gay clubs in montreal canada

Gay clubs in montreal canada

Club Unity is the biggest gay bar in Montreal, and it's located in the heart of the gay village. There are three bars as well as a rooftop. Uncrate drinks are relatively cheap and multiple floors with different types of music playing.

Take a look at these popular gay dance parties and nightclubs in Montreal. Our favorite gay bars in Montreal. Drag shows, dancers and cocktails, oh my! Our guide to the most popular hotels in Montreal for gay travelers. Montreal isn't afraid to play harder.

Gay clubs in montreal canada

Thanks for subscribing! Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! By entering your email address you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receive emails from Time Out about news, events, offers and partner promotions. Our newsletter hand-delivers the best bits to your inbox. Sign up to unlock our digital magazines and also receive the latest news, events, offers and partner promotions. Named for beloved Montreal drag icon Mado Lamotte , Cabaret Mado has been packing them in since it opened in Mostly local, but also some national and international drag artists headline shows and sketch comedy nightly. One of the biggest gay clubs in Canada, Complexe Sky boasts three floors of entertainment topped by a popular summertime rooftop terrasse complete with outdoor pool and jacuzzi. Or enjoy a pitcher of ice-cold sangria on the street-level terrasse which is great for people-watching. Patrons can also select music videos on the indoor screens. A post shared by District Video Lounge districtvideolounge. While it serves the leather and denim communities, it is also popular with bears and the athletic crowd, young and older alike. Cheap drinks, happy hour specials and a cruisy summertime terrasse.

Street art murals are very popular across Montreal, particularly in the Plateau neighbourhood, which is not too far to walk from the Gay Village. Playing primarily house and techno music until well into the next morning, Stereo apparently has an excellent sound system.

Call us at Email Us. Get Quote! Nitelife The Gay Village Nightclubs. Originally illegally in operation due to the wrong permit, Circus was accepting their hefty fines to give partygoers an opportunity to party past 3 am every Friday and Saturday. Five years later, Circus Afterhours is a staple in the all-night clubbing scene.

Take a look at these popular gay dance parties and nightclubs in Montreal. Our favorite gay bars in Montreal. Drag shows, dancers and cocktails, oh my! Our guide to the most popular hotels in Montreal for gay travelers. Montreal isn't afraid to play harder. We've got a list of the gay cruise clubs in Montreal's Gay Village. Gay Montreal.

Gay clubs in montreal canada

Thanks for subscribing! Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! By entering your email address you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receive emails from Time Out about news, events, offers and partner promotions. Our newsletter hand-delivers the best bits to your inbox. Sign up to unlock our digital magazines and also receive the latest news, events, offers and partner promotions. Named for beloved Montreal drag icon Mado Lamotte , Cabaret Mado has been packing them in since it opened in

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The dancers are extremely talented and due to the lax laws, they bare everything. Three floors, including a stage, a lounge area and three dance floors, make it the biggest club in the Village. Seby sure looks excited to explore Montreal's gay clubs later! A poutine is fries served with cheese curds and topped with gravy. Winter can be quite magical with the snow but if you prefer warmer temperatures then the shoulder seasons of spring and autumn will provide cheaper prices, especially for accommodation. The staff here are incredibly warm and friendly, plus they make everything on the spot as soon as you order — so you know it's as fresh as can be. Discover the best of the city, first. It's best to check online before coming as show nights and cover charges can vary quite a bit. Regards, Peter Garneau. The locations on this map are a mixed bag, so read carefully before choosing your watering hole.


Drag queen Mado Lamotte was voted Montreal's tackiest personality for several years running, mostly due to her great success running the city's most prominent drag establishment and now, a restaurant next door. Canada generally has always been at the forefront of LGBTQ rights, being one of the first countries to legalise gay marriage and with one of the most progressive transgender laws in the world. For more inspiration: Read why we think Canada is one of the most gay friendly countries in the world As well as all our favourite gay friendly restaurants in Montreal While you're in Canada make sure you also head to the gay bars and clubs in Toronto There are also plenty of fun gay events in Toronto If you're travelling with your lover, check out these romantic things for gay couples to do in Toronto as well Read our gay guide to the city of Vancouver Don't miss out on the most incredible snowy pride event in Whistler And if you like snow you will love this guide to the best gay skiing holidays around the world But if you prefer sun and sand to snow, check out our guide to the best gay cruises instead! Pocket Flipboard Email. The people here are laid back and friendly. Mon: - Tue: - Wed: - Thu: - Fri: - Sat: - Sun: - It's not too late! The Ritz-Carlton Montreal. Playing primarily house and techno music until well into the next morning, Stereo apparently has an excellent sound system. Where to eat?

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