Evil superman comic

When it comes to heroism in the DC Universe, evil superman comic, Superman has set the gold standard on what a superhero is supposed to be. Despite having the powers of a god, Clark Kent is guided by his rigid moral structure and only uses his extraordinary abilities for the betterment of the world.

As a paragon of good, it's weirdly natural for DC Comics' Superman to have a vast array of dark reflections. Even Godzilla has a large number of evil opposites, and the Man of Steel's been around a lot longer than the Atomic Dinosaur. Across the face of DC Comics, and even beyond, various versions of Superman have flirted with corruption and sometimes embraced it. Superman's evil alternates include a surprising number of DC characters since the company evidently can't get enough of good guys turned bad. The category also comprises pastiches and copycats from other comic companies.

Evil superman comic

Superman is the hero of heroes, the symbol of hope, and the figure who changed the superhero subgenre forever. Without him, there would be no Batman or Iron Man to lead their own comics, movies, and shows. Superman is such a beloved figure due to his altruistic point of view and great adventures featuring his powers. However, in recent years, the world has become fond of deconstructing Superman and turning the idea of the character into that of a villain. So many comic books, movies, TV shows, and video games create Superman-esque characters to be evil. Updated on March 23rd, by Melody MacReady : With Homelander getting a third season with The Boys and the animated spin-off known as Diabolical; the trope of evil versions of Superman and other equivalents continues. They might not be labeled as Superman but they follow the same role or design or powerset that makes them resemble Superman. Whether they were villainous from the start or turned evil due to circumstances, it does not matter. There are even other alternate universe versions of the actual Superman who went down the wrong path. Imagine if Superman was a spoiled, pampered celebrity who puts on a nice face for the camera but is a loathsome megalomaniac in real life. He looks like he should be the greatest hero in the world and he fakes that rather well.

This frustrated Superboy-Prime so much that he punched through reality and broke into his contemporary continuity.

Debuting all the way back in , Superman has been a huge part of American culture and entertainment. While growing up on a farm, he learned morality and altruism from his adoptive parents. He also learned that Earth's yellow sun gave him extraordinary abilities. Superman went on to become a symbol of hope for the people of Earth, and its most praised hero. However, in some DC stories, Superman takes a darker path that invariably leads to terror and destruction.

Superman is distinct among superheroes as one of the most upstanding role model figures in fiction. That is precisely why so many find the story of an evil Superman so compelling, imbued with a terror at seeing this god-like being turn against humanity or a tragedy at seeing this hero among heroes become a villain. There have been times in the comics where, either of his own free will or the manipulations of a villain, Superman changed from the world's greatest hero to a terrible enemy. DC's many great writers have done this concept justice in many excellent and fascinating stories that play with the concept in unique and creative ways. The Batman classic by Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee saw Batman and Catwoman at one point investigating Poison Ivy, tracking her to Metropolis where they discovered the villain had brainwashed Superman using her newly Kryptonite-infused plant powers. Always prepared, Batman invoked his handy Kryptonite ring to defend himself from the attacking Superman in a tense chase, pulling out all the stops to stay alive. His love for Lois kicked in, overriding his orders and saving her, which broke Ivy's influence. While brief, it was a scary moment when the most powerful superhero of them all suddenly became the minion to one of Batman's rogues.

Evil superman comic

Now that superheroes have conquered the box office, the time is right for a movie like Brightburn. Produced by James Gunn , directed by David Yarovesky , and written by Brian and Mark Gunn , Brightburn is a dark revisioning of the Superman story: an alien boy with fantastic powers, raised by a kindly couple, suddenly turns violent, using his abilities to destroy regular humans. While we cheer when the good guy zaps the baddies with laser eyes or soars across the sky, these people have much greater power than anyone else. We find Brightburn so compelling because it asks that question of the first and greatest superhero, Superman. Born Kal-El of the dying planet Krypton, Superman was sent to Earth as a baby and raised by Kansas farmers Jon and Martha Kent, where he learned the importance of caring for others. Given incredible powers by our yellow sun — including invincibility, unparalleled strength, heat vision, x-ray vision, and a bunch of other stuff writers sometimes make up on the spot — Superman embodies everything good and hopeful about superheroes. By making Superman evil, Brightburn tells the most potent horror story in superhero fiction. If even the best and most powerful of us can go bad, what hope do we have? Inspired by the adventures of the teenage Superboy, the Legion of Super-Heroes consists of idealistic 30th century young people from across the universe using their powers for the good of the galaxy.

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After being exposed, he nearly killed his own son in a battle but abandoned Earth. Once arriving on Earth, he convinces an alcoholic and drug-addicted version of John and Martha Kent to adopt him. Set apart from humanity by his powers, able to hear every whispered misdeed, Plutonian was slowly filled with childish rage and his tantrum tore his world apart. There are so many conceptions of him, each one showing the evolving face of supervillainy. He defeated it, but after his death it eventually returned. By adding a fresh twist to the iconic storyline, fans no longer know what to expect next and are kept on their toes during each epic transformation. This causes a rift between Superman and Batman, which eventually leads to Superman forming a new ideology very similar to the aforementioned Lord Superman. It has since attacked the Kent family and worked with the Superman Revenge Squad. Superman went on to become a symbol of hope for the people of Earth, and its most praised hero. As Superman's "imperfect duplicate," Bizarro is often seen as confused, delusional, or simply stupid; in most stories, Bizarro's logic and understanding of the world are inverted, as is his morality. He even joined Superboy-Prime in the Sinestro Corps, which ended badly for him when Prime used him as a weapon against the Anti-Monitor.

Superman is one of the most noble superheroes in the comic book world today.

While he eventually changed his colors, his acts of villainy made him the foremost evil Superman in many minds. Eventually, Luthor gets replaced by a new Superman before he can do much damage. These evil versions of Superman have murdered countless innocents, ran repressive regimes, and ruled their superhero communities with an iron fist. So many comic books, movies, TV shows, and video games create Superman-esque characters to be evil. His savage attack on his son showed where his loyalties truly lay. However, Rant suffered a devastatingly long exposure to the same substance. He defeated it, but after his death it eventually returned. Updated February 2, , by Levana Chester-Londt: As time goes by, DC has continued to entertain the masses by switching things up a bit, with a winning formula consisting of several unique Superman Alternate Universe narratives. The character dates back to and has gone through many iterations. That evil team is led by Ultraman, Superman's Earth-3 version.

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