fate/zero lancer

Fate/zero lancer

He is a chivalrous Servant who wishes to do his best to serve his Master and obtain victory within the war for the Grail. Fate/zero lancer shares a bond of mutual respect with his rival Soto stats, Saber, wishing to face her in an honorable duel to the death. Lancer is regarded as a remarkably handsome and beautiful man with quirky long hair combed backward in a rough fashion. He wears a dark teal outfit, fate/zero lancer, that is thought of by Saber and Irisviel von Einzbern as odd.

Alongside the Saber class , Lancer-class is one of the strongest of the seven original classes. Generally, the role goes to Servants who were once incredible knights in combat and typically used spears or lances over swords. To make it in, one must have incredible speed and the ability to fight in close-combat with weapons that keep their enemy at a distance. He's likable and noble, but he's firmly and unfortunately in the role of villain thanks to his owner. Above all else, Lancer is known for his endurance in combat. When Kirei revealed that he had not one but multiple servants thanks to having participated in the previous Grail War , this knowledge resulted in combat between Lancer and his other servant, Gilgamesh.

Fate/zero lancer

He is a chivalrous servant who wishes to do his best to serve his Master and obtain victory within the war for the Grail. He shares a bond of mutual respect with rival Servant Artoria , wishing to face her in an honorable duel to the death. Any woman who gazes upon the spot instantly falls in love with him, which eventually leads to an encounter with Grainne , the bride of Fionn mac Cumhaill. It has been said that, even while at large, Diarmuid stuck to his fidelity to Fionn and did not lay a finger on Grainne. Sometime later while hunting with Fionn, Diarmuid was fatally injured by a Demon Boar , the reincarnation of his half-brother. Fionn, who had the ability to transform spring water in to a powerful healing agent was with him, so he had no fear of death. Fionn only needed to walk a few steps to the nearby spring, but with jealousy and hatred towards Diarmuid on his mind, he spilled the water twice. By the third time he went to scoop water, Diarmuid had already succumbed to his wound. The story of his tragic love affair with Grainne would later become the model for the story of Lancelot and Guinevere. Diarmuid is regarded as a remarkably handsome young man with quirky long hair combed backward in a rough fashion that has a strand hanging down his face. Irisviel von Einzbern instantly notes that his features are capable of sweeping a woman's heart at a glance. It is described that the bold features of his face are the high bridge of his nose and his valiant eyebrow. His hard cut mouth marks him with a stoic air, but his eyes seem make his gaze even more brilliant. Takeuchi considers his charm point to be his droopy eyes and button of a mouth. He has a strong, attractive manly scent that rises from him.

Everyone soon finishes and Nero leaves, satisfied that she could help. Irisviel von Einzbern instantly notes that his features are capable of sweeping a woman's heart at a glance, fate/zero lancer. So, there was actually a decent chance he could have been summoned as a Saber.

Some images on this page are for members only, please sign up to see all images. He is a chivalrous servant who wishes to do his best to serve his master and obtain victory within the war for the grail. He shares a bond of mutual respect with rival Servant Saber , his greatest wish being to face her in fair combat. Identity Lancer's true identity is Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, the son of Donn, foster son of Aengus, and first warrior of the knights of Fianna. He is known as Diarmuid of the Love Spot, due to a magical love spot granted to him by a young girl. They were pursued relentlessly by Fionn, but after much blood was shed, he decided to recognize their marriage, granted Diarmuid a proper title and land, and welcomed them back as subjects. Sometime later while hunting with Fionn, Diarmuid was fatally injured by a wild boar's fangs.

He becomes the Servant of Kirei Kotomine after Kirei fatally wounds Bazett, and remains under his command for the duration of the War. Deichtine, the daughter of a druid, Conchobar's father, and Maga, the widow of Ross the Red, disappeared in the Land of the Young without marrying anyone. Receiving great divinity from his father, who possessed every skill such as knowledge, techniques, and magic, he exhibited superior talent from birth and boasted supernatural ability that separated him from ordinary people from a young age. He was to have a life that would follow the destiny to "one day become a shield of Ulster. The guard dog was well-known to have the strength of ten men. He would have lost the match had he withdrawn at that point, so he said, "I'll catch up after I win, so go right ahead. Tragedy began after one of Culann's servants accidentally closed the gate.

Fate/zero lancer

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! He is a chivalrous servant who wishes to do his best to serve his master and obtain victory within the war for the grail. He shares a bond of mutual respect with rival Servant Saber , his greatest wish being to face her in fair combat. Originally, Kayneth had wanted to summon the powerful Iskander, but the catalyst was stolen by Waver Velvet and he had to make do with Diarmuid. Diarmuid agreed to serve him because he wished to faithfully serve a lord once more rather than because he had a wish to make on the Grail. Due to his mastery of arms and his nobility, he is respected by both Iskander and Artoria.

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Because of Kayneth's sudden death, his many valuable research accumulated in the Clock Tower was unorganized and left unattended. They were pursued relentlessly by Fionn, but after much blood was shed, he decided to recognize their marriage, granted Diarmuid a proper title and land, and welcomed them back as subjects. He is willing to go so far as to destroy Gae Buidhe, so as to allow Saber to use her Noble Phantasm to destroy Caster, simply because Caster himself is a great evil that has to be wiped out. Their soldiers are repelled by Ritsuka, Mash, and Florence Nightingale. Enraged with his one wish being denied again for others', especially his Master's personal gain, Lancer dies cursing the Holy Grail, Saber, Kiritsugu, and the world at large for his fate. Don't have an account? During his battles with Artoria, he attempts to provide for the fairest conditions possible. Questions Diarmuid tastes so good. He changed it when he was working under King Conchobar, and wound up having to kill a guard dog to protect a master blacksmith, named Culann's home. The main Noble Phantasm ability Gae Bolg has is it will always strike at the heart, bending causality itself to do so. Start a Wiki. Diarmuid has exceptional speed, the highest rank possible for a Servant , and a high Strength rank, though the rest of his statistics are much lower.

He is a chivalrous servant who wishes to do his best to serve his Master and obtain victory within the war for the Grail. He shares a bond of mutual respect with rival Servant Artoria , wishing to face her in an honorable duel to the death.

He's likable and noble, but he's firmly and unfortunately in the role of villain thanks to his owner. He sees no use in wishing upon the Grail, as simply being summoned has already half-fulfilled his greatest desire. He enters the dojo believing it to be a school of martial arts that he can challenge, but he is told by Irisviel von Einzbern that they provide consolation. Enraged with his one wish being denied again for others', especially his Master's personal gain, Lancer dies cursing the Holy Grail, Kayneth, Sola-Ui, Saber, Kiritsugu, and the world at large for his fate. By the third time he went to scoop water, Diarmuid had already succumbed to his wound. Fate series characters. In his home country, he would have access to a completely different Noble Phantasm as well. Lancer's Japanese voice actor is Nobutoshi Canna, someone with decades of experience working in the voice actor industry. The other tactic would involve manipulating or taking advantage of Team Berserker in order to let Berserker defeat other Servants and fight him in the final battle. Fionn confesses to him he envied him, as he was trying to die for his love. He shares a bond of mutual respect with rival Servant Saber , his greatest wish being to face her in fair combat.

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