered" Immaterium of the Aeldari Webway.

Dark eldar

In the craft of murder, Wyches have no equal. In battle, Wyches feed upon screams of pain. With combat drugs coursing through their veins, Wyches roll, backflip and pirouette out of harm's way, stabbing through visors and neck-joints, slicing open a throat here and piercing a heart there. This box set contains 10 multi-part plastic Drukhari Wyches. This piece set includes: 14 different heads, 10 different bodies six female variants and four male variants. Also included are all of the weapon options listed in Codex: Dark Eldar, including: a razorflail, a blast pistol, a shardnet,. Click here to find delivery information for your local store. If for any reason at all, you're not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it to us for a refund, or exchange it for something else. No quibbles and no funny handshakes required. All we ask is the product still be in its original packaging and you have your proof of purchase and we'll be happy to help. Temporarily out of stock. Read More. Delivery Age Restriction Warning. All delivery options and prices If for any reason at all, you're not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it to us for a refund, or exchange it for something else.

Perhaps the deadliest such hunting party was led by DrazharMaster of Blades.

Doch wie ist dieses sadistische Volk entstanden? Jeder davon wird von einem besonders grausamen Lord geleitet. Und das Beste: Beinahe alle Miniaturen gibt es zu reduzierten Preisen. Du willst das Neueste der Drukhari? Am Erscheinungstag schicken wir deine Bestellung direkt ab.

Take the Imperium of Man, which largely serves as the point-of-view faction in 40K books and games. The Imperium is made up of a coalition of absolutely terrible sub-factions, including murderous nuns who torch their foes, indoctrinated child soldiers transformed into transhuman combat marines, and flesh-hating tech priests who make brain-computers by lobotomizing criminals. Who are the Drukhari? Sounds like a pretty sweet setup, but this is the grimdark far future where there is only war, so obviously everything had to go terribly wrong. In the case of the Aeldari civilization, that meant falling to hedonism and excess. Dark forces dwell in the Warp, feasting off extreme emotion, and the Aeldari unwittingly gave those forces a feast. While some factions decided to pack up and leave in favor of a nicer space neighborhood, many Aeldari chose to stay.

Dark eldar

With over 20 years of passion for painting and collecting these intricate figures, I always seek to expand my knowledge on the rich lore behind each army. The ominous Drukhari, better known as Dark Eldar, have a particularly fascinating backstory tied to the fall of the ancient Aeldari empire. Be sure to also check out our YouTube channel at Warhammer Universe for more great miniature content! The Aeldari established a massive, galaxy-wide civilization spanning millions of planets at the peak of their power. With advanced machines handling all labor, these ancient space elves devoted themselves to pursuing various artistic endeavors and philosophical meditations. Over time, however, many Aeldari became increasingly obsessed with chasing ever-more decadent sensations and hedonistic pleasures. Various pleasure cults emerged dedicated to achieving the height of physical and emotional ecstasy through wild, violent rites. Dissenting Aeldari fled to newly constructed Craftworlds to escape the rising tide of excess. As Aeldari civilization descended into chaos, the metaphysical imprint of their unchecked decadence stirred a new Chaos God into being within the Warp. The Prince of Pleasure, Slaanesh, burst into existence — immediately devouring the souls of nearly the entire Aeldari race in one cataclysmic moment.

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Vect began his days as an Aeldari slave. Some Aeldari hated what their race had become and left the Aeldari homeworlds for the unexplored and virgin Maiden Worlds , or left on the newly-constructed craftworlds , leaving the Pleasure Cults to their madness. These racks are hung with special syringes that channel their noxious concoctions directly into their spinal sump. Slaanesh gorged itself upon the Aeldari's horror and despair. To this day, the Drukhari raid and pillage the galaxy at large from their hidden sub-realms in the Webway, sowing as much misery and destruction as possible and stealing away millions of captive slaves to their lairs within the Dark City to be exploited for their own horrible ends. Realising that they stood upon the brink of destruction, they bent their considerable resources to the construction of the massive craftworlds , the graceful spaceborne cities that were the size of small moons. Then came Marquis Vulkhere himself; whilst his foes were focused on the threat pushing up from below he and his handpicked Trueborn bodyguard had blasted their way into the spire's upper chambers, slain Archon Leshh of the Poisoned Hope, and now fell upon the Ynnari from behind. Hence when the Imperial military announced their presence with a well-organised Astra Militarum pincer assault, the Aeldari found their line of retreat cut off by artillery fire. The Drukhari are a plague upon the Koronus Expanse. Read More. The Kabals regularly launch fresh piratical raids into realspace and there is much to be gained for an individual Drukhari for being part of such an effort -- the thrill of hunting the lesser mortals of the universe, the chance to personally capture new slaves which adds to their personal wealth and the joy of unbridled destruction for its own sake.

The Dark Eldar , referred to as the Drukhari in the Aeldari Lexicon , are the forsaken and corrupt kindred of the Aeldari , an ancient and highly advanced alien race of fey humanoids.

Many of the Haemonculi that made their lair in the lower regions of Commorragh were old allies of Asdrubael Vect's. Viewed with the witch-sight of a psyker , Drukhari are repugnant monsters. Dark Eldar Category page. The usual source of these souls are those of the many captives taken as slaves during Drukhari raids. Each wave will target a specific type of enemy unit or will pursue a specific tactical objective, which weakens the foe's defences just in time to face the next Drukhari assault wave. Their wan, pale-skinned frames do not have a spare ounce of flesh upon them, and their waists are devoid of internal organs to better present what they view as a fashionably disturbing facade. Yet Kraillach's rampage was ultimately halted by a "stray" blast from a Dark Lance that vapourised him where he stood. The warriors of the Drukhari are tall and lithe without exception. It is said they can see in complete darkness, that they can taste fear upon the air, and that they can hear the beat of a terrified heart through a solid bulkhead door. However all Incubi are ultimately mercenaries who will fight for anyone, for any cause and will even impart their formidable skills to any who prove themselves worthy of the training. Such targets represent more than a single Wych Cult or Kabal could hope to assault on its own without suffering crippling losses, but the potential rewards are so great that they prove willing to share the spoils with others within the Dark City. Flights of winged Scourges armed with Haywire Blasters and Heat Lances began to systematically destroy the captive ship while a fleet of Ravager gunships forced the Space Marines who sought to rescue the vessel's battle-brothers back into cover.

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