Decepticon transformers

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The Decepticons are a fictional faction of sentient robots in the Transformers multimedia franchise. They are depicted as a faction of sentient robotic lifeforms led by Megatron , identified by a purple face-like insignia. Capable of transforming into alternate forms, these are often high tech vehicles ; including aircraft , military vehicles , heavy equipment , ground combat vehicles , expensive luxury cars , sports cars and even smaller-than-human-sized objects. The only exception to this naming convention is Car Robots , where the sub-group referred to as "Decepticons" in the Robots in Disguise adaptation, is known in Japan as the Combatrons the Japanese name of the G1 subgroup known as the Combaticons. As opposed to the Autobots' Supreme Commander, the Primes, the Decepticons' highest ranking leader is often given the title Emperor of Destruction in Japan. Beginning with the original Generation 1 cartoon, the Decepticon rallying cry has been "Decepticons attack!

Decepticon transformers

The Decepticons are one of the primary factions in the Transformers mythos. They are typically concerned with such things as conquering Cybertron , defeating the Autobots , amassing large quantities of energon , developing powerful weaponry, and beating people up. Not necessarily in that order. Unlike the Autobots, whose leader is a Prime bearing a Matrix , the Decepticons are led by the most powerful of their ranks. This tends to cause some conflict, given how generally every Decepticon thinks that they're the most powerful. Also, the Decepticons are not exactly the most compassionate beings in the universe, but not all fight for greed. More than a few have a sense of honor , while others believe that Cybertron would be better protected by aggressive expansion. Ultimately, the Decepticons desire to protect their homeworld, even if it is at the expense of others. In at least one universe , the faction starts off being named the Ascenticons before taking its more traditional appellation. The Decepticons emerged from the gladiatorial State Games , which caused Megatron 's rise to public prominence - in the aftermath of the destructive Vos-Tarn War, Megatron was able to use his fame and charisma to unite both the survivors and the planet's malcontents into a new army. His plan was to turn Cybertron into a mobile cosmic dreadnought and conquer the galaxy.

Now the apprentice of the Fallen, Megatron decided to launch a full-scale attack on the alien ships that flew over their planet. Despite activating the Star Harvester, it is quickly destroyed by the newly ressurected Optimus Prime. Bullets Megatron and his innermost forces attacked Earth, where they ran amok for almost decepticon transformers year before Optimus Prime and his Autobots were able to recover, grievously wound Megatron, decepticon transformers, and drive his forces from the ravaged planet.

The Decepticons are a faction of Cybertronians who formed on Cybertron , They fight to destroy the heroic faction The Autobots. The Decepticons were founded by The Fallen Megatronus , who were founded again by Megatron some time later, and he would start the Cybertronian War. Unlike the Autobots, who mostly value allegiance, loyalty, and friendship, an exception for Sentinel Prime Decepticons had, and still have, no feelings towards each other. So what did they do? They killed and ripped apart the body of the smallest Decepticon among them, Scrapmetal. The Decepticons actually started with one Cybertronian, who once was one of the original seven Primes, his name was The Fallen , who was formerly known as Megatronus Prime.

You may wish to create or login to an account in order to have full editing access to this wiki. The Decepticons are a group of Cybertronians whose original goal was to get rid of the infamous Caste System on Cybertron and return to the empire-building, space-faring ways of their ancestors. The name "Decepticon" came from prewar propaganda by the Autobot High Council , labeling them liars and thieves. They took the title as something honorable instead; in their minds and Megatron 's words, "if speaking the truth [was] deception, then [they were] gladly guilty. In the Great War and long after, they were opposed by the Autobots. Occasionally both would put aside their differences for mutual threats only to resume fighting later. When the original Thirteen Primes helped their creator Primus defeat his evil twin brother and rival Unicron , conflicts fueled by discord slowly spread among their ranks as time went on after the Chaos-Bringer's defeat. Tensions ultimately reached a breaking point during the War of the Primes when Megatronus Prime and his brethren got into a fight that resulted in the death of Megatronus' lover and fellow Prime Solus Prime. When she was hit with a blast from her creation and one of the ancient artifacts of the Primes, called the Requiem Blaster , an action that resulted in the creation of the Well of Allsparks from Solus' lifeless body. Megatronus earning the titles of "The Fallen" and the "First Decepticon," something that would live on in Cybertronian history even after the remaining Primes banished him to a different dimension.

