dws invest euro corporate bonds

Dws invest euro corporate bonds

Financial Times Close.

The aim of the investment policy is to achieve sustainable capital growth that outperforms the benchmark index iBoxx Euro Corporate. To this end, the Fund invests primarily in investment-grade corporate bonds denominated in Euros or hedged against the Euro. The investment universe is among others defined by environmental and social aspects and principles of good corporate governance. The fund is intended for the growth-oriented investor seeking returns higher than those from capital-market interest rates, with capital growth generated primarily through opportunities in the equity and currency markets. Security and liquidity are subordinate to potential high returns. This entails higher equity, interest-rate and currency risks, as well as default risks, all of which can result in loss of capital.

Dws invest euro corporate bonds

The major part of the portfolio is invested in "investment grade" bonds. The fund is intended for the growth-oriented investor seeking returns higher than those from capital-market interest rates, with capital growth generated primarily through opportunities in the equity and currency markets. Security and liquidity are subordinate to potential high returns. This entails higher equity, interest-rate and currency risks, as well as default risks, all of which can result in loss of capital. Large Medium Small. Value Blend Growth. Explanations and model calculation Acceptance: An investor would like to purchase units for Euro. Since the fund does not have an issue surcharge, he must pay euros for it. The gross value development BVI method takes into account all costs incurred at fund level, the net value development also takes into account the front-end load; further costs may be incurred at investor level e. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Download whole history. Download history of selected period.

Internal Server Error Please check your entries in the highlighted fields. If it had not been for the flurry of new issues, we might have ended even tighter.

The major part of the portfolio is invested in "investment grade" bonds. The fund is intended for the growth-oriented investor seeking returns higher than those from capital-market interest rates, with capital growth generated primarily through opportunities in the equity and currency markets. Security and liquidity are subordinate to potential high returns. This entails higher equity, interest-rate and currency risks, as well as default risks, all of which can result in loss of capital. Large Medium Small.

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Dws invest euro corporate bonds

If the details are unavailable, the Sub-Fund has not engaged in securities lending transactions during the previous 30 days. As part of the new rules, investment firms are required to identify or review and refine, as the case may be, the target market for each financial instrument they distribute. This means that they have to specify the type s of client for whose needs, characteristics and objectives the financial instrument is compatible. Further, MiFID II introduces new cost disclosure requirements which aim at increasing cost transparency for investors on a quantitative as well as on a qualitative level. Accordingly, investment firms have to disclose all relevant costs to the client; i. The costs have to be aggregated and provided ex-ante i. The asset management companies pertaining to DWS support this process by delivering relevant data to the investment firms to enable them to fulfil their new legal obligations. To provide an enhanced level of transparency, the target market and material product cost related MiFID II data are additionally displayed here below with regard to the relevant investment fund. The following data is provided on a voluntary basis only and may as such, without further explanations and additional information, i.

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August did not offer comfort to either risk assets or to corporate bonds: Apart from increased rate volatility, several other credit relevant factors caused credit spreads to widen. Market Capitalization Large Medium Small. Annex to the pre-contractual information pursuant to SFDR. Also, on the 24th South Carolina will hold its Republican presidential primary. As mentioned, it was a busy month for new supply including 2 inaugural Euro issuers, which came cheap levels, where we participated. IMF and World Bank annual meetings takes place from the 8th to the 12th. We are entering with spread of bp above government, which is above the year average and on the 5-year average Conversely, the strong new issue activity after the summer pause was met by solid investor demand for attractive new issues, which — on the back of higher benchmark interest rates — are looking increasingly attractive not only in spread terms, but also with all-in yields not seen in more than a decade. Top 5 holdings. The move was symptomatic for October and, for that matter September: Mark everything ultra defensively and then ask the questions.


Financial instrument according to Article 2 No. Show more Personal Finance link Personal Finance. Lower rated names were the largest contributor with the bulk of the active performing coning from BBB and BB, where we hold a reasonably large overweight OW. Security and liquidity are subordinate to potential high returns. Find more information here 2. In Technology we took profits on a few underperformers which had recovered strongly in November and December, we are still OW the sector. We added further to the overweight in Retail since the sector has become very cheap in compared to similar pseudo cyclical sectors. Estimates of performance fees are marked with a higher degree of uncertainty, as the remuneration amount is dependent on the specific performance of the investment in the future. The few new issues that did come, came at a large discount, causing secondary bonds to widen. The overall risk in the portfolio remained unchanged during the month. The name subsequently recovered a part of the widening, but not all. Please check your entries in the highlighted fields.

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