fallout new vegas best companion

Fallout new vegas best companion

Fallout: New Vegas holds a unique status within the Fallout franchise, mixing the more advanced technology and combative aspects of the newer Fallout 3 and 4, with the more story-focused and RPG elements of the original two Fallout games. However much Fallout: New Vegas does or doesn't hold up, fallout new vegas best companion, it still has some of the most unquestionably unforgettable characters of the franchise, especially regarding companions. And it's time those companions were fully examined and ranked.

There are eight different permanent companions in Fallout: New Vegas for players to choose from. However, each of them has unique skills and combat abilities that are exclusive to them. Each follower also has their own backstory, and most of them have a quest that The Courier can complete. There are many different types of builds that players can create in Fallout: New Vegas, and each of them will have The Courier leveling up specific stats and using a different type of weapon. Certain followers should be used depending on the type of combat build The Courier is using, so that they can get the most out of their Fallout: New Vegas playthrough. Lily Bowen was a sweet old woman that was turned into a super mutant and who eventually found her way to Jacobstown.

Fallout new vegas best companion

Fallout: New Vegas ' post-apocalyptic Mojave Desert is a dangerous place to explore, although players don't have to brave it alone. There are many permanent companions that players can recruit for help around the base game of Fallout: New Vegas and players would be wise to seek their help. Companions all help the player engage in combat, while some are more helpful than others for a few reasons. Players can equip most companions with different gear, although each companion specializes in a few weapon types that they will perform better with. Additionally, each of Fallout: New Vegas ' companions offer different perks and sometimes services to players. Unlike Veronica though, Arcade uses a ranged energy weapon and tends to be more versatile in combat for this reason. Arcade's companion perk increases the amount that players heal from using any consumables. Boone: Many players in the Fallout: New Vegas community consider this character overpowered given how early this companion can be recruited. Boone is a loyal member of the NCR faction and a sniper who is deadly at any range. Boone's companion perk highlights enemies when players aim-down-sights. ED-E: Players should consider having ED-E as a companion because of how useful this character is, especially in combat. With the Lonesome Road expansion for Fallout: New Vegas installed, this companion can offer players a mobile Workbench, Reloading Bench, repairing services, and free energy weapon ammo. ED-E is one of the two companions who can be recruited alongside an additional companion. Raul: What Raul lacks in combat effectiveness, he makes up for with his other useful services.

And lucky for players, she's a possible companion for any hardened Courier roaming the Mojave. In combat, once upgraded by the Followers, he can effectively deal with any vermin while you concentrate on the big game and he also gains all the upgrades from Lonesome Road fallout new vegas best companion him more useful as he's not just a pack mule, he's ouhsc zoom mobile reloading bench.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Fallout: New Vegas. Global Achievements. Showing 1 - 15 of 19 comments.

Wassup my fellow Fallout New Vegas fans! One of my favorite things in New Vegas is the companions. I love getting to know their stories which are usually fairly interesting. I love to see the way they flesh out to become more dynamic as you get to know them. This list is not necessarily in order. Coming in at number 10 we have Riddick by Dragbody! Here we have one of my favorite dark and broody movie characters Riddick. He is an amazing addition to any team. With over lines of voice-acted dialogue and a very unique demeanor that is just like the actual character, this mod is great.

Fallout new vegas best companion

Fallout: New Vegas holds a unique status within the Fallout franchise, mixing the more advanced technology and combative aspects of the newer Fallout 3 and 4, with the more story-focused and RPG elements of the original two Fallout games. However much Fallout: New Vegas does or doesn't hold up, it still has some of the most unquestionably unforgettable characters of the franchise, especially regarding companions. And it's time those companions were fully examined and ranked. With memorable mechanics, memorable quests, and memorable characters, it's a favorite game for many a fan. Many of these memorable characters obviously include the possible followers that can accompany the Courier. And it's time to take a better look at them.

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Spinder1 10 years ago 5 Raul is really great to have if you're using some of the game's powerful but oh-so fragile weapons. Additionally, each of Fallout: New Vegas ' companions offer different perks and sometimes services to players. Veronica: This companion is one of the strongest in combat because of their Power Fist weapon and the fact that they can wear Power Armor. Raul isn't the best at combat, but he is good company. Per page: 15 30 On quest and story side, i think everyone is great But on a skill and effectiveness, i'll go with boone. Raul is really great to have if you're using some of the game's powerful but oh-so fragile weapons. However, there is one clear winner, which is: ED-E: An all round winner. Making Craig Boone to be the first companion that player can usually recruit was a one of the biggest developing mistake of New Vegas in my opinion. She is also smarter. And like many other Ghouls or Super Mutants , his longevity means he has a rich, extensive, and somewhat tragic background. In fact, the same can be said about every companion in the Mojave, though ED-E being pure machine certainly sets him apart from other allies.

There are eight different permanent companions in Fallout: New Vegas for players to choose from. However, each of them has unique skills and combat abilities that are exclusive to them. Each follower also has their own backstory, and most of them have a quest that The Courier can complete.

But for the positives, Rex is part of one of the more fun factions of the game, The Kings. He can also sometimes interpret "sniping" as "run into their face and shoot from point blank", even if the enemy is a deathclaw. Even then, Loyal can glitch, which is why you save at point 3. View mobile website. ED-E: Players should consider having ED-E as a companion because of how useful this character is, especially in combat. At the same time though, Lily's close-range combat style often turns her into a meat-shield while players can meanwhile engage in combat from a safe distance. You can speech check to get the other one if you screw up though. Lily uses melee weapons as her primary weapon type, which makes sense, considering that she is a super mutant and has a high strength stat. Date Posted: 31 Dec, pm. However, there is one clear winner, which is: ED-E: An all round winner. If Couriers want a good guy with a good heart, good brains, and good aim, then Arcade might just be a good fit. The only reason I recruited her was to bring her to the Van Graffs where one of them kills her. So, it becomes hard to decide which ones to take along, and hopefully, this list may help you figure out which companion is the best. Next I get boone, and do that quest.

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