Decepticon transformers

The Decepticons are a faction of Cybertronians who formed on Cybertron , They fight to destroy the heroic faction The Autobots. The Decepticons were founded by The Fallen Megatronus , who were founded again by Megatron some time later, and he would start the Cybertronian War. Unlike the Autobots, who mostly value allegiance, loyalty, and friendship, an exception for Sentinel Prime Decepticons had, and still have, no feelings towards each other. So what did they do? They killed and ripped apart the body of the smallest Decepticon among them, Scrapmetal. The Decepticons actually started with one Cybertronian, who once was one of the original seven Primes, his name was The Fallen , who was formerly known as Megatronus Prime. When the original Primes found the AllSpark, they realized they needed a power source for it, for as the AllSpark created life, it too, did not have unlimited energy. The Primes would eventually end up figuring out that in order to power the AllSpark, they needed to harvest Energon, from suns. The Primes, however, had one rule: never harvest Energon from a sun with an inhabited planet.


He existed near the dawn of the creation of Cybertronians and was a powerful gladiator who joined The Fallen to rise up against the Primes. Eventually Soundwave and Starscream overthrew them, uniting both factions into a stronger Decepticon force. After Soundwave had chased off Starscream, only to then be downed by the T and Sarah Connor , the Autobots hurled the T into Megatron's open wound, destroying the tyrant from within. Like Tidal Wave, he is made up of multiple vehicles, though he is not quite as big. The group is small, but the members have frightening abilities that make them threatening to face alone and impossible to defeat in a group. Dispatching Ravage and the Constructicons , the Decepticons managed to restore Megatron's Spark and bring him back to life. Following the Dark Cybertron crisis, Megatron allowed himself to be put on trial on Luna 2 , having supposedly abandoned the Decepticon cause. As the Decepticons followed back to Cybertron, the planet revealed itself as the alternate mode of Primus , the Order Bringer attacking the displaced Earth of Primax Shattered Glass 2. Either way, the Mini-Cons fueled the war machine for centuries, and the war with the Autobots soon spread from Cybertron to other worlds.

Few series have managed to retain their popularity quite like Transformers. This is largely thanks to the standout personalities of characters like Optimus Prime, Megatron, Bumblebee, and Starscream. Their warlike nature means they get the coolest weapons, they get the best vehicles, and their angular, more menacing designs are perfect for creating giant robot looks.

The second wave of the attack shows Brawl firing at the human military, Brawl unfortunately already suffered a casualty after his rocket launcher was kicked off by Jazz, his arm getting cut off by Ratchet, and suffers a painful death after getting blasted in the spark multiple times by Bumblebee. Both sides found themselves the target of attacks from Unicron again; hordes of Terrorcon drones , sent by Alpha Quintesson to steal energon ore with which to revive the now-shattered husk of Unicron. Categories : Fictional organizations Extraterrestrial supervillains Fictional characters introduced in Fictional extraterrestrial robots Fictional vehicles Fictional warrior races Galactic empires Robot supervillains Supervillain teams Transformers characters Villains in animated television series. The Decepticons failed to match their creator's godly power, the deity only falling when Earth revealed itself as Gaea who, with aid from the Knights of Unicron , defeated the Order Bringer. All that's left is a a wounded Megatron and Starscream, and they retreat into hiding, not to be seen for two more years. Pet Sounds. The toy version of Galvatron was also labeled as a Decepticon, although this "change" in the character's faction was only mentioned once in the cartoon series. Related 10 Smartest Transformers, Ranked Certain Autobots, Decepticons and even their Maximal descendants have been some of the smartest Robots in Disguise in the Transformers franchise. Even Optimus Prime would have a hard time making a speech to face this Decepticon. Megatron feigned a desire for peace to the US government, a cover for his eventual violent conquest of Earth. Blitzwing's jet form can reach speeds of close to Mach 3, and with that speed he's got powerful concussion missiles and chain guns to use on his opponents. Starscream returned to his position of second-in-command, and worked out the location of the Omega Lock on Cybertron. With the revelation that the planet he intended to conquer would be destroyed, Steeljaw turned on Megatronus and attempted to fight him, only to be backhanded out of sight. Unfortunately, this Autobot victory was quickly negated when Harold Attinger created Cemetery Wind , a secret CIA cabal who began hunting down all Autobots and Decepticons left around the globe, with the help of Lockdown , a Cybertronian bounty hunter.

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