eunwoo crazy sexy cool

Eunwoo crazy sexy cool

ASTRO's Cha Eun Woo known for his various talents such as singing, dancing, and acting is gearing up for his journey as a soloist with his debut album all set to release in

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Eunwoo crazy sexy cool


The group had … read more.


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Eunwoo crazy sexy cool

Well, it's not in a while since my album was released, so I tried to show you more songs from the album. On March 30, the artist will be celebrating his 27th birthday. AROHAs took the chance to greet Eun Woo a happy birthday in person during his fan concert, 14 days prior to his birthday. As the show draws to a close, Eun Woo promises his fans to show everyone the best of him and to come back more often. Now that I've come to this point, I realize how important all of you are, and I'm so happy that I've reached to this point in our relationship that we are able to influence one another ," he shared.

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