footslave story

Footslave story

Learning to move from one who likes feet to being a foot slave isn't as easy as he thought it would be This man married a military woman and became her personal foot footslave story A dominant wife takes a new lover and her foot slave husband gets to watch A black man learns his white 'aunt' is into pain and used his foot fetish to make him her foot slave

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Footslave story

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However, since this story is created by members, Writing.

Nonetheless, I will recount everything as I remember it, but change the names. This isn't a stylistic choice, but indeed exactly how it happened. I was probably around 11 years old, maybe a bit older, but not much. We had a family acquaintance named Dilan. She wasn't particularly tall, about centimeters, but at that time, she seemed much taller than me. She was about 22 years old at the time. As she was a close acquaintance, I occasionally stayed over at her place.

All good things come to an end We've updated our Privacy Policy and by continuing you're agreeing to the updated terms. Information: Goodbye! DOSF's new chapter continues at the Discord. Share Share with:. Link: Copy link. Vanquished wrote: Great addition, Duck!

Footslave story

Places of Interest: Unique Wedding Invitations for unique wedding needs. Color Copiers found here. Baby Names can be hard to pick. Hands-free hygenic toilet seats covers. Dramatic Music rocks. Vampires are people too. Write Poetry here. Try this Stock Market quiz. Teaching is a noble job.

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So please go wild, and have fun!! But that was always just the beginning. Finally" I went to bed that night with the calmest mind ever. A place where your fantasy becomes a reality I quickly sat on the couch and looked back in the kitchen but my aunt and mom couldn't see me from their position and they were busy eating. Among the dirty furniture was a closet that was filled to the brim with maid outfits and cheap abayas, which made me grimace. This time you will be my footslave for ever. At the start I thought that was a kinda hard punishment for your own children but after she told me everything in detail I thought that this idea might not even be that bad. With that the last bit of my hope left as well. All because you got busted by us smoking weed and look what you have to deal with now. If people like it, I'll upload some more. But there have been fewer and fewer new recruits We've updated our Privacy Policy and by continuing you're agreeing to the updated terms. Her name is Julia, one of the most beautiful girls in school at 5'9 with beautiful flowing blonde hair and she's the cheerleader captain.

Places of Interest: Unique Wedding Invitations for unique wedding needs. Color Copiers found here. Baby Names can be hard to pick.

I panicked and tried to get away but all 4 women closed in on me on all sides and the next thing I know is I was tackled to the ground. When she noticed my grimace, she gave out a pesky smirk. Story Tags Portal foot slave. But that was always just the beginning. Com Please post questions in our support forum. She wasn't wearing any socks. Feet stories. His daughter turns him into her crossdressed bitch It distracted me a bit as I went through the toes, but between last two does was a sticky chunk of foot filth that refused to budge no matter how much I licked. The next day when I got off from School and arrived at my home the teachers car was already in the driveway. The Outpost. Please mom tell her to stop please I will do anything I will become a better son please I prom-" I got cut off with my aunt shoving the top of her pump in my mouth. It's a damn shame that it ended.

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