gay themed movies blog

Gay themed movies blog

We are proud to say that you can see more than movies and other video material of various genres on our website. Also, here you can find many video galleries with thoushand videos, music video, gay short films, feature-length movies, gay themed movies blog, movie reviews etc. If you are real gay film lovers you can enjoy on our daily update site.

We from Couple of Men had an inspiring talk with festival director Martin Wolkner about the program of the 8th Filmfest homochrom in Cologne and Dortmund in the western part of Germany. The LGBT film festival has quickly become the second-largest among a very active crowd of two dozens of queer film festivals all around Germany. But homochrom has also been one of the up-and-coming festivals to look for rare film discoveries and gay movie surprises. The biggest one yet might be that the admission to all films is free in We wanted to know from Martin Wolkner which of the film selection are the best, sexiest or most dramatic movies showcasing love between two gay men.

Gay themed movies blog

Covers gay themed movie reviews, movie reviews, gay movies, ratings, LGBT movies reviews. Discover great gay stories. Jun 30 Get Email Contact. This is an amateur website focus Gay movies, videos, web-series and documentaries from all over the world. We curate the world's lesbian film, television, and video content. UK FilmDoo is a global online streaming platform helping people to discover and watch great films about lesbians from around the world filmdoo. Follow us to keep up with gay movies from Ga Show 13 to Get k Bloggers, Podcasters and Media outlets with email contacts. Export Full Database. Submit Your Blog. Jun 30 Get Email Contact 6. Gay Movies World Gay movies, videos, web-series and documentaries from all over the world.

A gay cousin of his girlfriend who lives permanently in Rome, comes to visit them but that does not seem to disturb their relationship, or at least on the surface. Jean Paul gay themed movies blog Chema are a gay couple that has been together for ten years. Watch online on YouTube or Vimeo.

A few weeks ago I saw a post where someone was asking for suggestions for gay themed films that had happy or uplifting themes. It reminded me how many gay themed films I have watched which end in death, separation or sorrow! As part of LGBTQ history month I thought it would be good to put together a list of films that are uplifting and celebrate being gay. Top of the list however is my favourite film of all, and one you may well have seen but which I find I can watch again and again! If you have Netflix you will find a few of these films on there also. I hope you find a few films here that will make you laugh! Jamie is a shy teenager, often bullied at school.

Gone are the years when a list like this would only have a blend of arthouse fare and Oscar-baiting biopics. There are queer films for every taste, mood, and season. And the awards season slate is getting better, too, as prestige filmmakers avoid casting pitfalls and embrace more authentic depictions of queer life. They tackle subjects as diverse as Southern Baptist megachurches, philharmonic orchestras , and Jewish funerals. Watch this one not so much to be scared, but to feel emotionally hollowed out. James Factora. Samantha Riedel. Abby Monteil. No, rather than extolling this movie further, let me just leave you with this: the plot hinges on a worldwide disaster that can only be averted when a mother learns to affirm her queer daughter. A Jarhead -style training film that foregrounds the homoeroticism that has always undergirded military spaces, The Inspection is a dazzling coming-of-age tale about trauma, resilience, familial strife, and personal growth.

Gay themed movies blog

The general narrative when it came to cinema in was, unfortunately, that it's dying a slow — or maybe kinda fast? And while yes, it is true that the vast majority of movies not involving Marvel, Pandora or Tom Cruise struggled to get people into theatres, I am choosing to come out of this year with a different, perhaps somewhat delusional perspective. To me, cinema felt very alive and well in — perhaps not always from a financial angle which does matter , but definitely in terms of what the films themselves offered the people who love them. If you just so happened to be one of those people and queer of which this column has long made clear, I extremely am , then did you ever get to come to that place for magic this year. I'll admit that in my decade plus plus of writing about film from a specifically queer perspective, I've declared one too many years as "landmarks" or "watersheds" or whatever other superlative words when it came to LGBTQ cinema — but it's hard to deny them to a year like So I'd like to celebrate this by offering up a list of my favourite queer films of that includes everything from rom coms to family dramas to gothic horror.

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Way too few LGBT movies are actually fun to watch, but this one does it. One More Lesbian We curate the world's lesbian film, television, and video content. Last Call Dir. Labels: Sasha Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. French director Pascal-Alex Vincent 'Give Me Your Hand' is afforded two slots in this collection: "Far West", a clever and entertaining story in which an urbane dancer finds himself in a rural outback town; and "Candy Boy", an unusual, anime-style adventure of a boy in an orphanage whose leadership is challenged by a troublesome yet enticing new arrival. He didn't ever hide who he was and yet he felt so invisible and misunderstood. But homochrom has also been one of the up-and-coming festivals to look for rare film discoveries and gay movie surprises. Tuesday, September 7, 3 I aka Trojka. Email us. Its intimate eroticism is highly compelling, reinforced by a powerful backdrop invoking the fleeting transience of life under the Pinochet dictatorship. One can see their relationship is solid, proved to be real, as they decide to get married. Then there was Milk , which opened my eyes to the early years of the gay rights movement.

The next 90 minutes were transfixing. I felt myself float above the class and into the screen.

I had the exact same feelings Undaunted, Daniel turns his small frame into a huge success. The biggest one yet might be that the admission to all films is free in To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Tuesday, June 15, Boys on Film 5 Covers gay themed movie reviews, movie reviews, gay movies, ratings, LGBT movies reviews. Tommaso is the youngest son of the Cantones, a large, traditional southern Italian family operating a pasta-making business since the s. The Celluloid Closet is a great introduction to gay subtext in classic Hollywood movies. I didn't see Shelter on the list. His intermittent visual collages of the character's lives inject new vitality to the stale montages we've all seen a million times; it's not that the screen has never been subdivided this way before, but that Tykwer's method of visual construction is meticulous and succinct -- like every frame of this film.

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