david jeremiah sermon

David jeremiah sermon

Please enable the javascript to submit this form. Knowing Jesus Christ and having a special relationship with Him is very important to the existence of a Christian.

Growing in the knowledge of God means following Jesus, learning from Him, studying His life, and obeying His teachings. As we grow in Him, our values, behavior, and attitude will reflect His eternal priorities. We feel it as cold, blustery days turn to warm, sunny ones each spring. While we revel in the hope we find as the seasons change, we are reminded of an even greater hope—the spiritual hope we have because of Easter! This new resource is filled with devotionals, articles, and other content to fill you with hope each Easter season. David Jeremiah is the founder of Turning Point for God, an international broadcast ministry committed to providing Christians with sound Bible teaching through radio and television, the Internet, live events, and resource materials and books.

David jeremiah sermon

When it comes to courage, the Bible is filled with role models. But few are more iconic than the three boys who refused to bow in worship to a wicked king. David Jeremiah profiles Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, whose rock-solid faith in God gave them courage in the face of certain death. David Jeremiah is the founder of Turning Point for God, an international broadcast ministry committed to providing Christians with sound Bible teaching through radio and television, the Internet, live events, and resource materials and books. They have four grown children and twelve grandchildren. Turning Point Dr. David Jeremiah. References: Daniel That's why we're thrilled to introduce our brand new, updated edition of Your Greatest Turning Point. This comprehensive guide is designed to provide new Christians with a solid foundation in their faith, as well as practical strategies for sharing their beliefs with others. Get Yours More resources.

Billy Graham wrote in his "Decision Magazine," he said, "The days of Noah are returning to the earth and a catastrophe as great david jeremiah sermon terrible awaits those who refuse to enter into the ark of salvation, [ David Jeremiah every Sunday online for free.

Contact Us Watch online sermons » Dr. David Jeremiah. Watch sermon. Donna and I were staying in the hotel in New York City in front of which a man drove his car up over the curb and ran down over 20 people. One year-old girl was killed as she was walking along with her sister, and many were sent to the hospital [ I heard a story once about a mother who got a call from school saying that her young daughter was ill. She hurried to pick up her child and then she called the doctor, but the doctor's schedule was already overbooked that day.

Here are the current teaching series now airing on Turning Point Television. Enter your email address in the box below to receive updates about upcoming broadcasts. Now live with confidence. Season of Hope provides an opportunity for personal devotion, family engagement, group readings, or as a thoughtful gift. Let this book guide you and those you love through the Easter season, strengthening your faith and deepening your understanding of this pivotal time in history. Join the journey to experience the power of the Resurrection like never before! Your Greatest Turning Point is an incredible tool to help new Christians grow in faith and so much more! It will instruct both new and seasoned believers to learn to pray with power and enhance their Bible study time.

David jeremiah sermon

And when you think about it, it only makes sense David Jeremiah takes you on an amazing journey into the very heart of Christ—not through a storybook of His life, but through an astonishing exploration of His character, His attributes, His spirit. And I want to share Jesus with you in the full depth of His person. None of us know Him as fully as we should, for Jesus is the mystery of the ages—the Almighty God whose throne is in heaven; the Nazarene Carpenter who wiped sweat from His brow; the Stranger of Galilee who napped in a boat; the Teacher whose wisdom changed the ethics of the world; the Prisoner whose execution was excruciating; the Corpse who borrowed a tomb; the Body who returned to life; the Savior who bled for the world; the Hero who

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And then Add to Home Screen. It was a terrible idea, his colleagues told him, and a waste of [ In all of his mansions, there's not room big enough for all of his awards. For a Christian to thrive in the current culture, it takes more than faith. The Blessing, Part 1. David Jeremiah. Switch back to video. Constructed in , the lighthouse was supposed to safely guide ships home as they arrived from the Tasman Sea. The problem was, nobody [ Look more carefully and you could see he had a plastic bag in [ We just have to live out our life one day at a time and be ready for the story to unfold. Over years ago, to be exact, the famous World Columbian Exposition was held in Chicago. A decree from on high. She hurried to pick up her child and then she called the doctor, but the doctor's schedule was already overbooked that day.

Growing in the knowledge of God means following Jesus, learning from Him, studying His life, and obeying His teachings.

Zaki Anwari was Do you have the courage to overcome your fears? They checked into hotels to find something they'd never seen before: indoor [ You are here: Sermons Online David Jeremiah. When it comes to courage, the Bible is filled with role models. Today on Turning Point, Dr. And with such a [ Some days it seems like bad news is everywhere you turn. Have you ever seen a movie or read a book or witnessed a play where one of the characters was getting away with such grave injustice that you could hardly wait for the conclusion so that the evil character would get what was coming to him? Sheila Walsh : Welcome. It was back in

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