Keep this window open as you reach for your phone. Take out your mobile device and open the Authenticator App, At the bottom of the screen,, tap the plus button to scan a new account and hold your device up to the computer screen. After successfully scanning the QR Code, the Authenticator App will automatically choose the Epic Games logo autofill account name and secret key.

Rivalry in-house content writer and lover of all things gaming, from League of Legends to Animal Crossing. Always chasing the play of the game. Activating 2FA, or two-factor authentication, on Fortnite is a necessary security measure and precaution to protect your account and keep it secure from hackers and other online threats. While it's not mandatory to enable two-factor authentication 2FA on your Epic Games account, it's definitely a great precaution to take so you can safely enjoy Fortnite without worry. As an added incentive, Epic Games rewards any player who enables the multi-factor authentication feature with items for the Fortnite Save the World mode and even a free emote!

Activating Fortnite 2FA, or multi-factor authentication, is a useful security measure that helps to protect your Epic Games account from hackers. It's not mandatory to turn on this multi-factor authentication feature, but it's definitely good to have - setting it up for your account means you'll an extra check along with your password is required to log in, often a code sent via an SMS message, to make sure it's definitely you trying to get into your Fortnite account. As a bonus, setting up 2FA grants you some handy items for Save the World mode and the Boogiedown emote for free! Here's what you need to do to get Fortnite 2FA set up for your account. To enable two factor on your Fortnite account, simply head to Fortnite. Log in to your Epic Games account and underneath the option to change your password, you should see the prompt to enable either email 2FA or authenticator app 2FA. Pick your preferred choice and follow the instructions on screen to enable Fortnite 2FA authentication. Find out where to meet all of the Fortnite characters with our complete NPC guide. Fortnite two factor authentication, 2FA, or multi-factor authentication makes your account more secure by requiring a second layer of authentication when logging into your account. The way it works is that whenever the game detects a login from a new device it will ask for proof that it's you in one of two ways. You'll either be asked for a code sent only to the account holder via email, or be asked for a code from an authenticator app such as Google Authenticator, LastPass Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, or Authy. It means your account should be completely secure against hacks and password leaks.

Here's what you need to do to get Fortnite 2FA up for your account.


If you want to protect your Epic account and all your Fortnite skins and V-bucks, you'll need to set up two-factor authentication, or "2FA. You wouldn't want to lose your precious, precious skins, or worse yet, have someone spend your valuable V-bucks. That's why you'll need to know how to set up 2FA for Fortnite. The good news is it's a breeze once you have a guide in hand. Read on to find out how to enable two-factor authentication for Epic Games accounts. The first step is to log into your Epic account or make one, if you don't have one already. After that, you'll be sent to your profile page.

Fortnite 2FA has been a thing for a while now, as a way for players to add an extra layer of security to their account. The thing is, Fortnite doesn't explain 2FA two-factor authentication very well, nor does it make it obvious how to actually add it to your account. So we've got everything you need to know about Fortnite 2FA, how to enable it, how it works, and more. Two-Factor Authentication is a way to keep yourselves and your details safe. While Epic Games keeps all your details locked in a safe imaginary vault, that doesn't mean hackers aren't prone to sneaking inside and trying to assume your identity online.

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Activating Fortnite 2FA, or multi-factor authentication, is a useful security measure that helps to protect your Epic Games account from hackers. Free Games - Epic is known for periodically giving away free games on their Store. Setting up two-factor authentication on Fortnite is easy and should take no more than a few minutes. More about games. If you go to enable Authenticator app for two-step verification to keep your account safe, you can find any of the following third-party apps available on your mobile device app store: Google Authenticator Microsoft Authenticator LastPass Authenticator You must provide your current phone number for an SMS message, so make sure you input it correctly and double-check for any errors! Not to be reproduced without permission. Rivalry in-house content writer and lover of all things gaming, from League of Legends to Animal Crossing. And if you don't activate two-factor authentication, you'll miss out on the Boogie Down emote Confirm it's correct by clicking Save. Pick your preferred choice and follow the instructions on screen to enable Fortnite 2FA authentication. Fortnite two factor authentication, 2FA, or multi-factor authentication makes your account more secure by requiring a second layer of authentication when logging into your account.

As if you haven't heard this countless times before, security matters. Even when you're playing a video game like Fortnite , two-factor authentication can come in handy.

Upon activating 2FA on your Fortnite account, you'll get the following items in the Fortnite Save the World game mode. Proud partners of:. All characters and artwork shown are for parody and remain the property of their respective copyright owners. Stay safe! Press on X and that's all. Luckily, 2FA on Fortnite is quick and easy, so you can get back to winning those Victory Royales in no time. Fortnite two factor authentication, 2FA, or multi-factor authentication makes your account more secure by requiring a second layer of authentication when logging into your account. If you go down the Email route, a code with be sent the email address linked to your Epic Games account. Latest Posts. It's not mandatory to turn on this multi-factor authentication feature, but it's definitely good to have - setting it up for your account means you'll an extra check along with your password is required to log in, often a code sent via an SMS message, to make sure it's definitely you trying to get into your Fortnite account. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. When done click Activate.

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