frida kahlo wikipedia

Frida kahlo wikipedia

She was known for her surreal and very personal works, frida kahlo wikipedia. She was married to Diego Riveraalso a well-known painter. She had polio that left her disabled when she was 6 years old and some think that she may have had spina bifida a birth defect affecting the development of part of the spine as well. She studied frida kahlo wikipedia and was going to become a doctor.

Frida Kahlo de Rivera esset un famosi mexican pictora. Frida Kahlo es del max important representantes del surrealisme e simbolisme. Frieda Kahlo devet reposar mult in li lette e comensat picter per self-portretes. Ella aprendet denov ear, ma havet durant su tot vive dolores e ne posset parturir infantes. Inter e ella esset maritat con li mexican pictor Diego Rivera qui esset 20 annus plu old quam ella. Frida Kahlo maritat Diego Rivera in li annu un duesim vez. Ella suportat con su marito li russ revolutionario Leo Trotzki.

Frida kahlo wikipedia

In addition to belonging to the post-revolutionary Mexicayotl movement, which sought to define a Mexican identity, Kahlo has been described as a surrealist or magical realist. Although she was disabled by polio as a child, Kahlo had been a promising student headed for medical school until being injured in a bus accident at the age of 18, which caused her lifelong pain and medical problems. During her recovery, she returned to her childhood interest in art with the idea of becoming an artist. Kahlo's interests in politics and art led her to join the Mexican Communist Party in , [1] through which she met fellow Mexican artist Diego Rivera. The couple married in [1] [5] and spent the late s and early s travelling in Mexico and the United States together. During this time, she developed her artistic style, drawing her main inspiration from Mexican folk culture , and painted mostly small self-portraits that mixed elements from pre-Columbian and Catholic beliefs. While the French exhibition was less successful, the Louvre purchased a painting from Kahlo, The Frame , making her the first Mexican artist to be featured in their collection. Kahlo's always-fragile health began to decline in the same decade. She had her first solo exhibition in Mexico in , shortly before her death in at the age of Kahlo's work as an artist remained relatively unknown until the late s, when her work was rediscovered by art historians and political activists. Kahlo's work has been celebrated internationally as emblematic of Mexican national and indigenous traditions and by feminists for what is seen as its uncompromising depiction of the female experience and form. A severe bus accident at the age of 18 left Kahlo in lifelong pain. Confined to bed for three months following the accident, Kahlo began to paint. Her mother provided her with a specially-made easel , which enabled her to paint in bed, and her father lent her some of his oil paints.

GND ID. Mexican painter — Retrieved 25 January

Mexican painter — Diego Rivera. BnF authorities. National Library of Spain ID. Virtual International Authority File. Integrated Authority File.

Frida fu una pittrice dalla vita travagliata. Dimessa dall' ospedale , fu costretta ad un riposo forzato nel letto di casa, col busto ingessato. Questa situazione la spinse a leggere libri sul movimento comunista e a dipingere. Fatta dell'arte la sua ragion d'essere, per contribuire finanziariamente alla sua famiglia, un giorno decise di sottoporre i suoi dipinti a Diego Rivera , illustre pittore dell'epoca, per avere una sua critica. Divenne un'attivista del Partito Comunista Messicano a cui si iscrisse nel Conseguentemente alle sofferenze sentimentali ebbe anche lei numerosi rapporti extraconiugali, comprese varie esperienze omosessuali. In quegli anni al marito Diego furono commissionati alcuni lavori negli USA , come il muro all'interno del Rockefeller Center di New York , e gli affreschi per la Esposizione universale di Chicago. A seguito dello scalpore suscitato dall'affresco nel Rockefeller Center, in cui un operaio aveva il volto di Lenin , gli furono revocate tali commissioni.

Frida kahlo wikipedia

Haar vader Guillermo Wilhelm Kahlo was een Duitse protestant. Volgens Frida Kahlo zelf was hij een Duitstalige Jood van Hongaarse afkomst, maar dat bleek een verzinsel. Na de Mexicaanse Revolutie had hij moeite om de eindjes aan elkaar te knopen. In werd Frida op zesjarige leeftijd getroffen door kinderverlamming aan haar rechterbeen. Dit was de bron van een aantal complexen die ze haar hele leven zou meedragen.

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Archived from the original on 7 April Still Life with Flag. Zamora, Martha Freebase Data Dumps. Larass, Petra. Tree of Hope, Stand Fast They then boarded a second bus, which was crowded, and they sat in the back. Archived from the original on 15 April Washington Monthly. Toggle limited content width. The year spent in Detroit was a difficult time for Kahlo. Portrait of Marucha Lavin. Public Broadcasting Service. Artsy artist ID.

Nearly 70 years after her death, the work of Frida Kahlo continues to move, excite and inspire. Jonathan Wright looks at the career of the Mexican artist and her legacy today.

The Suicide of Dorothy Hale. I Belong to My Owner. Categories : Paintings by Frida Kahlo Lists of paintings. Critical responses continue to gloss over Kahlo's reworking of the personal, ignoring or minimizing her interrogation of sexuality, sexual difference, marginality, cultural identity, female subjectivity, politics and power. See also: List of paintings by Frida Kahlo. Mexican painter — Frida Kahlo. Mexico City. Self-Portrait with the Portrait of Doctor Farill. Toggle limited content width. We The People. Frida Kahlo - Google Art Project. National Library of Chile ID.

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