eve online salvage ship

Eve online salvage ship

Hello fellow capsuleers. This guide is focused on salvaging without a Noctis and very low investment. Aimed to help out newer players in e. This allows me to target 6 or 7 wrecks with 8 or so salvagers and start all salvagers in about eve online salvage ship second or so.

Before you start reading: This short guide was written with the assumption that an MTU Mobile Tractor Unit was set and bookmarked in the site to pull all wrecks together at one spot. So no Tractor Beams in the fittings. Also keep in mind that you can not use Salvage Drones with an Alpha Account. At first you need to fit a ship for the task. Most people use a destroyer such as the Algos.

Eve online salvage ship

I was thinking, If one lose a BS like the Leshak, or a Freighter, a Titan… The wrecks from these ships can be salvaged, but do they give away some of the immensely costly modules parts that are required to build the ships? To my knowledge no… the salvage operations just give some parts, usually never the expensive and rare parts that have been introduced with the latest industry patch…. Of course these modules could be damaged to various degrees, but once in a th could turn out ok…?? And destroy the industry for these items just so you can get them cheaper from the market? Say I lose a Dramavik in a Pve site, what am I going to be able to salvage from my wreck?? Say I lose a Marauder in a Pve site… what are my best estimates for salvaging these Blue parts?? Higher tier wrecks like T2 ships such as that Marauder require a high salvage chance to access. Usualoy you can get that with salvage rigs on your salvage ship, but you may require good salvaging skills as well. If you want to find out, you could self destruct a bunch of Marauders on the test server and see what the salvage is on average. This topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed. Salvaging expensive parts from expensive ships? Queotzcatl Queotzcatl December 23, , am 1. Greetings I was thinking, If one lose a BS like the Leshak, or a Freighter, a Titan… The wrecks from these ships can be salvaged, but do they give away some of the immensely costly modules parts that are required to build the ships? Looting gets you the expensive modules that dropped.

Some of those large nullsec battles have a lot of wrecks that might despawn over the course of the battle, so creating a location where they pop up again creates a resource players could fight over, eve online salvage ship. So they are empty when you enter the site or do they still have the loot that dropped when they were created?

Being a new pilot in Eve is tough, especially on the wallet. As with everything else in Eve you need to get the salvaging skill. Next, you need the Salvage I modules for your ship. Then, once you find a wreck you lock it up and press the salvage module! There is also a ship called the Noctis that gives a bunch of bonuses such as a bonus in tractor beam speed and range as well as a bonus to the salvage cycle time.

With a Salvager fitted to your ship, you can attempt to salvage usable parts from wrecked ships in space. Using these salvaged parts, you can manufacture rigs. To salvage from a wrecked ship, you need to have the Salvaging skill trained to at least level 1, and you need to have a Salvager fitted on your ship. Each level of the Salvaging skill increases the chance of a successful salvage per cycle of your Salvager module. To use a Salvager, target a wrecked ship, remove any loot from the cargohold it will automatically get put into a jetcan if you Salvage before looting , and then get at least 5, meters away from the wreck. Activate your Salvager module and wait for it to finish a cycle. After the salvager finishes a cycle, you see one of three messages these are paraphrased; I don't remember the exact wording of the messages :. If you get the third message, your cargo hold will now have the salvaged items in it. If you get the first message, you should let your Salvager continue to cycle until you have received the second or third message.

Eve online salvage ship

Being a new pilot in Eve is tough, especially on the wallet. As with everything else in Eve you need to get the salvaging skill. Next, you need the Salvage I modules for your ship. Then, once you find a wreck you lock it up and press the salvage module! There is also a ship called the Noctis that gives a bunch of bonuses such as a bonus in tractor beam speed and range as well as a bonus to the salvage cycle time. There are several that have 8 high slots. A salvage 1 module on average goes for about , isk more or less depending on where in New Eden you buy it so starting out you might want to go the route of 7 guns and 1 salvager. Alternatively, you can go 8 guns and carry 1 salvager in the hold. Only going with 1 salvager does mean you have to spend more time salvaging, but you can buy more salvagers when you earn more isk and then you can change them out so you can salvage faster. Just remember when you set it up and change into your salvagers to scoop your mobile depo.

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Otherwise it will just drop the loot somewhere in space, never to be found, before moving on the next wreck. It has the advantage of 6 high slots for salvage modules and the drone bay as well as the bandwidth to use the maximum of 5 Salvage Drones. I will quote your explanation in the guide. Once you have gotten your feet wet, feel free to tweak this setup - you can fit five tractor beams and three salvagers if your salvaging skills are very good i. And more wrecks being salvaged means rigs will get a lot cheaper means pvp ships become cheaper. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It is possible to salvage without a tractor beam, but these modules make salvaging a lot easier. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. All rights reserved. As to the op, it would be cool if the salvage ships suggested were actually drone ships. I also had the thought the sites would consume the wrecks and salvage to produce ships and also act as the justification for the site upgrades. Their base chance is just not as high as the one you get with ship modules. To salvage more distant wrecks, pilots either need to fly closer to them or use a tractor beam to pull them closer. Besides providing excellent social content, bringing along a fellow corporation member or out of corp friend to help salvage and loot will not only dissuade the ninja salvagers and looters, but it strength in numbers might also make them think twice before trying to play suspect games. There are only so many systems people ist in and do Security missions.

But of course, salvaging bring important materials used in Industry, so you will always find someone who want what you can retrieve from NPC wrecks. Before continuing, please answers some questions : are you in Alpha or Omega state? How do you salvage do you bring the same ship for missioning ans salvaging or different ones?

It's not uncommon for griefers to ship scan mission runners, especially if they are more interested in trying to goad you into taking a fight. But keep in mind, that there is a diminishing return for fitting more than one of the same rig. That said, sometimes you will face an inexperienced ninja looter, or you're simply feeling adventurous that day wanting to see if you can outplay them. Before you start reading: This short guide was written with the assumption that an MTU Mobile Tractor Unit was set and bookmarked in the site to pull all wrecks together at one spot. Or you do it like this smart fellow mainly using your keyboard: It may not be the most profitable way to earn ISK, but it surely is a way. Bookmarking MTUs is always a good idea. Fly safe. You can easily adjust the range on the fly to suit your needs. Excellent guide to help teach Alphas and new pilots how to Salvage. By warping out, any remaining NPC rats will switch to attacking the ninja salvager. Outside Jita, that won't flag you as hostile. It could even be too high of an income for HighSec at all, depending on how fast you can do the sites.

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