Doctor stranger ep 15

Everything has gone to pot in Dr. The acting is just bad all across the board now, so even hecklers who liked to call out Jin Se Yeon for being the weak doctor stranger ep 15 can now heckle everyone for equally going through the motions in a collective haze. Episode 15 was like watching a basketball game where everyone is on the court ready to shoot some hoops and Soo Hyun shows up dressed for a hockey game waving her stick around, doctor stranger ep 15. Her entire purpose in the drama has been relegated to crying over Park Hoon which irks me to no end.

As a child, a man and his father are kidnapped and brought to North Korea. The man grows up to become a genius surgeon. When he is finally able to return to South Korea, he begins working at a hospital. He's desperate to save the woman he left behind in North Korea. Genre: drama , medical , romance , thriller.

Doctor stranger ep 15

Jae Joon burns the bridge of bromance and instead focuses his jealous energy on crushing Hoon. Can someone please tell me why this surgery competition refuses to die? Yang continues to carry out the orders of the Chairman Oh, even going so low as to break the surgical saw so that it will hurt Hoon. Hoon ends up slicing open his hand right at the start of the surgery. Oh no! Turns out he can operate just as well using his non-dominant left hand! This kid never stops surprising me. After Nurse Min kicks Dr. Yang out of the operating room, Hoon calls over to Jae Joon to request the help of one of his team members. Hoon continues to defy all the odds with his surgical skills. Patient with a severe blood clotting disorder? Not a problem. Sabotaging assistant?

I think everyone is allowing these ships to cloud their ability to see the complexity and humanity of these characters


As a child, a man and his father are kidnapped and brought to North Korea. The man grows up to become a genius surgeon. When he is finally able to return to South Korea, he begins working at a hospital. He's desperate to save the woman he left behind in North Korea. Genre: drama , medical , romance , thriller. In the midst of the truth-telling that happens in this episode, get ready for an hour full of medical incompetency, questionable ethical judgment, and callous administrators, all thanks to the one competition that keeps being revived by a narrative defibrillator. Stranger ticked upward in ratings and remained in first place on Monday with

Doctor stranger ep 15

Doctor Stranger Option 1. Option 2. Option 3. Option 4.

Dark wanderer stories

If Hoon continues being all friendly and joking with SH, i think SH would be hurt even more, so I'd rather he distance himself. Not a problem. Jaejoon is just Dnt know the reason bt she is really manipulative He asks if Hoon gave her a hard time about waking the patient last night and she shakes her head. Camelot It's not I am back to being against workplace romances. The murder crisis has been averted and the wife suddenly forgets her past qualms. She clicks the screensaver away to see a happy picture of Hoon and Seung-hee together on the screen, along with a whole collection of photos taken from that happy date we saw in Episode I bet dollars to doughnuts that Hoon ends up operating on the President because Jae Joon doing it makes no sense. Kim to stay and walks into the other OR. Hoon claims he had no choice under the circumstances. Soo Hyun stares in shock and scrolls through various couple pictures of Seung Hee and Hoon.


As the only sensible adult in the entire drama, she's just about capable of keeping Hoon out of trouble, provided he sticks to working in the various part-time jobs she's handed over to him and never goes anywhere near a hospital or clinic again. He wants her not to worry and keep watch over this patient and to not wake up him even if others order her to do so. The only thing left to give her story heft is for her to go back to Jae Joon and have the two of them work through their combined daddy angst. Yang touching it prior to surgery and hesitates for a moment. Second leads get character assassinated all the time anyway but here it's ridiculous, as if Soo Hyun having feelings for someone who went all out and flirted with her, is worse than Jae Joon's initial conspiracy to ruin her family by manipulating her. Once Soo Hyun fell for Hoon that narrative thread dominated her story until that was all there is, when everyone else is off trying to save their own life and get some delayed justice. As the surgeons are filing out, a few doctors are talking about Hoon behind his back and it makes Soo Hyun so angry she chews them out and has to be pushed out of the room. I am going to stab this first-love-obsession trope in the heart. I don't think he's obsessive. Oh and after watching today's episode, I don't think Agent Cha would be able to accompany the two back to NK! If the doctor says the patient needs to rest, then you should let him rest!

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