fallout 76 strength in numbers

Fallout 76 strength in numbers

In Fallout 76 strength in numbers 76the Strength in Numbers quest is unlocked by completing the previous quest Hunter for Hire, in which you deal with a raider gang that has been harassing Duchess, the owner of the local watering hole The Wayward. Whether or not you killed the gang boss Roper, Duchess will ask you to help locate some of her hired muscle who have gone missing: a human named Sol and an assaultron named Polly.

Speak with Duchess after completing the Hunter for Hire quest to kick this one off. Strength in Numbers Quest Rewards. Duchess is worried about two of her patrol guard friends, Sol and Polly. A perimeter circle will show up on the map, north east of Wayward. Going to the circle waypoint will bring you to a pile of Scorched corpses, where you can find a Gauley Mine Production Log, which will naturally lead you to Gauley Mine , surrounded by Scorched enemies.

Fallout 76 strength in numbers

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Fallout 76 Store Page. Global Achievements. I've tried looking online for an answer to this, but I am trying to access the Duncan And Duncan robot place dealy, and I'm in the small foyeir where the card reader is, and nothing is happening when I press E to enter the facility. What am I missing???? Showing 1 - 3 of 3 comments. Razer View Profile View Posts. Need to convince the robot at the desk to let you in or buy the keycard from him I believe. Mooman View Profile View Posts. Try this: Originally posted by Mooman :. Toastpiratewilly View Profile View Posts.

Skinner will mention the pristine robots on display are all spoken for, the player character will need to convince Skinner to let them access the showrooms. What am I missing????

Thanks to her mechanical nature, Polly is fitted with a tracker you can use to locate the pair. At the top of the pile, open the note on one of the Scorched. This updates your map to have an objective at the Gauley Mine to the north. Head to the mine, clear out the Scorched, and head inside. Follow the linear path - and grab a pickaxe and mine some coal for a nice bit of xp if you fancy it. Deal with the scorched in the passageway, then the four in the next room. Head down to the bottom of this room and through another narrow passageway at its base to advance.

Speak with Duchess after completing the Hunter for Hire quest to kick this one off. Strength in Numbers Quest Rewards. Duchess is worried about two of her patrol guard friends, Sol and Polly. A perimeter circle will show up on the map, north east of Wayward. Going to the circle waypoint will bring you to a pile of Scorched corpses, where you can find a Gauley Mine Production Log, which will naturally lead you to Gauley Mine , surrounded by Scorched enemies. You can give Sol a stimpak to help heal him. G down the narrow path to the side until you find some stairs. Now, Polly wants a brand new, pristine condition, Assaultron unit as a replacement. The front door of the shop is buried sort of behind some debris, but you can still access it. Inside the store is a robot named Skinner.

Fallout 76 strength in numbers

Thanks to her mechanical nature, Polly is fitted with a tracker you can use to locate the pair. At the top of the pile, open the note on one of the Scorched. This updates your map to have an objective at the Gauley Mine to the north.

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Current Wiki. What am I missing???? Place the tag on the pristine Assaultron body inside, then return to The Wayward. Return to Duchess I've collected all of Duchess's people. Alternatively, the player character may enter Gauley Mine after receiving the transmitter signal to locate Sol and Polly in any order, thereby skipping the investigation part of the quest. Listen to the crew I've deposited Polly's head in the moonshine jug. When the player character arrives at the Wayward inn, speak to Polly. Talk to Polly to finish the quest. Once outside the mine, take note that the worn fusion cells Polly's head uses will corrode, depleting all ammunition for the quest weapon. At the top of the pile, open the note on one of the Scorched. On one of the corpses, however, is a note labelled Gauley Mine Production Log. This fan made Fallout 76 live-action concept trailer is super cool. It is up to the residents of Vault 76 to find them, if they're still alive.

In Fallout 76 , the Strength in Numbers quest is unlocked by completing the previous quest Hunter for Hire, in which you deal with a raider gang that has been harassing Duchess, the owner of the local watering hole The Wayward. Whether or not you killed the gang boss Roper, Duchess will ask you to help locate some of her hired muscle who have gone missing: a human named Sol and an assaultron named Polly.

Optional Attach Sol's transmitter to any pristine robot? Blood Eagles inhabit the town and may attempt to stop the player character if they are detected. Handy , or an Assaultron body. Expansion required Alternative options. However, the first show room does not have an actual Assaultron body. Talk to Polly, deliver the good news, and the quest is complete! I think that severed robot head is yelling at me. On one of the corpses, however, is a note labelled Gauley Mine Production Log. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. I should head back and speak to Duchess. Thanks to her mechanical nature, Polly is fitted with a tracker you can use to locate the pair.

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