
The FI is different from any other F, including those of the U, f-16i.

FI Soufa Storm is a modified variant of the FD block 50 and 52 fighter and ground attack aircraft, with the avionics and weapons systems capability modified to meet the requirements of the Israeli Air Force. Israel ordered 50 FI aircraft in and signed the agreement for an optional additional 52 aircraft in September The production programme, called Peace Marble V, is the fifth acquisition of Fs. The F16I made its maiden flight in December Deliveries were completed at a rate of about two a month over four years, with final delivery in There is a significant level of airframe co-production and avionics component production in Israel for the Soufa and for other variants of the F IAI and Cyclone Aviation Products in Carmiel manufacture the ventral fins, rudders, horizontal stabilisers and engine access doors.


The details of the F variants, along with major modification programs and derivative designs significantly influenced by the F, are described below. The first YF was rolled out at Fort Worth on 13 December and accidentally accomplished its first flight on 21 January , followed by its scheduled "first flight" on 2 February The second prototype first flew on 9 March Over the years, these aircraft have been used as test demonstrators for a variety of research, development and modification study programs. Most were later upgraded to the Block 10 configuration in the early s. There were 94 Block 1, Block 5, and Block 10 aircraft produced. Block 1 is the early production model with the radome painted black. It was discovered that the Block 1 aircraft's black radome became an obvious visual identification cue at long range, so the color of the radome was changed to the low-visibility grey for Block 5 aircraft. During the operation of F Block 1, it was discovered that rainwater could accumulate in certain spots within the fuselage, so drainage holes were drilled in the forward fuselage and tail fin area for Block 5 aircraft. The Soviet Union significantly reduced the export of titanium during the late s, so the manufacturers of the F used aluminum instead wherever practical. New methods were also used: the corrugated aluminum is bolted to the epoxy surface for Block 10 aircraft, replacing the old method of aluminum honeycomb being glued to the epoxy surface used in earlier aircraft. Block 15 is the most numerous variant of the F, with produced. The last one was delivered in to Thailand. Block 25 introduced a very substantial improvement in cockpit avionics, including improved fire-control and stores management computers, an Up-Front Controls UFC integrated data control panel, data-transfer equipment, multifunction displays , radar altimeter , and many other changes.

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Designed as an air superiority day fighter , it evolved into a successful all-weather multirole aircraft with over 4, built since Air Force, improved versions are being built for export. In , General Dynamics sold its aircraft manufacturing business to the Lockheed Corporation , [5] which became part of Lockheed Martin after a merger with Martin Marietta. The F has an internal M61 Vulcan cannon and 11 hardpoints. In addition to active duty in the U. The F has also been procured by the air forces of 25 other nations. US Vietnam War experience showed the need for air superiority fighters and better air-to-air training for fighter pilots.

FI Soufa Storm is a modified variant of the FD block 50 and 52 fighter and ground attack aircraft, with the avionics and weapons systems capability modified to meet the requirements of the Israeli Air Force. Israel ordered 50 FI aircraft in and signed the agreement for an optional additional 52 aircraft in September The production programme, called Peace Marble V, is the fifth acquisition of Fs. The F16I made its maiden flight in December Deliveries were completed at a rate of about two a month over four years, with final delivery in There is a significant level of airframe co-production and avionics component production in Israel for the Soufa and for other variants of the F IAI and Cyclone Aviation Products in Carmiel manufacture the ventral fins, rudders, horizontal stabilisers and engine access doors.


In August of , the government of Israel announced plans to acquire 75 Fs. The first four Fs arrived in Israel in July The first Block 30 F arrived in October In May , a follow-on order was placed for 60 Block 40 Fs, plus an option for 15 more. The first of 50 surplus U. Delivery was completed in late This configuraiton was developed in November in response to Israeli preference for the FI Eagle. The FES featured additional fuel in one 1, liter US gallon; Imp gallon centerline tank and two wing tanks, each 2, litre US gallons; Imp gallons , as well as two conformal tanks. The combat radius extended to in excess of 1, nautical miles 1, km; 1, miles.

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Retrieved 2 June Aircraft Inventory. ABC News. Specific model of the F fighter aircraft family. Retrieved 28 June Block 15 is the most numerous variant of the F, with produced. The working teams will continue their work to prompt the findings of the phenomenon causes and search for a long term solution. Retrieved 25 October Air Force Magazine pdf. The IDF design is by no means a copy of the F, but it was clearly influenced by the F, such as the layout of control surfaces, yet it also features design elements from the F-5, like its twin-engine configuration. The new aircraft is equipped with conformal fuel tanks CFT that extend its flight range and enhance its ability to stay in the air without compromising other flight performances, an APG V X synthetic aperture radar SAR which enables tracking ground targets at any weather, day or night, and avionic systems which were developed according to specific demands made by the IAF and the Israeli Defense Industries.

The FI is different from any other F, including those of the U. Air Force.

The F16I Sufa airplanes are returning today to active flying after it was proved that risk to the air crew members is extremely low. Retrieved 17 March Air Force Association. This proved advantageous when the aircraft's mission changed from solely air-to-air combat to multirole operations. A thorough check that included all Sufa airplanes has discovered that only in seven planes the level of formaldehyde was higher than the international standard. Beginning production in , the "" also supplanted the F's "", for commonality. Retrieved 25 September Archived from the original on 19 June Archived from the original on 23 June Defence Aviation. This reduces maneuverability as the inherent stability has to be overcome and increases a form of drag known as trim drag. Archived from the original on 17 October F Airforces main menu. Retrieved 24 May Archived from the original on 22 April

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