Gente de la tia juana

After all they don't get involved in the crap when the bullets are flying, smells like friendly gente de la tia juana is taking care of the mexican governmet melitary farces, making them look stupid or impotent, to further "General Zaius" goals of sending bad hombres to mexico, "AND TAKE THE OIL".

I dont post Corridos to glorify narcos or to promote the music, I post them because I believe that through corridos we can get an idea of the type or person, or their background, even though I know that some of them exaggerate the stories. Wachito keep up the awesome work saludos Carnal en armas, De un soldado a otro. Sorry but whatever bro. When you post a corrido you are promoting that crap. Can you upload some Tropa Chicana or Banda Machos so the michoacanos can dance while they type?

Gente de la tia juana

Originalmente, varios comercios y cantinas ocuparon las primeras vialidades que eran cercanas al camino que llevaba hacia el pueblo de San Diego. En junio las fuerzas federales de Francisco I. Bowman, y James N. Los principales clientes de los juegos azar eran los artistas de la Colonia de Hollywood. A partir de las confusas circunstancias de este hecho y el posterior fusilamiento del soldado, nace la leyenda urbana de Juan Soldado. En , Baja California se convierte de territorio a estado libre y soberano. El 1 de mayo de , inicia sus funciones el primer ayuntamiento de la ciudad de Tijuana. Dichos concejos fueron encabezados por priistas. El 16 de noviembre finalmente llegaron a Tijuana. Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar. Leer Editar Ver historial. Herramientas Herramientas. Archivado desde el original el 10 de junio de

Even the best special force units in the world have lost men to an inferior adversary because of a decently planned ambush. They have always had the green light!


I dont post Corridos to glorify narcos or to promote the music, I post them because I believe that through corridos we can get an idea of the type or person, or their background, even though I know that some of them exaggerate the stories. Wachito keep up the awesome work saludos Carnal en armas, De un soldado a otro. Sorry but whatever bro. When you post a corrido you are promoting that crap. Can you upload some Tropa Chicana or Banda Machos so the michoacanos can dance while they type?

Gente de la tia juana

After all they don't get involved in the crap when the bullets are flying, smells like friendly fire is taking care of the mexican governmet melitary farces, making them look stupid or impotent, to further "General Zaius" goals of sending bad hombres to mexico, "AND TAKE THE OIL". Time has proven that the type of narcos that gangbangers and fans of publicity loving thugs say they "have respect" have a career span of months and years at best. This guys are trained militarys they even taking out marines sinaloas are some real sicarios no wonder mencho is scared to take over sinaloa he will be sent back to Michiaocan in a body bag. Good evening Officer one day it only takes time right. It's not ecomically viable to take over another state,it costs to much money and people. Your father's know this very well.

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Esos sabas tenian pedos con el Macho Prieto o son otros? Mencho is the cia poster boy now. So was beltran and cjng at war? Someone will betray or snitch on Mencho. Not a huger but it's funny to me as a regular reader of this site how cds FANS don't want to acknowledge the fact that Mencho IS the man now. What do u do to have one? The problem here is nobody likes Ivan Guzman. He don't need Sinaloa,for what? The successful and smart ones are the people you don't hear about and self publicizing themselves as bad asses. Of course he's not, that's just how haters express their anger towards him because they have their pom poms ready to cheer for cds. Reuters and the BBC sometimes have good coverage of the drug cartels, although it's generally pretty broad. Look at Guerrero, look at Michoacan, look at Tamualipas. They've been fighting for a while now but I guess we'll just see what happens. One is Menchito which is locked up and the other boy which he raised Armando Valencias kid lives in Guadalajara and his daughter lives in Jalisco,married to Julio which is in jail also.


The successful and smart ones are the people you don't hear about and self publicizing themselves as bad asses. I been living almost 6 decades and watching drug dealers and druggies most of it. Good luck and vaya con dios. Consultado el 17 de febrero de Sinaloa is only good for having pretty girls with fake parts and narco corridos. Its a lie thats never going to happen Hector beltran leyva runs the cartel behind bars along with his nephew Tito Beltran and Hector half brother efrain. This especially angered Damaso and was basically the last straw hence the shootouts that have been happening lately. The Mafia perceives him as a dead man in the United States and the moment that Damaso has been waiting has arrived and he exploded like a bomb. Look at the only picture of Mencho out there. I can't see something like that happening in the US, law enforcement here regularly goes after Mafia figures. It looks bright for Sinaloa. Forget if you're from Sinaloa, Forget if you're Michoacan

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