french names nameberry

French names nameberry

Bonjour, lovely name fans!

French girl names have always had a chic appeal for parents far from Paris. Browse our full collection of French girl names here. The names are ordered by their current popularity on Nameberry, which is updated monthly. Home Baby Names. By Pamela Redmond.

French names nameberry

France is definitely one of the most fashionable places on earth, home to Chanel, Balenciaga and Emily in Paris. Not only are French names beautiful, they translate pretty much everywhere. American parents are already following this trend. French names have a lovely sense of mystique. Think Jules , for instance — a timeless choice. What could be sweeter? For whatever reason, if you're looking for a name from across the pond, here are some top french names for babies in These are the latest statistics, from the most current data available , which was , but these names still reign. Even non-saint names are ascribed name days in France, and French baby name books will list the corresponding name day in every entry. Chandler is another cool, frontiersy name with connections across the pond, coming from the French word for "candle maker. These names work equally well for any gender. Among the most popular at the moment:. Other names that start with vowels also gained ground, including:.

With an intriguing number of vivacious nicknames, from Jo to Josie to Fifi to Posy, Josephine is a Nameberry favorite.

French names include many classic names that have ranked highly in the US for its entire history. These classic names with French origins include Anne and Louis, Charlotte and Charles, and Josephine and Curtis though it may surprise you to learn that Curtis is not only French, but perennially popular! Here are all the French names for girls and boys on Nameberry, ordered by their current popularity with our visitors. Home Baby Names. By Pamela Redmond. Share Copy link.

French names include many classic names that have ranked highly in the US for its entire history. These classic names with French origins include Anne and Louis, Charlotte and Charles, and Josephine and Curtis though it may surprise you to learn that Curtis is not only French, but perennially popular! Here are all the French names for girls and boys on Nameberry, ordered by their current popularity with our visitors. Home Baby Names. By Pamela Redmond. Share Copy link. Eloise Heart Origin: French and English variation of Heloise Meaning: "healthy; wide" Description: Along with many other names with the El- beginning and featuring the L sound in any place, Eloise is newly chic. Eloise reentered the US Top girl names in after a 50 year nap and broke into the Top in And she shows no signs of slowing down. Eloise Continued Chevron - Right.

French names nameberry

French girl names have always had a chic appeal for parents far from Paris. Browse our full collection of French girl names here. The names are ordered by their current popularity on Nameberry, which is updated monthly.

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Adeline Continued Chevron - Right. This intriguing name, also spelled Mahault , is a medieval French form of Matilda , rather like Maud was in English. Much more than I could include in a blog post. It debuted on the US Top in This vintage-sounding name is ready for a comeback. Delphine Continued Chevron - Right. Delphine is a sleek, chic French name with two nature associations — the dolphin and the delphinium, a bluebell-like flower, a well as a link to the ancient city of Delphi, which the Greeks believed to be the womb of the earth. The Margot spelling is now given to three times as many baby girls as the Margo one. One of the most romantic names, the lovely and stylish Juliet seems finally to have shaken off her limiting link to Romeo. For fashion-loving parents, this name is definitely worth consideration. Remy is one of the hottest names today for both boys and girls, sometimes spelled Remi. But Elio is by for the most popular international version, ranking at number Also, regions of France can work well as baby names — think Brittany , Normandy , Corsica or, most classic of all, Paris! Eloise Continued Chevron - Right. Caroline is a perennial classic, in the Top since

By MiaLen. Share Copy link. Clementine is a fruit, a vintage feminization, and a name beloved by Berries.

It debuted on the US Top in Given Sophia's long standing among the Top 10 girl names in the US, Sophie may feel more popular than it actually is. Given Sophia's long standing among the Top 10 girl names in the US, Sophie may feel more popular than it actually is. Claire is also a great middle name choice. This is a shortened form of Nicolette , per Baby Name Wizard. Eloise Heart Origin: French and English variation of Heloise Meaning: "healthy; wide" Description: Along with many other names with the El- beginning and featuring the L sound in any place, Eloise is newly chic. But according to Namberry, the name Francine means "from France" or "free man. Margot Continued Chevron - Right. Genevieve Continued Chevron - Right. And though Claire is enjoying revived popularity, it will never be seen as trendy. The name Wolf is on the rise for English speakers, and so is its French equivalent — it was given to 18 boys in Paris last year.

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