fev lab fallout 4

Fev lab fallout 4

The FEV lab is a section of the Institute in The FEV lab is an abandoned section of the facility where the Institute tried to unlock the secrets of the Forced Evolutionary Virusand it is the source of most of the super mutants in the Commonwealth. The two entrances to the FEV lab, one via a Master-locked terminal and the other via a Novice-locked door, are both in the BioScience division. Entering through the Novice-locked fev lab fallout 4, a short decontamination corridor leads to a dead synth and a Novice-locked door to a small adjoining security room, fev lab fallout 4.

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Fev lab fallout 4

This abandoned section of the underground habitat once housed the laboratory where the Institute tried to unlock the secrets of the FEV. Although the program has failed to produce any results for over a decade, Father insisted on continuing the project - until Brian Virgil sabotaged it. This is a straightforward area. Accessed through a Novice-locked door off the main area of the BioScience division laboratory, the player begins in a foyer leading to an airlock with a dead synth. The corridor beyond is protected by a pair of laser turrets and leads through an Advanced-level door into a storeroom where an Assaultron lurks. Beyond is the FEV lab proper, starting with test-subject observation chambers and more turrets and a small entrance area to the incubation chamber. The incubation chamber has three tubes where super mutants would be held for experimentation. This section can also be accessed by using the Master-locked FEV lab entry terminal on the northern wall of the main BioScience laboratory. The Vault - Fallout Wiki. The Vault - Fallout Wiki Explore. Dark skin Light skin Switching skins. Random Page Recent changes Recent Files. Fallout

The two entrances to the FEV lab, one via a Master-locked terminal and the other via a Novice-locked door, are both in the BioScience division.

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Virgil's Cure is a miscellaneous quest in Fallout 4. In the conversation the Sole Survivor first has with Virgil, he requests that they retrieve a serum in exchange for his information about the Institute. From this point, the quest cannot be advanced until the player character makes their way to the Institute later in the game. There's a back entrance with a Master terminal in the main room of BioScience. This leads directly to the room the serum is in and also the main entrance to the FEV lab, found at the end of some seemingly abandoned storage halls and rooms. Once in the FEV lab, travel through it to the end room, where the serum is located. The lab will be defended by several turrets and also an assaultron but is otherwise uninhabited. The serum is in the final room in a lab machine on top of a desk. An alternative way into the FEV lab is via a Novice locked door.

Fev lab fallout 4

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Allen View Profile View Posts. Zanimar Topic Creator 7 years ago 8 Yeah, I've already cheated my way through. Locked myself out by accident. View mobile website. Don't have an account? SlashmanSG 7 years ago 2 Zanimar posted Fallout Wiki Explore. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. Ok, so I'm in the Institute and trying to get evidence of Virgil for Li as well as trying to get the serum for Virgil and I can't find a way into the lab. Zone Neighborhood: North End. A small closet is to the east, and a Novice-locked terminal allowing further progress is to the west. How do I get past this door or am I just screwed because I didn't the ability to predict the future to know that computer hacking is a required skill? SlashmanSG 7 years ago 2. Iceaxe 7 years ago 7. Chained door in West Roxbury Station?

This Institute desk terminal is located on a desk against the west wall of the southernmost room of the FEV lab. Baseline: Male, mids. Poor overall health.

Edson View Profile View Posts. Here's a couple screenshots to show what I'm talking about. Zone Neighborhood: Boston Common. I can't remember but hacking and lock picking has always been a needed skill since fo1. I started playing video games with PONG. Current Wiki. Iceaxe 7 years ago 7. Ammunition Apparel and armor C. This is the first quest so far in my hours of playing that has a high level hacking requirement when before I always got a key or password to get past the need of hacking. Don't have an account?

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