giantess tara

Giantess tara

Tara Fremont is a member of the Superhero team Femforce. The jungle girl daughter of a wealthy industrialist, she was the only normal member until she ingested the same formula that transformed Dr, giantess tara. Carol Heisler into Garganta as a felicitous test for the adjustable bikini she giantess tara using. Her nicknames are Tara the jungle girl and Too Tall Tara.

Artist: Jeff Austin Inker. You must be logged in to use this feature. Marcus Wai Member Since Go Premium Today! Sara Pezzini pin up by Yuran. Original drawing wit Incredible Hulk p.

Giantess tara


From the Academy she was the idealist who organized rallies to protect the environment, giantess tara, having championed endangered species throughout the planet and in the process has adapted to life in various jungles and other locations far from civilization. Chris Anderson. She had also giantess tara the expert knowledge of tracking game of all kinds through the jungle forests, however her ability was diminished in urban settings.


With The Femforce giantess Tara down and out, it is Synn who saves the day. Finally beginning to master her fluctuating mental abilities, she uses her vast powers to return The Claw to his fictional existance in a comic book, and change eveything back to normal, just in time for the new gang to move into the new FF headquarters. When the mysterious sponsor for the urban renewal project, Vonn Ferris, has Dr. Myla Chang as his date at the event, the FF get suspicious. But when a terrrifying fire spirit crashes the show and calls him a murderer; well something is definitely up.

Giantess tara

The company name was changed to Americomics in , and then AC Comics in Its comic is still in publication today. I previously reviewed several videos starring Garganta.

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More More. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Artist: Jeff Austin Inker. Page actions Read View source History Purge. She then returns to her natural height at will. You must be logged in to use this feature. View All. Tara Fremont is a member of the Superhero team Femforce. ComicLink Auctions. Her maximum attainable height is presently unknown; however any height over fifty feet tall weakens her so rapidly that Tara could fall into a state of unconsciousness within a few minutes. Giantess Wiki. She used her knowledge of jungle life behavior and its many diverse species to cultivate considerable expertise in the fields of nature conservation. Due to being raised in the protective arms of her social status, Tara would come to have the "blinders off" as she grew up seeing the environmental horrors her family's corporation would cause.

Giantesses are imaginary, gigantic women. They are widely believed to be mythological by the humans of modern-day, since the term "giantess" is so generic, it seems possible to describe female giants not native to Earth which fall under the very forgiving criteria as giantesses.

Aquaman Special 1 pg 37 Original Art Mer Comic Connect Auctions. Terms and Conditions for using this web site. Tara felt she had needed this island to create a sanctuary for specific endangered wildlife who she knew would disappear in a matter of a short time in the outside world. Jeff Austin Inker. This allowed her to gain increased strength and invulnerability proportional to her size and density. Namespaces Page Discussion. Description Giantess Tara gives Commando D a lift in style in this newly finished pin up piece. View All Hot Ebay Auctions. Tara used her families vast wealth to create her home-base is an artificial island, Jungle Island,which was created just off the coast of Florida.

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