Famous singer deaths

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The next day, Alan Rankine of post-punk New Wave act The Associates, who also produced the Cocteau Twins and pursued his own solo music, died at age While their loved ones and fans around the globe mourn the loss of these artists, they will not be forgotten. Here, Billboard remembers the musicians who left us in April 9, — Nov. May 29, — Nov.

Famous singer deaths

Music is a powerful force that connects members of a generation, and when an icon of that generation passes away, the loss is felt among the masses; it is especially shocking when that larger-than-life celebrity dies suddenly and at a young age. Sadly, we have lost several musical artists much too soon, often due to the pressure, exposure or commitments that come with fame. Tour our photo gallery remembering 30 music legends and the details around their tragic deaths. I was only nine years old when John Lennon died, and over 40 years later, I remember sitting at the kitchen table hearing the report on the radio that crazed fan Mark David Chapman had shot the legendary singer to death. This was one of the most shocking events in rock and roll history; fans were devastated, with a least three committing suicide. Chapman pleaded guilty and remains incarcerated. Just 15 years later, promising young singer Selena was murdered by an obsessed fan, Yolanda Salvidar , who also remains in jail. In the s, two influential rappers were murdered within a year of each other when East and West coast hip-hop rivalries became heated. Tupac Shakur and The Notorious B. Both murders remain unsolved. Sadly, many have fallen into the trap of substance abuse. We have lost too many of these gifted musicians at too young of an age, with an unfortunate link connecting many of them. One of the most common causes of deaths for musicians is plane crashes, as the artists attempt to get from one concert venue to another in a short period of time. Aaliyah , Otis Redding and Patsy Cline were still young and in the beginning stages of promising careers when their planes went down. Others, like George Michael and Karen Carpenter , seemed to have overcome their demons and were continuing to work and thrive; however, the damage they had done to their bodies with substance abuse or eating disorders had taken its toll.

May 4, February 22, Vascular dementia [].

This is a list of notable performers of rock music and other forms of popular music , and others directly associated with the music as producers, songwriters, or in other closely related roles, who died in Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools.

This is a list of notable performers of rock music and other forms of popular music , and others directly associated with the music as producers, songwriters, or in other closely related roles, who died in Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. Download as PDF Printable version.

Famous singer deaths

The next day, Alan Rankine of post-punk New Wave act The Associates, who also produced the Cocteau Twins and pursued his own solo music, died at age While their loved ones and fans around the globe mourn the loss of these artists, they will not be forgotten. Here, Billboard remembers the musicians who left us in

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Vascular dementia []. Burt Bacharach Singer-songwriter and pianist. Later, she had a promising a solo career, and, in , had a successful two-week show at the London Palladium. March 22, The singer's stage presence and personality that made them an icon in their time. Tapas Das Indian singer-songwriter and guitarist. Retrieved February 5, Retrieved August 29, Throat Cancer. Rock Stars Who Passed Before

By Chris Willman.

Brain aneurysm. John Marshall Nucleus , Soft Machine. Considered one of the greatest guitarists of all time, his slide guitar technique, fingerpicking prowess, and inventive improvisational skills helped to create the signature sound of The Allman Brothers Band. Most divisive: Tammi Terrell. How a singer has been remembered and celebrated after their death. Mark Sheehan The Script. Pulmonary fibrosis [34]. Sign in to edit. Billie Holiday Billie Holiday. SNL Cast Members. Retrieved June 6, Tammi Terrell. As the bassist for groundbreaking metal band Metallica, his innovative playing style combined with a deep understanding of music theory and composition helped to redefine the role of bass guitar in heavy metal. You can help by adding missing items with reliable sources.

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