Golden state german shepherd rescue

Become a Foster Caretaker! Donations Needed! Dogs Available for Adoption through Owner Placement.

Jayne Goad has long held a place in her heart for German Shepherds. Starting in , she began rescuing German Shepherd dogs, and in an organization named Golden State German Shepherd Rescue started operations. It was only natural that Jayne would get on board. In March, she took over as president. The goal is for animals rescued from the Northern Central Valley to be paired with veterans experiencing post-traumatic stress or anxieties that arise with a return to civilian life. Veterans often elect to complete a higher level of training to meet specific needs, but every German Shepherd through GSGSR is placed immediately into a foster home where fundamental training begins. It may be as simple as the dog joining the veteran on walks to get them out of the house or introducing purpose into their lives when they have to train, feed, and care for another.

Golden state german shepherd rescue

Our mission is to find loving new homes for German Shepherd Dogs in need of a second chance and to educate the public about this highly intelligent and versatile breed. Most of the dogs in our program come from Central Valley animal shelters where they have run out of time. We take them into foster homes to buy time and assess their needs, and then find perfect fit adopters throughout Northern California. Adopting a German Shepherd Dog is a serious commitment of up to years. We're looking to find our dogs forever homes so their lives won't be disrupted again. Tell us the story of how you met your furry best friend and help other pet lovers discover the joys of pet adoption! Close Main Navigation Menu. Sign Up Log In. Hide Saved searches. Main Content. Golden State German Shepherd Rescue. Discovery Bay, CA. Our Mission Our mission is to find loving new homes for German Shepherd Dogs in need of a second chance and to educate the public about this highly intelligent and versatile breed.

This has helped build her confidence and enhanced her socialization skills. Click for larger image.

Adopting a German Shepherd Dog is a serious commitment of up to years. We're looking to find our dogs forever homes so their lives won't be disrupted again. In general, we don't know the background or medical history of dogs we bring into our program, nor can we guarantee their temperaments, behaviors, or health. We base the information on each dog on observations made while the dog is in a foster home in our program. Since not all homes are the same, dogs may display different behaviors after being adopted than what we've observed. Similarly, just because a dog has lived with or tested tolerant of cats or small dogs, does NOT mean it will automatically be tolerant of cats or small dogs in a new home. It may take time and supervision while the animals adjust.

Our adoption process is designed to help you and the right dog find each other. Our goal is to place each dog into a permanent, safe, and loving home. In choosing the right German Shepherd for you and your family, you may work with several other rescue organizations. Even though you may have filled out a questionnaire from another group, we still ask that you complete our questionnaire, since our criteria and requirements may differ. Thank you for understanding, and we look forward to working with you. We sometimes accept home visit reports from other GSD rescue groups.

Golden state german shepherd rescue

Sometimes, finding the perfect dog to adopt takes patience. Pet Rehoming Network offers a free service for families hoping to adopt a German Shepherd. Fill out our waiting list form, and our adoption counsellors will reach out to you when we have an adoptable GSD available within a reasonable distance of your location. Through our home to home dog adoption process, you will get to meet the owners and learn all about a dog you are hoping to adopt.

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He is housebroken and is good with kids, cats, dogs, is trained, and well-behaved. Chip has truly blossomed in his foster home and is becoming "one of the pack". Here's what Bob had to say about Krista in December German Shepherds are known as high maintenance dogs. There's no question that the actual number of adverse events was much higher during that time period--and of course IS much higher five years hence. After Maverick finishes his initial training and learns basic commands, Andrew is going to apply for a second program that trains service dogs pro bono for veterans and first responders. Zoe Female Though there are certain advantages to adopting a dog from a rescue group, those dogs are safe. He loves to play with the other dogs and loves to eat. No transaction fee will be deducted. Level 1 dogs require the least exercise and training: They tend to be willing to go along and get along, and want to avoid trouble. Confident, assertive and pushy, will challenge leadership status.

When we are notified about a German Shepherd Dog in need we first determine if they are qualified for our program. Our number one goal is to rescue and save German Shepherd Dogs who pass our temperament evaluation and who appear healthy. Our evaluation process helps us to determine if that GSD will be able to be safely placed into a home and be a part of the family.

It is a pleasure! Click on this link for a printable MS Word version of the article. Usually require owners with prior GSD or similar experience or access to trainer assistance. Tell Us Your Story. Veterans often elect to complete a higher level of training to meet specific needs, but every German Shepherd through GSGSR is placed immediately into a foster home where fundamental training begins. Your help will be greatly appreciated by us, but — more importantly — by the dogs waiting for our help. A kind Samaritan, Tina G. She tried contacting the owner and even walked to the address of record but no one was at the residence indicated on the chip and no one in the complex recognized Charlie. Most of the dogs in our program come from Central Valley animal shelters where they have run out of time. Go to WoofTrax. Usually Moderate Energy, that can usually be satisfied with daily walks and play or training time. Level 3 dogs need strong leadership and daily training and exercise: These are dogs with the standard breed temperament. Most of the dogs in our program come from Central Valley animal shelters where they have run out of time.

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