Dream daddy robert

Let me make one thing clear: you sleep with Zaddy Robert and you ruin your chances with him. You first run into this stud at the local bar, dream daddy robert. Kindly wish him a goodnight and make your way home.

Dream Daddy -- the dating simulator where the eligible bachelors are dads who conveniently all live in the same neighborhood. There are a variety of different dad-types the player can choose to pursue: the outdoorsy dad, the cool dad, the goth dad And then there's the bad boy dad, Robert. Robert loves drinking, whittling, and getting into trouble. His dislikes include small talk and emotional affection. The former might be something the player can handle, but the latter of the two dislikes is worrisome for a game that's supposed to be centered around falling in love.

Dream daddy robert

Dream Daddy was a smash-hit dating simulator when it was first released on July 20, Described as "A Dad Dating Simulator," the game follows the player's "Dadsona" as they attempt to, well, date other dads, all while trying to be the best father they can be for their daughter, Amanda. With seven dateable dads, there are lots of options to choose from when it comes to romance! But Robert Small, cryptid dad extraordinaire, is one option that players fell in love with immediately. His bad boy exterior is tough to crack, but underneath lies a hoard of secrets. So what don't we know about Knife Dad? It might be hard to spot at first, especially since his hand is usually covered by the text box, but Robert has a sneaky little tattoo on the back of his left hand. If you look closely, you can see the edges of a circle with a dot in the middle and some spokes poking out of it like a wheel or a sunburst. During your first meeting with Robert at the bar, you have the option to "Compliment his hand tattoo. After the player asks what it means, Robert says it's a "reminder. This lovable little Boston terrier is named Betsy, and despite what Robert may joke, she's his dog! If you're on Robert's route, you'll first hear about Betsy during Robert's second date when he spins the tale of the mysterious Dover Ghost.

Dream daddy robert as the "Bad Dad" option, Robert is an aloof widower with a macabre sense of humour. Because that guy will put a knife right in it. What's most interesting, though, is Robert's supposed role in Joseph's murderous plot.

Robert Small is one of the dateable dads in Dream Daddy. Coined as the "Bad Dad" option, Robert is an aloof widower with a macabre sense of humour. His favourite pastimes include drinking whiskey and toying with people by way of the elaborate, often shocking stories he makes up to get a reaction. Robert is rebellious, quick-witted, and reluctant to talk about anything too serious. Perhaps it is because of these qualities that he is friends with Mary despite having had an affair with her husband, Joseph.

Let me make one thing clear: you sleep with Zaddy Robert and you ruin your chances with him. You first run into this stud at the local bar. Kindly wish him a goodnight and make your way home. Remember, you want to S-Rank his dates. Be strong. Though you want to get eggplant emojis from Robert, getting into his bed too early will leave you with black mist. First Meeting. Robert charms you with his knowledge about whatever sport is playing and his ability to drink whiskey like a man. Heart emojis will fly.

Dream daddy robert

However, deep down beneath that layer of grit resides a hidden soft side. Again, make whichever choices you like until you get to the Dadbook section. Pick Robert. When he texts you, select the following responses:. Next, go through the options with Amanda picking whichever responses you like.

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Other than that, players have to rely on head-canons and fan theories to fill in the rest of the blanks. Sign In Register. Robert will invite you to get drunk at the same bar. There are a variety of different dad-types the player can choose to pursue: the outdoorsy dad, the cool dad, the goth dad Additionally, I think in the final scene Robert kicks you out if you sleep with him because he's using sex as a defense mechanism to keep you at a distance especially since Mary tells you he's in a bad place, and he acts veeery weird up until he's suddenly all over you. Discover Maple Bay. Minden jog fenntartva. He will eggplant. Is that what two friends do? Bring it up. How do I put this? And I think you of all people deserve a little forgiveness.

Robert Small is one of the dateable dads in Dream Daddy. Coined as the "Bad Dad" option, Robert is an aloof widower with a macabre sense of humour. His favourite pastimes include drinking whiskey and toying with people by way of the elaborate, often shocking stories he makes up to get a reaction.

Robert will, of course, be obnoxious during the movie. Dream Daddy. If you look closely, you can see the edges of a circle with a dot in the middle and some spokes poking out of it like a wheel or a sunburst. Robert : And I suppose two friends just spend the night out on a private yacht together, being buds, chatting about friendship. Joseph : I made a hasty decision. After that, he'll help the player home. Every dateable dad gets a minigame, and Robert is no different. It might be hard to spot at first, especially since his hand is usually covered by the text box, but Robert has a sneaky little tattoo on the back of his left hand. Though it is possible to get a good ending with him, it's harder than any of the other dads due to a choice you can make almost immediately. What did you think about Robert? Explore Wikis Community Central. Bad ending 2 : if the player sleeps with Robert on the first day, they'll become "friends with benefits" as Robert will say during Amanda's party, they were just objects to each other. For all they know, it could be Mothman out there — it probably felt pretty rejected! Always pick whiskey. Brian Mat Joseph Hugo Craig.

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