emma watson leaked nude

Emma watson leaked nude

Beauty and the Beast star Emma Watson is planning legal action over photos said to have been leaked online, but her representatives on Wednesday denied reports that the pictures showed the British actress nude. They are not nude photographs. Social media and blog posts have claimed that naked images of Watson have been posted this week on an anonymous document-sharing network. It was not clear what action her lawyers are planning, or against whom, emma watson leaked nude.

Emma Watson is taking legal action after dozens of private images of her appeared online. A spokesman for the Beauty and the Beast star confirmed the pictures - which show her trying on various outfits - were stolen. Lawyers have been instructed and we are not commenting further. News of the theft comes a week after Watson sparked fierce debate over whether she was anti-feminist for exposing part of her breasts in a Vanity Fair photoshoot. Emma Watson responded to claims she is anti-feminist by admitting she was 'confused' by the comments. The actress was previously threatened in with a leak of nude images, after a speech she gave on gender equality as a UN Ambassador for Women.

Emma watson leaked nude


It was not clear what action her lawyers are planning, or against whom.


Emma Watson has been the victim of a recent photo hack, and private photos of the actress have been leaked online. Watson's spokesperson confirmed to The Telegraph that images of the actress had been stolen. But, the rep clarified, they were not nudes. In fact, the pictures in question are "from a clothes fitting Emma had with a stylist a couple of years ago. Actress Amanda Seyfried is also rumored to have been affected by the hack, but no one representing her has confirmed that.

Emma watson leaked nude

After a secret Facebook group was revealed to have been posting thousands of nude photos of female Marines , a publicist has confirmed that a trove of private images of Emma Watson have been stolen and leaked on the Internet. Lawyers have been instructed and we are not commenting further. If this all sounds familiar, it might be because Watson has already been at the center of a similar scandal in the past. The threat was later revealed to be a hoax. The law needs to be changed, and we need to change. Fittingly enough, just this morning, a new report revealed that only 11 percent of cybersecurity professionals are female.

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Sign In. Sources say Birender Singh may also join Congress, as he did in Follow Us. Image source, AFP. Is Emma Watson anti-feminist for exposing her breasts? This video can not be played To play this video you need to enable JavaScript in your browser. Lawyers have been instructed and we are not commenting further. Watson, 26, who made her name as a child star playing Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies, found herself at the center of a social media controversy earlier this month over a photo shoot she did for Vanity Fair magazine that included a picture in which parts of her breasts were exposed. Video, Emma Watson 'confused' by controversy. It was not clear what action her lawyers are planning, or against whom. Cordelia drugs raid: Court denies bail to Nigerian national. Emma Watson 'terrified' as Hermione. Opinion Prosperity is good, poverty horrible. Emma Watson 'confused' by controversy. Emma Watson in call for equality.

Surprisingly well, for Hollywood, at least , Watson has remained relatively modest.

Watson, 26, who made her name as a child star playing Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies, found herself at the center of a social media controversy earlier this month over a photo shoot she did for Vanity Fair magazine that included a picture in which parts of her breasts were exposed. Sign In. They are not nude photographs. Emma Watson responded to claims she is anti-feminist by admitting she was 'confused' by the comments. Watson hit back, saying feminism was about choice. View all shorts. Image source, AFP. Tags: emma watson. Last month, a man in the US was jailed for nine months for hacking into the online accounts of celebrities, including Jennifer Lawrence, and stealing private information, including nude videos and photos. Emma Watson 'confused' by controversy. A spokesman for the Beauty and the Beast star confirmed the pictures - which show her trying on various outfits - were stolen. News of the theft comes a week after Watson sparked fierce debate over whether she was anti-feminist for exposing part of her breasts in a Vanity Fair photoshoot. The actress was previously threatened in with a leak of nude images, after a speech she gave on gender equality as a UN Ambassador for Women. Technology Under A Thousand: The perfect power bank got even more pocket-friendly. Video, Emma Watson 'confused' by controversy.

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