dnd dryad

Dnd dryad

The Dryad originates as a tree spirit from Greek mythology and would inhabit trees and forests. These creatures kept to themselves and avoided contact with most other beings, dnd dryad.

They appeared to be beautiful women with delicate features seemingly made of soft wood. Their hair seemed to be made of leaves and foliage that changed color with the seasons of the calendar. All dryads were magically bound to a single tree. These trees served as the dryad's life force and home. They fought to the death to protect their bonded tree, as should the tree be cut or destroyed, the dryad died soon afterward. A dryad could not stray too far from her bonded tree without suffering the same fate.

Dnd dryad

Dryads are humanoids who live within the woods. They blend in with nature itself due to plant-like properties that grow out of their bodies, like twigs, grass hairs, bark skin, leaves, and even flowers. For the most part, dryads are almost exclusively female, though some may be androgynous, as they are merely spirits of nature in the end. Dryads embody the trees usually, but some are found in other plants like river reeds and flower bushes. They usually wear loose clothing made of plant material. Dryads are typically described as fleeting and beautiful. Origins for dryads starts with the trees. Primal forces of nature within nature mature and form a humanoid form to protect and tend to the forests. These are the dryads. They are usually bound to the trees they inhabit as a result. Some dryads will even die if their home tree does.

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Legal About Contact. Edit Source Print. Innate Spellcasting. The dryad's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma spell save DC The dryad can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:. Magic Resistance. The dryad has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

They appeared to be beautiful women with delicate features seemingly made of soft wood. Their hair seemed to be made of leaves and foliage that changed color with the seasons of the calendar. All dryads were magically bound to a single tree. These trees served as the dryad's life force and home. They fought to the death to protect their bonded tree, as should the tree be cut or destroyed, the dryad died soon afterward. A dryad could not stray too far from her bonded tree without suffering the same fate.

Dnd dryad

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While their true powers, and background, change throughout the editions, they are always the guardians of their forest, capable of being gentle or cruel to those who might harm their homes. Their hair seemed to be made of leaves and foliage that changed color with the seasons of the calendar. Which can really put a damper on a weekend vacation from the forest. Home of user-generated, homebrew pages! If the tree is harmed, she suffers. Personal tools Talk Contributions Create account Log in. Your size is dependent on your subrace. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Dryads come in many sizes, ranging from a little under 6 feet to almost 14 feet tall. Once on her turn, the dryad can use 10 feet of her movement to step magically into one living tree within her reach and emerge from a second tree within 60 feet of the first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second tree. If a dryad leaves the vicinity of her tree for too long, she will die. In both, they retain their description of being attractive and intelligent, that they are quite alluring with delicate features and with hair and skin that changes with the season.


Many times these men don't want to be rescued as the Dryad has completely entranced them and if they do escape, or the spell is broken, the Drayd will let them go willingly and perhaps even give them some gems or coins as a token of their appreciation. Deep Dive - The Atropal. If a dryad left the vicinity of her tree for too long, she died. They are more potent than common cousins, being able to use the following powers at will, one per round: animal friendship, entangle, pass without trace, speak with animals, and quench fire. In the past editions, they were more of a challenge for level characters, and now they are only a minor challenge for 1st level adventurers. This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from Wikipedia view authors. On top of that, they are linked to the Feywild and see it as their true home. Drop-In NPCs. The dryad can have no more than one humanoid and up to three beasts charmed at a time. Current Wiki. These Dryads are also given access to new spells and magic items to assist them in their quests, and there is even player information on how you could play as one of the two Dryads. Monster Manual 4th edition. These trees served as the dryad's life force and home.

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