frederique bros youtube

Frederique bros youtube

InFrederique Bros had a failing web design business and was basically at rock bottom when she decided to give YouTube a try to help women with fashion, beauty and lifestyle tips with a French twist. Her worldwide community is growing fast with nearlyfollowers and still counting. Frederique loves sharing her styling skills and fashion flair with elegance and frederique bros youtube.

Finally, someone who speaks the same language as me in terms of fashion. When it comes to fashion, do you struggle to create your own unique style? Sick of wasting time editing your own videos? Video Husky provides you access to a dedicated team of talented editors who can help. Click the button below to schedule a call to get started today!

Frederique bros youtube

There is always an audience for someone. Born in France, Frederique Bros lived in Paris for 10 years where she learnt how to dress up effortlessly chic for each occasion. Last year, she created her YouTube channel to help women with fashion, beauty and lifestyle tips with a French twist. Her worldwide community is growing fast with nearly , followers and still counting. Frederique loves sharing her styling skills and fashion flair with elegance and humor. Frederique Bros comes from a digital marketing background, and owned a web design agency which completely crashed during Covid. She had a YouTube channel that she had made a few videos on, mostly about web design, and nobody really watched them. Most of the videos were answers to common questions she got from her web design clients, but she really had no strategy and had no idea what she was doing, so she decided to rebrand. She relied on being French, having lived in Paris for 10 years, and being over 40 with a passion for fashion. So… she decided to give it a try. People were either going to love her or hate her, and there just might have been a market for her. Her first video in February was admittedly very bad, but she had fun making it. At the time, her business was really struggling and YouTube was either going to make it or break it for her. She started with 18 subscribers mostly her friends , and set a goal for herself for 5, subscribers in 6 months.

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Skip to main content. Frederique Bros. Earns Commissions Contributors independently recommend products and may earn commissions on purchases. Learn more. See more. See less.

I'm Frederique Bros, a French expatriate residing in Bali, and I specialize in digital content creation. Approximately four years ago, I established a YouTube Channel dedicated to empowering women to enhance their style and self-confidence, regardless of their budget constraints. Over these years, I have nurtured an incredible global community of thousands of women who have benefited from my renowned Styling Course. Join the happy 42, ladies who've mastered the art of looking spectacular every day! Youtube Instagram Tiktok Pinterest-p. Most importantly, I have been able to turn my passion into a fulfilling career, allowing me to pursue my dreams. For inquiries or collaboration opportunities, please click below. Discover the proven shortcut to effortless elegance on any budget Are you ready to transform your look and leave your friends in awe? In just a few short hours, you can master the art of personal style, and your fashion game will never be the same again.

Frederique bros youtube

Frederique's positive personality made it fun, clear, and well-organized. Don't hesitate to get it! I loved it! So much more than styling advice, this is the woman who has your back and wants to see the best in you. Plus, it's well-organised, and professionally presented. The course while you sharpen your image skills. Many thanks, Frederique really enjoyed the course. A super course that I would highly recommend. A big thank you! I already follow her on YouTube but this course it's 20 times better!

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Click the button below to schedule a call to get started today! There is always an audience for someone. Never give up and do it properly! She had a YouTube channel that she had made a few videos on, mostly about web design, and nobody really watched them. AmazonGlobal Ship Orders Internationally. During the call, which will happen over Zoom we'll Deleting photo Phone Number Email Address. Most of the videos were answers to common questions she got from her web design clients, but she really had no strategy and had no idea what she was doing, so she decided to rebrand. Contact Boomplay Subscription Support. Failed: Your order was not successfully processed due to payment error. Earns Commissions Contributors independently recommend products and may earn commissions on purchases. What do you think of this episode? Perfect French Capsule link in bio x french fash. Frederique Bros.

There is always an audience for someone.

So, she hired me for YouTube coaching! Deleting idea list What do you think of this episode? See less. This is truly life-changing! Audio : If you want to upgrade your set-up, audio should be one of the first investments after a good camera. Need a last minute holiday gift? Going viral really gave Frederique a reinvigorated sense of motivation to continue to buckle down and go all in on her channel. I felt like a tired-looking mommy and now I feel like a confident woman! Unpin post from top 4 of 4 pinned. Deleting video She started to rack up hundreds of comments. Her advice to YouTubers? Pinning a post.

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