family guy stan

Family guy stan

Family Guy and American Dad have a lot in common. Both animated series started on and were canceled by Fox -- although Family Guy remains on the network because it was family guy stan back twice, family guy stan. They share animators and writers. And both star prolific actor and producer Seth MacFarlanewho was also involved in the creation of both shows.

Stan Smith from American Dad! When American Dad! Now, MacFarlane's second series is widely considered to be the superior one. While Family Guy has intentionally inconsistent characterization depending on the needs of a joke, American Dad! For example, Stan is an outspoken conservative, Hayley is an outspoken liberal, and Roger is a sociopathic alien. With Family Guy, and Peter in particular, the patriarch is portrayed as a stereotypical blue-collar worker, but the show often pokes fun at his level of intellect.

Family guy stan

Stanford Leonard " Stan " Smith is a fictional character and the title character protagonist of the animated television series American Dad! He is voiced by the series' co-creator and executive producer, Seth MacFarlane. Stan is the patriarch of the Smith family. As the family's breadwinner , he works for the Central Intelligence Agency. Although he once held the position of a case officer at the CIA , he is also weapons expert for this agency. Stan is portrayed as drastic, endangering, rash, insensitive, inconsiderate, dog-eat-dog , racist, and very masculine. In the series he is emphasized as a conservative Republican. Stan has an exaggeratedly large chin, which has been described satirically as a " Jay Leno jaw". He is shown to say that "you're right" to family members to show that he cares and listens to them. In the episode "I'm Dreaming of a White Porsche Christmas" he doesn't like his alternate universe family. While Stan's exact age has been contradicted by multiple episodes, it is in the vicinity of around 42 years old. In " Bullocks to Stan ", Stan is revealed to be two years and ten months older than Francine, whose birthday is revealed to be September 26, putting his birthday around November Stan is married to Francine Smith. Like all characters, Stan doesn't have a set height but he is described as being between 6 feet 0 inches 1.

Francine, for her family guy stan, says that she wants someone to take care of her financially and both go so far as to admit this during their vow renewal ceremony to a room full of people.

He has made a few cameo appearances in Family Guy. The two of them talked about a rumour about Rob Schneider, that was started up by Peter. Later, when Stewie was trying to hack into the computer, he was busted, and Stan and Avery both came out with their guns to punish him. In the episode Excellence in Broadcasting , Brian says that he's officially become a republican. The very pleased, die-hard republican Stan Smith is seen watching him on TV, from his own house, congratulating him for making that decision. Stan opened the door and Peter responded by saying "Joe!

Family Guy and American Dad have a lot in common. Both animated series started on and were canceled by Fox -- although Family Guy remains on the network because it was brought back twice. They share animators and writers. And both star prolific actor and producer Seth MacFarlane , who was also involved in the creation of both shows. All of this common ground has led viewers to assume that the two shows must be connected.

Family guy stan

By far the worst offender is her father, Peter Griffin Seth MacFarlane , who makes a routine of farting in her face, constantly telling her to shut up, and leaving her behind whenever the rest of the family is in danger. What makes Peter's abuse even worse is the fact that he might not even be Meg's biological father, as a cutaway gag from Season 3 indicates Meg's real father to be a man named Stan Thompson. In the Season 3 episode "Screwed the Pooch," Brian Griffin MacFarlane attempts to prove he's a good father figure by explaining facts about the Griffin children that not even Peter knows — including the fact that Meg's real father is "Stan Thompson. Meg, of course, doesn't hear this earth-shattering revelation, as she's wearing headphones and listening to music the whole time Brian is talking. To date, we have no more information about who Stan Thompson is, nor any explanation of how Meg ended up with the Griffin family in the first place. And considering all of the retcons to Meg's birth, we wouldn't hold our breath waiting for Stan any time soon. While it's certainly quite a shock to learn that Meg isn't actually the biological daughter of Peter and Lois Griffin Alex Borstein , it's worth mentioning that Meg's birth has been retconned several times throughout the series — often at Meg's expense, of course. The first reference to Meg's birth comes in Season 1 Episode 2, " I Never Met the Dead Man," where Peter is disappointed to learn that Meg is not a boy, and asks the doctor to "check again. Meg isn't even the only family member to have their true parentage questioned, as another throwaway line in "Regarding Carter" suggests that Chris Griffin Seth Green was adopted. These constant retcons about Meg's birth make it unlikely we'll ever meet her real father in "Family Guy," though it is funny to imagine Stan Thompson showing up all these years later after a forgotten throwaway line.

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Stan's mother is named Betty, and his father is a jewel thief as revealed in the episode " Con Heir " named Jack Smith. Sign In Register. As the episode draws to a close Stan's prediction proves true, but when Stan moves to side with the apes he is unexpectedly killed by them. That is, that Stan admits that he married Francine because she was attractive. Download as PDF Printable version. Despite being described as Stan's "ideal" family Stan rejects this version of his wife, his children, and Roger, and goes to great lengths to get back to his original, dysfunctional family, which he succeeds in doing. Seth MacFarlane. At the end of this episode, Stan realized what a loving family Greg and Terry were. For example, Hayley once told Stan, "Dad, I've never seen this side of you. Retrieved May 25,


Later, when Stewie was trying to hack into the computer, he was busted, and Stan and Avery both came out with their guns to punish him. In "Dreaming of a White Porsche Christmas" it is revealed that the reason that Stan's family is so dysfunctional is due to Stan's failure to appreciate what he has, which resulted in his marriage to Francine, his geeky son, his liberal daughter, and his adoption of a liberal version of Roger. Peter saw Roger out of costume and called Quagmire, blowing Roger's cover, resulting in him being shot dead by Stan's infamous gun, much to the shock of everyone else. Stan regularly caused havoc and disorder with his bigotry , Conservatism , patriotism , chauvinism , xenophobia , and paranoia. Television Cartoon Shows. Unlike these static TV dads, Stan has actually changed over the years, becoming more likable and less toxic. Like Peter, Homer and Randy remain as narrow-minded and buffoonish as when they debuted. Editing guide. Start a Wiki. For example, Hayley once told Stan, "Dad, I've never seen this side of you. His intentions, generally, are good, but he is often far too irrational to ever acknowledge this or learn any lessons from it. Eventually, Stan's cybernetically enhanced self finds a way to travel back 1, years to the present because he missed Francine and wishes to spend time with her, however this eventually sparks friction between the present Stan and the cyborg Stan, leading to a fight in which the current Stan successfully defeats his future self. Francine Smith wife.

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