gay talese 1971

Gay talese 1971

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Talese, Gay. Published by World Publishing, New York, Seller Rating:. Contact seller. First Edition. Used - Hardcover Condition: Good. Within U.

Gay talese 1971

View Larger Image. Fine condition textured polished black boards with red spine lettering contained in a fine condition color illustrated dust jacket. Illustrated with black-and-white photographic plates and illustrated family tree front and rear endpapers. Book Club Edition. Since the Prohibition era, it has specialized in providing those illegal commodities which, in Lippmann's words, human appetites crave. It is a risky business tat best. Sidewalks have been littered with bodies because of "misunderstandings" between mafiosi. Yet, since the survivors in Mafia society are most often as quite as the corpses, there has never been a factual account of the Mafia world from the inside: what their homes look like, what they say to their wives, what they tell their children about themselves, what their children come to know without being told. But the "inside" book that has so far eluded other writers has now been written - by Gay Talese. In this monumental work-packed with fascinating, intimate details and brilliant reporting and written in the style of a novel - Talese portrays the secret society as they - and he - have lived it in the six years he traveled with the individuals who have so dominated the crime charts of crime-busting senators. The book begins on a rainy Tuesday night in October when, on Park Avenue in New York, the famous Mafia chieftain Joseph Bonanno - whose rather in Sicily was a "man of respect" and whose college-educated son was his top lieutenant - was kidnapped by two mobsters and reported by the police as dead on the following morning. Eighteen months and several corpses later Joseph Bonanno reappeared as strangely as he had disappeared, setting off a Mafia feud that came to be known as the Banana War. Talese covers the Banana War in intimate detail. The reader gets extraordinary glimpses of men on the run, of "hits" and "misses," and, later, the wives and children and other members of a society that readers of The Godfather know in fictional terms.

Seller: aldebaranbooksLantana, FL, U. Throughout his career, McKuen produced a wide range of recordings, which included popular music, spoken word poetry, film soundtracks and classical music.

Thompson , one of the pioneers of New Journalism. Talese's entry into writing was entirely happenstance and the unintended consequence of his attempt as a high school sophomore to gain more playing time in the baseball team. The assistant coach had the duty of telephoning in the chronicle of each game to the local newspaper and when he complained he was too busy to do it properly, the head coach gave Talese the duty. On the mistaken assumption that relieving the athletic department of its press duties would gain me the gratitude of the coach and get me more playing time, I took the job and even embellished it by using my typing skills to compose my own account of the games rather than merely relaying the information to the newspapers by telephone. By the time he left for college in September , he had written some stories and columns for the Sentinel-Ledger. Talese credits his mother as the role model he followed in developing the interviewing techniques that he would during his career.

Education: University of Alabama, B. Writer and journalist. Has appeared on television and in films, primarily as himself, including the film Tootsie. Military service: U. Army, ; became first lieutenant. Contributing editor, Esquire, beginning As a pioneer of the new journalism, Gay Talese was one of the first writers to apply the techniques of fiction to nonfiction. In a Writer's Digest interview with Leonard Wallace Robinson, Talese described how and why he began writing in this style while reporting for the New York Times: "I found I was leaving the assignment each day, unable with the techniques available to me or permissible to the New York Times, to really tell, to report, all that I saw, to communicate through the techniques that were permitted by the archaic copy desk. There is reporting that fortifies the whole structure. Fact reporting, leg work.

Gay talese 1971

The bunker, as he calls it, is a long, narrow room that is bigger than many Manhattan apartments, with a bathroom, shower, kitchen, several couches, two desks, a table and chairs. One does not, however, lose the feeling of being underground. One also has the unmistakable sense of being inside his mind. There are shelves running up to the ceiling filled with boxes and boxes of files. Each box is elaborately festooned with a collage: photographs from newspapers and magazines, excised words, drawings, cartoons. Strewn across one of the desks are Ziploc sandwich baggies filled with photographs and meticulously typewritten labels with names and dates. Spilled across the floor are more photographs of his glamorous wife, Nan, and their friends, throughout the five decades of their marriage. Talese is beginning to classify his photographs for his new book, a history of his marriage, and the mess is part of the vast organizational project that marks the beginning of his research. Few writers research as thoroughly or ardently as Talese, who gives nine or ten years of his life to a book. He has records of every day—where he was, who he saw, and how he felt.

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New Revision Series, vol. Bama Hammer. New York: Vintage. Talese was then assigned to the Times' Albany Bureau to cover state politics. Great end to my day! They have two children. That said, we are here to serve you, to offer you fine quality items that are conservatively described so that you will always be pleasantly surprised and delighted with your purchase. Create a Want Tell us what you're looking for and once a match is found, we'll inform you by e-mail. Book First Edition Signed. The Tuscaloosa News. His selection of a major was, as he described it, a moot choice. I was sent to write minor obituaries not even seven paragraphs long. Talese graduated from the University of Alabama in Tools Tools. More to explore.

During this period, however, Talese had begun to research a book about the Mafia. The research for the book began when Talese introduced himself to mafioso Salvatore "Bill" Bonanno in a courthouse in Talese even traveled to Castellammare del Golfo , Sicily , to research the ancestral origins of the subjects of his story.

Our BookSleuth is specially designed for you. Upload your demo reel. In , Talese published Honor Thy Father , a book about the travails of the Bonanno crime family in the s, especially Salvatore Bonanno and his father Joseph. It is a Christmas gift for my sister, who is a huge Bob Dylan fan. Retrieved September 13, Dust jacket slightly grubby in places. Download as PDF Printable version. In this monumental work-packed with fascinating, intimate details and brilliant reporting and written in the style of a novel - Talese portrays the secret society as they - and he - have lived it in the six years he traveled with the individuals who have so dominated the crime charts of crime-busting senators. Retrieved November 9, Book: "Fame and Obscurity". In April , Talese spoke at a panel at a Boston University journalism conference. Payment Methods accepted by seller.

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