Does kylo ren die

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Despite the external Darth Vader similarities — from the voice modulator to the helmet design — Kylo Ren was quite different from grandfather. The Last Jedi made clear that Ren no longer wanted to be given orders and that he wished to leave the past behind by killing Supreme Leader Snoke. Yet in The Rise of Skywalker , Kylo was once again the pawn of a bigger villain — Emperor Palpatine — and reverted to briefly using the same helmet he had destroyed in The Last Jedi. Despite the flaws in its approach to Ren, The Rise of Skywalker set up a definitive redemption for the character. However, with Snoke dead, there were no other Star Wars sequel trilogy characters who could be the final antagonist for the third film.

Does kylo ren die

This article contains major The Rise of Skywalker spoilers. You can read a spoiler free review here instead. Rey and Kylo Ren, in particular, get closure after three movies of fighting and trying to fulfill the legacies of past generations. For Rey, this means defeating the Sith once and for all and reviving the Jedi Order. Ad — content continues below. Leia tells him to let go of his hatred, Rey saves his life even though she has no reason to nor does he deserve it , and Han forgives him for his past sins. With both spiritual and physical wounds healed after his climactic duel with Rey, Ben sheds his Kylo Ren guise — lightsaber, tunic, and cloak — and dons a questionable sweater to go help the young Jedi on Exegol. Ben fulfills his destiny in the climactic battle on Exegol by returning to the light that was inside of him all along, and uses it to pull Rey back from the dark side and stop her from killing the Emperor and becoming the new Dark Lord of the Sith. During the Pasaana sequence, The Rise of Skywalker teases the ability to transfer life energy from one being to another. Rey uses it as a way to heal a creature in need, but the Emperor shows us that someone can also use the Force to steal life energy from another.

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Among the most prevalent themes in the Star Wars saga is that of family, of the intergenerational connections that forge lasting legacies. And in the Skywalker family , these connections are all the more significant. Their familial strength in the Force and the push-and-pull between Light and Dark adds an additional complication to your typical family drama. There is perhaps no character that embodies the significance of the past and the possibilities of the present better than Ben Solo, initially introduced as the villainous Kylo Ren. Portrayed with immense depth through the meticulous character work of Academy Award nominee Adam Driver, Solo is one of the most compelling figures of the sequel trilogy. Warning: The following article contains major spoilers for the Star Wars franchise. Please note that this character guide is based on the current canon as defined by Lucasfilm.

Before we get to the big boss fight against Grandpappy Palps at the end of the movie, we see quite a few scenes of Rey and Kylo either taunting each other via Force Skype, or fighting with lightsabers and such IRL. After spending most of the film trying to convert Rey to Sitholicism, he ends up switching sides himself after Leia Organa spends her last bits of energy reaching him via the force. He has a beautiful—if unnecessary and confusing—scene with his father Han Solo, where they exchange the classic Solo love declaration. And from there, Kylo Ren is saved and is Ben Solo once more. With his goodness once again restored, Ben travels to Exogol to help Rey in her fight against Palpatine. It doesn't go great. Palpatine sucks the life out of both Ben and Rey. Palpatine also blasts Ben into a pit.

Does kylo ren die

Having become intrinsically tied together in The Last Jedi , Rey sees the good in Ben and is desperate to turn him back to the light but, equally, Kylo senses the conflict within Rey and believes she can rule the First Order by his side. This connection is eventually revealed to be a Force Dyad as well as passionate, unbridled sexual energy, apparently and has been exploited by Palpatine in his attempts to make Rey ascend to the Sith throne and become his host. However, Palpatine seems to underestimate the strength of Rey and Ben's emotional connection, and the duo stand together as one against the Emperor. Palpatine hits Ben with a Force push, sending him crashing down a chasm, and Rey is left to tackle her grandfather's lightning blast alone, until the voices of the Jedi power her towards victory. The strain of besting Palpatine takes its toll, and Rey collapses to the ground, lifeless.

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Confused, he pointed his lightsaber in the Jedi Master's direction and moved forward until the blade harmlessly passed through his uncle again, revealing that Skywalker was not actually present for the battle; he had been projecting himself through the Force from Ahch-To. Empire's End: Aftermath Chuck Wendig. John Saavedra johnsjr9. A trooper reported sensor readings in Hangar , which meant Rey could be there. Despite the fact that the Emperor has regained his powers, Rey is still ultimately able to defeat him, with a little help from the thousands of generations of Jedi that have come before. Unbeknownst to Ren, he had carried out a Sith trial of ascendancy , a trial that required the sacrifice of a loved one to unlock newfound depths of dark power. He boarded the Falcon and sat on the pilot's seat, looking for anything that may lead him to Solo's whereabouts. When Rey escaped and reclaimed her lightsaber, their duel continued until Yoda's holocron, the very same one Ren had assumed destroyed in the blaze of Skywalker's temple, played before them. Realizing that a saboteur was responsible for their predicament, the two rivals began bickering over which of them was at fault. Shortly after having a vision of his father that encourages him toward a path of redemption, Ben sheds the moniker, tosses his saber into the ocean, and sets out on a path toward joining Rey in her crusade against the resurrected Darth Sidious. Though she only whispers his name, it seems to draw Kylo back from the brink of darkness. A mortally wounded Han Solo touched his son's face one last time before falling to his death in the bowels of the oscillator. It had all been a plot to draw Rey, the means to find Luke Skywalker, right into Snoke's hands. It's his version of, 'I'm just a girl standing in front of a guy'

Driven to destroy the past, Kylo killed his father and his master, supplanting Snoke as Supreme Leader.

It's his version of, 'I'm just a girl standing in front of a guy' Like my father before me: the definitive Skywalker family tree. Share: Share on Facebook opens in a new tab Share on Twitter opens in a new tab Share on Linkedin opens in a new tab Share on email opens in a new tab Comment: Comments count: 0. He is an exceptional student and demonstrates an unparalleled aptitude with the Force, whether it be in sparring or meditation. His wingmen , however, had no such qualms—ever loyal to the First Order, they launched their rockets in Ren's place upon the bridge. Believing Ben to be responsible for the Temple's destruction, Voe attacks Ben, leading to Hennix being injured in the melee. Before he knew it, a vision of Rey appeared before him. After Rey escapes, Ren frames her for Snoke's assassination, uses the Force to choke Hux until he acknowledges Ren as the new Supreme Leader of the First Order, and orders his forces to attack the Resistance base on Crait. In the presence of CF, Ren repeatedly noted that he sensed disturbances in the Force. Solo dejectedly informed them about Skywalker's actions and responded angrily when he assumed Voe was questioning his power in comparison to their master's. Ren's actions sent shock waves through his family. He turned about face and said he had been waiting for this eventuality. A guilt-ridden Rey also sensing Leia's death uses the Force to heal Ren and leaves aboard his ship, after telling him that she wanted to take Ben Solo's hand, but not Kylo Ren's. Believing himself victorious, Ren called Hux a coward and told him to come out from wherever he was hiding, but a second norwood ambushed him and ultimately rendered the dark warrior unconscious, at which point the Alderaanian exile Bylsma emerged and prevented the norwoods from killing Ren.

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