Dog ate silicone toy

Puppies are known for eating all kinds of non-edible things, dog ate silicone toy, and sometimes these can cause serious complications. They may eat something accidentally when a piece of a toy breaks off or something falls onto the ground without the owner's knowledge. Foreign body obstruction in puppies can be a medical emergency that can end your puppy's life if immediate attention is not received. Here's what to do if your puppy or adult dog swallows something they shouldn't have.

Posted by Lora Shaw on November 8, The calmer you can react, the better things will be for you and your dog. In addition to chew toys, plush toys, and squeakers, dogs have also been known to eat common household items including underwear, fruit pits, gravel, golf balls, socks, corn cobs, plastic gadgets, magnets, and pennies. A dog who has swallowed a toy will often exhibit some of the following symptoms :. Unfortunately, if your dog swallows a toy, there can be further complications that come along.

Dog ate silicone toy

If your dog swallowed something toxic or potentially toxic, such as antifreeze , chocolate , medications, supplements, rat poisons, or drugs in any form, contact your veterinarian or ASPCA Animal Poison Control immediately. If your dog is having trouble breathing or has any other serious symptoms, contact your veterinarian right away. Although some objects may be small enough to swallow and pass through the digestive tract with minor consequences, others may be toxic, get stuck, or do damage at some point—in the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, or intestines. Left untreated, swallowed objects can be fatal. Any sudden onset of choking that affects respiration must be dealt with immediately. Here is a general guide for dealing with swallowed objects:. The doctor may be able to induce vomiting or retrieve the object from the stomach before serious problems set in. Never induce vomiting yourself without first speaking to a veterinarian. Many objects and chemicals are more dangerous if vomited. You will need to take your dog to the vet immediately to have them sedated so the object can be removed safely.

For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet. And for puppies able to crunch up the object, pieces of wood or bone may prove hazardous.


Owning a furry friend is akin to caring for a young child. With a playful and curious nature, dogs may inadvertently find themselves in trouble if left unsupervised. In particular, ingesting foreign objects such as rubber toys can pose a significant risk to their health and well-being. This can lead to obstructions in the digestive tract, infections, and peritonitis, and if not correctly removed, it can lead to death. Although the rubber sometimes passes undigested, take your pet to the vet as soon as possible if they swallow rubber. However, if your dog eats tiny bits of rubber or small rubber bands, they can pass through their digestive tract without digestion and be eliminated. If you ever see your dog swallowing rubber pieces or if there is evidence that they ate rubber, you must immediately be concerned. There are several critical conditions associated with eating pieces of rubber. The effects caused by swallowing rubber can change from dog to dog depending on size and age.

Dog ate silicone toy

Your kids are playing in the yard with a small bouncy ball they got at the arcade. Suddenly they come in to let you know the dog ate the ball. What should you do? While tiny pieces of rubber may pass through the gut without problems, this material can also cause significant problems. If your dog swallows a rubber ball, rubber band, or all or part of some other rubber toy, you should contact your veterinarian. For example, a large dog such as a German Shepherd that eats one small rubber band or a tiny piece of a chewed-up rubber ball may have no difficulty.

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Specific signs depend on where the blockage is located and the type of object. Even with one hand on the upper jaw and the other on the lower, any dog can bite, so use every precaution. Top 10 Emergencies for Cats and Dogs. Signs may come and go for days or weeks if the blockage is not complete and food can pass around it. If the dog is lying down on their side, place one hand on their back for support and use the other hand just below the sternum to quickly push the abdomen up and forward several times in a row After performing the Heimlich maneuver, check the dog's mouth and remove any objects that may have been dislodged using the steps described above. If the dog is choking, check their mouth for foreign objects that may be lodged there. If your dog is having trouble breathing or has any other serious symptoms, contact your veterinarian right away. Place garbage cans, medications, and other dangerous substances behind closed and locked, if necessary! By PetMD Editorial. An object caught in the stomach or intestines tends to cause vomiting, lethargy, and dehydration, all of which need medical attention from a veterinarian. Look inside the mouth and sweep your finger from the back of the mouth forward to try to remove the obstruction.


Puppy-proof your home by thinking like your dog, so that you won't be caught off guard when your dog eats the rubber bumpers off the door stops. Puppies explore their world by mouthing, tasting, and chewing , so sometimes they swallow foreign objects that can make them sick. String, thread with or without the needle , fishing hooks and lines, Christmas tree tinsel, and yarn are extremely dangerous. The most important thing to know if your pet swallows a toy, or if you suspect they have, is that time is of the essence. The best course is preventing your dog from swallowing dangerous items. Some puppies outgrow indiscriminate munching, but others will continue to swallow inedible items in adulthood. Place your closed fist just under their ribcage with your other hand on top. The intestines propel food using muscle contractions called peristalsis that move through the entire length of the intestine kind of like an earthworm to help push the contents through. Or, a part of a string may be caught on the intestines with the end hanging out of the anus. At Pet Palace, we offer more than just dog sitting, and we take care of each pet as if they were our own. Posted by Lora Shaw on November 8, The dog refuses food and immediately throws up anything he or she drinks.

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