Fiora hard counters
Fiora Counter for Top Patch Pro Builds. More Stats.
No results found. Fiora Builds. Hide Top Lane Top Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Fiora. Worst Picks Against Fiora.
Fiora hard counters
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This will make you have the chance to remount, fiora hard counters. In overall she can be annoying, and very competitive, its a hard enemy and dont try to 1v1 trade hear, at least not without your jungler! The only time you should use E offensively is if fiora hard counters do it when she doesn't expect it.
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No results found. Fiora Builds. Hide Top Lane Top Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Fiora. Worst Picks Against Fiora. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. Lillia top by yryb7 Lillia Player. Her W parry counters your W, so you need to bait her or come super close so she wont be able to react to it. The way of wining her is to poke with max range Q and freeze under turret so u can hard-trade without fearing to get Deleted by her.
Fiora hard counters
Fiora Counter for Top Patch Pro Builds. More Stats. Ranked Solo. Best Picks vs Fiora. Worst Picks vs Fiora. Best Lane Counters vs Fiora. Winning Matchup. If you are playing a tank, Bramble Vest counters Fiora.
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I recommend to take ignite. Nasus Top. If she has an advantage, don't fight her. Play incredibly safe, let her shove you under tower, and if she tries to dive you, just keep kiting and throw out E to try and bait the parry. Quand elle va mettre son Q avance vers elle avec ton Q et ton passif puis Z la quand elle recule. Her W sometimes last longer Bug from riot :D. Gangplank Top. She can regen a lot of health during her r. Don't fight too early and rush antiheal against her. Powder Cho'Gath Player. You need to snowball on her to have a playable 30 minutes of a game. Prioritize buying armor over hp against her, especially Bramble Vest. Xerath Mid.
Try to play safe and not give her any kills before you reach 6 level. If she parries your Q, you will die. It's winnable if you get ganked but just try win the mind games and get used to baiting out her W. Watch out for her W, it makes your E useless. Senna AD Carry. If they have a lot of auto attack focused champions you could also think about getting a Randuin's or Frozen Heart later as it works well against Fiora and other heavy auto attack champions. Yone Top. You can bait her W with your Q or E. Anti-heal rush is a must into her. After 6 all in her if he uses parry for nothing. You can poke her out of lane but if she gets close make sure when you Q her not to get stunned by her W, you can in most situations just run out of the W. Dodge her W with all cost if not, disengage. Consider taking phase rush. All in when she least expects it. Bramble vest nullifies a lot of her power.
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