Feliz cumpleaños mima

Post a Comment It's always nice to hear what you have to say! Sunday, August 29, Feliz Cumpleanos Abuela! Small celebration for a big event

Search by Name. Add a Memory. Send Flowers. Share Obituary. In Loving Memory of Bertha L.

Feliz cumpleaños mima


Remember how hard you laughed with that joke? Hilda Cohen. Hilda Cossio Cohen.


Discover how to wish your mom a happy birthday in Spanish, write a heartfelt birthday card, and celebrate her special day with creative ideas. Send birthday wishes via social media in Spanish. By choosing the right Spanish phrase to wish your mom a happy birthday, you can make her feel truly special and loved on her special day. Celebrate her in a way that resonates with her heart and shows her the depth of your affection. Think about what makes your relationship with your mom special and incorporate those elements into your message.

Feliz cumpleaños mima

Muchas veces nos olvidamos de expresar con palabras el gigantesco sentimiento de amor y gratitud que nos une a ella Gracias por darme siempre tu regazo y tu apoyo, por ser palabras de consuelo y cobijo. Hoy siento que todo lo que soy te lo debo a ti.

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She is always on the honor roll. My brother and I hit the jackpot with Moms and the rest of the world has been blessed to have her as a daughter, sister, wife, abuela, neighbor, and friend. Tu vives en nuestros recuerdos y en nuestros corazones. She adored all her childrens and grandchildren with a pasion. She was a good mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend. I will not say goodbye tia, I thank God you were in my life and I ask you for your forgiveness for not being more by your side; but I do love you and will miss you. She always had to have her manicure done, even if her hands were not as beautiful as they used to be. They say time will heal all pains, I know that we are all trying to stay strong, but it is hard. In Loving Memory of Bertha L. Bertha L.


The extras will make their way back to my grandmother's nursing home. What can be said about a lady that was so elegant and special. Intercede on his behalf. Send Flowers. Te quiero tia y te extrano. She was a very proud women and the love she had for her family not just her children but also for her nephews and nieces was immence. She wanted blue and pink flowers and simple. November 21, I love you titi. Optional Family. Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears, but laugh And talk of me as if I were beside you. Share Obituary. You are such a living presence in my life! Were you standing by me the day I won at the casino? January 29,

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