Does sofie dossi have a spine

Sofie Clarice Dossi born June 21, is an American actress, contortionistaerialistYouTuber, dancer, singer, and internet personality. Inshe rose to fame on the eleventh season of America's Got Talent.

I'm a Florida-based mom of three, TV host, and entrepreneur who specializes in travel, beauty, and lifestyle. Follow along as I share my latest recipes, Amazon finds, and new favorite books. I recently met someone who works for a very prominent doctor in Palm Beach who focuses on treating back pain. I was doing some SEO keyword research for the office and found that a ridiculous amount of people are searching to see if Sofie Dossi has a spine. Sofie Dossi has quite the YouTube channel and right there it says she is a contortionist. She even has a video on her channel explaining this question of whether or not she has a spine.

Does sofie dossi have a spine

Contortionist Sofie Dossi is back! Returning to the America's Got Talent stage to compete on the new Champions spinoff , the year-old gymnast first made a name for herself on the show in for doing all sorts of dangerous acts while bending her body in super-human ways. So, how does she do it? Does Sofie Dossi even have a spine?! While the answer to the second question is obviously "yes," the reason she's able to pose like a human pretzel is a bit more complicated. According to Dr. Charla Fischer , M. Given that Sofie is a self-taught contortionist who began performing within a year of picking up the art, it's safe to assume that she falls into this category. Fischer explains. Fischer says you don't necessarily have to have a medical issue to be really flexible. Of course, this isn't to say that Sofie hasn't worked super hard to get where she is. But training aside, Dr. Fischer makes it clear that everyone has a certain "degree of flexibility" that they can reach in their lifetime.

Given that Sofie is a self-taught contortionist who began performing within a year of picking up the art, it's safe to assume that she falls into this category. As of May [update]her YouTube channel has 8. Maybe I need to stretch my spine.


Fischer was recently interviewed by GoodHousekeeping. You must be logged in to post a comment. Read More Accessibility modes Epilepsy Safe Mode Epilepsy Safe Mode Dampens color and removes blinks This mode enables people with epilepsy to use the website safely by eliminating the risk of seizures that result from flashing or blinking animations and risky color combinations. Cognitive Disability Mode Cognitive Disability Mode Helps to focus on specific content This mode provides different assistive options to help users with cognitive impairments such as Dyslexia, Autism, CVA, and others, to focus on the essential elements of the website more easily. A screen-reader is software for blind users that is installed on a computer and smartphone, and websites must be compatible with it. These guidelines explain how to make web content accessible to people with a wide array of disabilities. Complying with those guidelines helps us ensure that the website is accessible to all people: blind people, people with motor impairments, visual impairment, cognitive disabilities, and more.

Does sofie dossi have a spine

October 13, Brandon Callahan. Back Injuries. She is known for her extreme flexibility and her ability to contort her body into seemingly impossible positions. While there is no official diagnosis, there is strong evidence to suggest that Sofie Dossi suffers from scoliosis, a condition which causes the spine to curve to the side. This can result in pain, deformity, and difficulty moving. While Sofie Dossi has never openly discussed her scoliosis, it is clear that it does not stop her from performing amazing feats of contortion and hand balancing.

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As of May [update] , her YouTube channel has 8. Now, if you really want to get into it and find out more about what stretching does to and for your body, check out this video. Hollywood Life. Sofie Dossi appeared in season 14 where she collaborated with singer Bianca Ryan and violinist Brian King Joseph during the first quarterfinals of the season where she did her aerial performance in the background. Fischer explains. Retrieved December 28, View full post on Youtube. I'm a Florida-based mom of three, TV host, and entrepreneur who specializes in travel, beauty, and lifestyle. August 18, at pm. I'm Christina! Actress contortionist aerialist dancer internet personality singer. Contents move to sidebar hide. Archived from the original on November 7, Hold this stretch for a few seconds before switching to the other side.

I'm a Florida-based mom of three, TV host, and entrepreneur who specializes in travel, beauty, and lifestyle. Follow along as I share my latest recipes, Amazon finds, and new favorite books.

Who is Sofie Dossi? Dossi in May She did not make the finals' top Fischer explains. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Sofie Dossi. I know. Everything 'America's Got Talent'. In , she rose to fame on the eleventh season of America's Got Talent. Retrieved February 27, International Business Times. In , America's Got Talent featured Dossi, then 14, on the show's 11th season, where she performed various feats of flexibility, strength, and dexterity. Keeping your back flat on the floor, rotate your hips to the left, lowering your legs down to the floor until a gentle stretch is felt. I'm a Florida-based mom of three, TV host, and entrepreneur who specializes in travel, beauty, and lifestyle. Best and Worst States for Working Moms ยป. Dossi ventured into pop music with the release of her debut single, "Bunny", on August 19,

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