gerrard street indian clothes

Gerrard street indian clothes

Contact Send. Chandan Fashion Fashion gibbia South Asian. Add to wishlist.

New Arrivals. Ready Stitched! Two-tone printed art silk saree. Comes with blouse piece unstitched. Printed georgette saree with border.

Gerrard street indian clothes


Chandan Fashion gerrard street indian clothes stunning bridal wear including hand made lehengas and cholis, designer brand evening wear and casual wear. Long-top kameez and churidar. Also make sure you check out the stunning designs on their Instagram account.


This slice of the Indian subcontinent offers a wide selection of products and services exhibited in an exotic display of sights, sounds, tastes and aromas. Colourful saris, exquisite fabrics, mouth-watering regional delicacies and delightful dining, dazzling jewelry, traditional musical instruments, audio and video entertainment and so much more; all await you at the Gerrard India Bazaar. Discover over shops and restaurants which represent the many regional diversities of South Asian culture, food, music and products. There is always something happening at the Bazaar! Check out the latest events here. Art Gallery. Fitness and Health. Home Goods. South Asian.

Gerrard street indian clothes

Chandan shoots video of his parents dancing for social media, as they attract many customers through Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. The family business also includes daughter Chandni, in white blazer, and daughter-in-law Roop, in check blazer. Looking back, he knows he took it for granted. Little India has weathered a lot of change since their parents, Jatinder Pal and Sarabjeet Singh, known to all as Kuki and Sarab, opened the shop nearly four decades ago. Having found ways to thrive despite an increased number of suburban competitors, Chandan Fashion remains on the corner of Ashdale Avenue and Gerrard Street East. Along with businesses like Kala Kendar, MotiMahal and Sonu Saree, their store anchors the neighbourhood to its past as it continues to grow. The market was often a must-see pit stop for those visiting Niagara Falls.


Grey colour mens kurta pajamaFabric is poly-brocadeEmbroidery: no embroideryShoes sold separatelyPaj…. Peach and blue colour girls suitFabric is art silkEmbroidery: gold stones, threadwork embroidery. Ladies Kurtis New Arrivals. Long-top kameez and churidar. New Arrivals. Click Here. Maroon colour mens kurta pajamaFabric is poly-brocadeEmbroidery: no embroideryShoes sold separatelyP…. Printed georgette saree with border. Fabric is navy-blue velvet. Printed Sarees! Childrens gibbia. Cream colour mens kurta pajamaFabric is art silkEmbroidery: gold zardosi embroidery, gold stones, be…. Polka dot black and white georgette fabric with hand work embroidery. Kameez is in coral-red colour tusser silk. They started their first business in the Gerrard India Bazaar in

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Blueish grey colour mens kurta pajamaFabric is poly-cottonEmbroidery: no embroideryShoes sold separa…. Chandan Fashion sells stunning bridal wear including hand made lehengas and cholis, designer brand evening wear and casual wear. Navy-Blue knee-length sherwani with gold embroidery. Mens shoes to accompany sherwanis. Cream colour mens kurta pajamaFabric is art silkEmbroidery: gold zardosi embroidery, gold stones, be…. Fabric is navy-blue velvet. The Property. Printed georgette saree with border. Ready Stitched! Childrens gibbia. Dark green colour mens kurta pajamaFabric is poly-brocadeEmbroidery: no embroideryShoes sold separat…. Comes with beig…. Black colour mens kurta pajamaFabric is art silkEmbroidery: no embroideryShoes sold separately. Ladies Kurtis New Arrivals. Choose Options.

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