gail emms hot

Gail emms hot

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Gail Elizabeth Emms MBE born 23 July is a retired English badminton player who has achieved international success in doubles tournaments. A badminton player since the age of four, Emms was first chosen to represent England in and regularly played for her country until her retirement from professional sport in Her best results were winning gold at the World Championships in Madrid, European Championships in Geneva, and a silver medal at the Olympic Games , partnering Nathan Robertson in the mixed doubles. At the Commonwealth Games in Manchester she won a bronze medal with Joanne Goode in the women's doubles and won gold as part of the England team in the mixed team event. In the English National Championships she won the mixed doubles three times and the women's doubles twice. Her parents divorced while Emms was in her early teens. Emms competed in badminton at the Summer Olympics in women's doubles with partner Donna Kellogg.

Gail emms hot


Gail Elizabeth Emms MBE born 23 July is a retired English badminton player who has achieved international success in doubles tournaments. Lee Kyung-won Ra Kyung-min.


Now fuck off and get a proper job. Emms is chatty and cheerful in a sports club in Milton Keynes; but the themes of this interview often seem as bleak as they are salutary. She won her silver medal in badminton at the Olympic Games in Athens, playing in the mixed doubles with Nathan Robertson, at a time when British sporting success was a rarity. Emms and Robertson were also world champions in and she won two Commonwealth Games gold medals and a matching pair of European titles. Eleven years later she pauses when asked if she now wishes she had never been a professional sportswoman. Has she got a marketing degree? Emms obtained a sports science degree in and, rather than expecting free handouts as a former Olympian, she would just like a chance to prove her intelligence and vitality could be useful in the job market. I am not sure I can cope with more rejections.

Gail emms hot

Gail Elizabeth Emms MBE born 23 July is a retired English badminton player who has achieved international success in doubles tournaments. A badminton player since the age of four, Emms was first chosen to represent England in and regularly played for her country until her retirement from professional sport in Her best results were winning gold at the World Championships in Madrid, European Championships in Geneva, and a silver medal at the Olympic Games , partnering Nathan Robertson in the mixed doubles. At the Commonwealth Games in Manchester she won a bronze medal with Joanne Goode in the women's doubles and won gold as part of the England team in the mixed team event. In the English National Championships she won the mixed doubles three times and the women's doubles twice. Her parents divorced while Emms was in her early teens.

Poki 2

Or sign in with one of these services. In she was appointed to the Badminton England coaching staff with a remit to develop young female prospects and mixed doubles pairs. Jonas Rasmussen Rikke Olsen. Reply to this topic What a post. Emms and Robertson won the first game 21—16 before Gao Ling and her new partner Zheng Bo hit back to win the second 21— Zheng Bo Gao Ling. Lee Jae-jin Lee Hyo-jung. Straight out of the top drawer and back of the net!! Strasbourg, France. All England Open badminton mixed doubles champions. After retiring as a badminton player in Emms has periodically suffered from depression. Jonas Rasmussen Jane F. In other projects.

Reminiscing about her time competing, she squeezed back into her kit and shared a video online, much to the delight of her fans.

Scottish International. Retrieved 28 August Anthony Clark Lorraine Cole. Spot on Hungarian International. Nova Widianto Liliyana Natsir. What a post. KaZuKan Posted February 23, Zhang Jun Gao Ling. Hiram Posted February 21, Straight out of the top drawer and back of the net!! Or sign in with one of these services Sign in with Facebook.

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