game of thrones season 2 episode 7 مترجم

Game of thrones season 2 episode 7 مترجم

It is the sixty-seventh episode of the series overall. It premiered on August 27, on HBO.

Written by David Benioff and D. Weiss Directed by David Nutter. Theon Greyjoy wakes and discovers the wildling Osha has escaped Winterfell with Hodor and the Stark boys. Enraged, Theon savagely beats one of his men and orders the rest to gather the horses and hounds to hunt down the prisoners. They track the boys to a nearby farm.

Game of thrones season 2 episode 7 مترجم

Missandei was originally a polyglottic slave from Naath who served as an interpreter to Kraznys mo Nakloz of Astapor , until she was freed by Daenerys Targaryen , serving as her trusted advisor and handmaiden ever since. She was among Daenerys's most loyal subordinates. Missandei was born on the island of Naath in the Summer Sea , off the coast of the continent of Sothoryos. She was enslaved at a young age and taken to Slaver's Bay in Essos , where she was eventually put to work as an interpreter for the slaver-master Kraznys mo Nakloz , one of the Good Masters of Astapor. Missandei speaks nineteen languages including High Valyrian her favorite , the Low Valyrian dialect of Slaver's Bay, Dothraki , the Common Tongue of Westeros , [6] and has some knowledge of the functionally dead language of the Ghiscari Empire. Missandei acts as an interpreter between her master Kraznys mo Nakloz and Daenerys Targaryen when she lands on Astapor with the intent to buy Unsullied. She does not simply translate, but offers Kraznys commentary on Daenerys's words and diplomatically leaves out Kraznys's insults to the Khaleesi, remaining as professional as she can when Kraznys describes the acts used to discipline and strengthen the Unsullied. Daenerys meets with Kraznys and other Good Masters and announces her intention to buy all of the eight thousand Unsullied for sale, but Kraznys says she cannot afford them. The slaver grows increasingly insulting and condescending - which makes Missandei struggle to interpret politely. Daenerys then adds she also wants to buy the hundreds of young men still in training. In exchange, she offers one of her dragons. The Good Masters agree, but Daenerys also asks for Missandei as a gift and a show of good faith for the upcoming transaction. He agrees, and Missandei follows Daenerys. Daenerys asks the young slave for her name and if she has any living family, but she says she does not.

Episode 1 2.


Written by Bryan Cogman. While a storm lashes Dragonstone, Daenerys discusses the conquest of Westeros. Tyrion believes she can take the Iron Throne without a long and costly war, given their new alliances with House Tyrell of the Reach and Dorne. Daenerys thanks Varys for his help in this regard, but also uses the moment to question the Spider's loyalty. Varys holds his own and pledges to always be honest with the queen. She in turn promises to burn him alive if he betrays her as he did his other rulers. Dany moves on to Tyrion, seeking assurance he will fight against and defeat his own siblings. Tyrion tells her he will find a way to convince her of his loyalty.

Game of thrones season 2 episode 7 مترجم

In the feast hall of the Twins, a very-much alive Walder Frey addresses the Frey men, toasting to their bravery at the Red Wedding and to the future of their house. The celebration takes a turn, however, when one by one the Frey men collapse from the poisoned wine. Arya Stark pulls off the face of Walder Frey and instructs Walder's young widow to, "Tell them winter came for House Frey" before leaving the corpse-strewn room. Arya rides through the woods and comes across a group of young Lannister soldiers tasked with keeping the peace in the Riverlands. Arya warily accepts their offer of food and listens to them chat about missing their homes and families, all the while plotting how to kill them. When they ask why she's headed to King's Landing, Arya casually mentions she's going to kill the queen. After a moment's silence, the soldiers all burst into laughter. Arya soon joins in: Nobody is going to die here today. Surprised by Bran's knowledge of his own personal history, Dolorous Edd raises the gate and allows the strangers to enter.

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Missandei counsels Tyrion before and during his meeting with the envoys Masters of the slave cities of Essos Belicho Paenymion representing Volantis , Yezzan zo Qaggaz representing Astapor and Razdal mo Eraz representing Yunkai , distressing Missandei at the fact that Tyrion is seeking to approach them on more peaceful terms. He tells Sansa to ask herself what Arya's worst possible motivation is. A teaser for House of the Dragon : Season 2 has been released, confirming a summer premiere. Euron tries to posture, threatening to kill Yara unless Theon yields to him and deriding Tyrion's dwarfism; when Tyrion and Theon retort to his taunts with their own, Euron remarks that Tyrion would have been killed at birth in the Iron Islands. She witnesses as Tyrion explains himself and when Jorah is again banished from Meereen. As Baelish tries to speak, Arya walks up and slits his throat with the same Valyrian steel dagger that lay at the heart of his plots. Cersei promptly tells Gregor Clegane that if anything goes wrong at the summit, he is to kill Daenerys, Tyrion and Jon in that order, then dispose of the rest as he pleases. Arya tells Sansa that she wouldn't have been able to survive what Sansa did. The Lord of the Tides 9. Dany suffers a loss. Due to this age-lift, her interactions with Grey Worm starting in Season 5 have no counterpart in the novels.

Weiss , and directed by David Nutter. In the episode, Tywin Lannister investigates a suspicious murder at Harrenhal; Jon Snow searches for his companions beyond the Wall with his prisoner, Ygritte ; Osha and Hodor help Bran and Rickon Stark escape Winterfell as Theon Greyjoy pursues them; Daenerys Targaryen searches for her stolen dragons in Qarth; and Jaime Lannister attempts to escape captivity.

The Green Council When you are done, remove this notice. In her solar, Cersei is informed by Qyburn of the arrival of Daenerys's party, though there is no sign of Daenerys herself. Missandei says this shouldn't be that odd, since it only took Daenerys a year to gain a reasonable grasp of Dothraki. Ser Barristan admires Missandei's wise advice, which reminds him of the tactics Littlefinger and Varys used at Westeros in order to form a division in the enemy ranks. Dany goes to a strange place. Warging forward to the Tower of Joy, Bran finally hears Lyanna's dying words. He then declares his intention to travel the world after they help Daenerys win, and asks Missandei if there's any place she would like to go. He explains he is here to kill Daenerys on orders from his captains, but they ran into a philosophical disagreement over her beauty. A scout returns to Dany with disturbing news. Jon pulls Ygritte along behind him on a rope, as she continues to push his buttons. Qaithe knows that Jorah loves his queen - and that he betrayed her. Robb meets a foreigner and Dany finds her ally. Season 4. You said, 'I did warn you not to trust me.

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