duck mounting kit

Duck mounting kit

Our kits are designed to provide you with all the necessary supplies to complete the mounting process. Kits also do not include duck mounting kit and other finishing materials you may need to complete the project. Please specify form size desired. Instructions are not included-see Books and Videos.

Created by EasyFlow Product Options. Save money and time! Our bird mounting kits include Wildlife Illusions bird body and head with eyes by Cory Caruthers, world renowned bird taxidermist. Email: matuskataxidermy gmail. We cover "How-To" seminars on everything taxidermy. Each seminar is one hour long!

Duck mounting kit


Bone Whitening Kit Used for whitening bones and skulls to produce outstanding trophy mounts.


Created by EasyFlow Product Options. Save money and time! Our bird mounting kits include Wildlife Illusions bird body and head with eyes by Cory Caruthers, world renowned bird taxidermist. Email: matuskataxidermy gmail. We cover "How-To" seminars on everything taxidermy. Each seminar is one hour long! Looks like you haven't added anything to your cart yet. Continue shopping. Your cart 0.

Duck mounting kit

Cypress Slough Taxidermy is your premier duck taxidermy service in the state of Texas. Cypress Slough Taxidermy offers a variety of custom wood duck mounts. Whether your hunting in your home state or coming to Texas, Cypress Slough Taxidermy is ready to mount your trophy wood duck or other waterfowl species. Contact CS Taxidermy to discuss your custom wood duck mount pose and habitat design to create a true one of a kind piece. We meticulously clean and flesh each bird prior to mounting, then individually move each feather into position so that the bird is posed in a natural position. All duck legs and feet are injected to give them a natural lifelike appearance. Even more than big game, ducks, geese, and upland birds require careful handling and storage if you want to preserve them for taxidermy work. Delicate feathers and bones can crease and break much more easily than hair or hardened antler.

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Your cart 0. Step-by-step instructions here Foster Antler Mounting Kit This method uses a plastic cover over the skull plate and is fastened with nails. Facebook Pinterest Instagram YouTube. Bird Heads. The more difficult method of the two but more commonly used by taxidermist. Stay up-to-date on sales, new products, and back in stock items! Wood Duck. Teal - Blue Wing. Hardwood Products. Tan your own skins, complete directions with each kit. Instructions included.


Stay up-to-date on sales, new products, and back in stock items! Bone Whitening Kit Used for whitening bones and skulls to produce outstanding trophy mounts. Email: matuskataxidermy gmail. What's New. Tom's Favorites. Flying Kit. How-To DVD. Teal - Blue Wing. Submit Customer Mounts. Our bird mounting kits include Wildlife Illusions bird body and head with eyes by Cory Caruthers, world renowned bird taxidermist. Cart 0. Matuska Exclusive Brands.

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