gay male nifty stories

Gay male nifty stories

Werewolf's Heartsong DizzyIzzyN. There I was, w Abuse Alpha Fated Mate.

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Angel's Redemption Hazbin Hotel by Apple :0 4 0 2. My Dearest, Anthony. A story based of two characters from the popular TV show 'Hazbi Are You A Deer? Alastor x Male Hy

Gay male nifty stories

I can't remember the title of this story, but it's about a rebellious teenage Australlian or British boy. I'm not very sure, but he spells humor with a "u". Anyway, the boy doesn't like his stepdad but has a crush on his stepdad's friend named Mikhail. The protagonist and Mikhail fall in love with each other, but Mikhail has a family and very much attached to his son Duncan. I'm really sorry, but this is all I got. Please, please, please I hope I can get an answer here. I read this when I was just 17 by accident and my laptop was broken a year after that so all the memory got erased. T I really, really liked it. And I am new here btw. I can't help with your search, but welcome to GA. Hopefully, someone knows the story you're thinking of.

Andrew J 5 stories, 21K words. Jonothan Wolf 4 stories, K words. Gunter Ragen 18 stories, K words.

Several years ago I read a ridiculous story on Nifty that I would quite like to find and read again. I don't remember much about it, except that it featured teenaged food shop bag boys in very tight shorts. I've tried various ways of searching Nifty, but have very little to go on. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy!

By moc. By gro. By em. Nifty Collections. Collections Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender. Publish a Story. Log in.

Gay male nifty stories

By moc. Discover more Gay Encounters stories in the archive on the top right. Nifty Collections. Collections Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender.


Roe St. Andrew J 5 stories, 21K words. Brian 5 stories, K words. Randall Austin 42 stories, K words. Jasmine Walker 19 stories, K words. Adz Sampson 12 stories, K words. Spartaguy 2 stories, 13K words. Mark Tholtow 6 stories, K words. Paul Morrison 5 stories, K words. Sinful Mates Jessica Hall.

By ten. By moc. Discover more Gay Beginnings stories in the archive on the top right.

Ken Hooker 22 stories, K words. Jack Lynch 7 stories, 46K words. Don't forget to check the high school section. Linda Laving 7 stories, 55K words. Ed Louis 3 stories, K words. But the visit shocks not only him but the others who were just there to visi HunkeyMonkeyMan aol. David George 8 stories, K words. Aaron Deepneau 1 stories, K words. Ernie 8 stories, K words. Miss Victoria 11 stories, K words. Martins-Bazinet 32 stories, K words. Mark Tholtow 6 stories, K words.

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