greek movies gr

Greek movies gr

The revelations of a young woman disturb the life of the inhabitants of a small island. Votes: Theodoros comes to Greece from abroad. They greek movies gr him friends and relatives, wanting his fortune.

Not Rated 97 min Drama, Thriller. A controlling, manipulative father locks his three adult offsprings in a state of perpetual childhood by keeping them prisoner within the sprawling family compound. Not Rated min Drama, Romance. An epic tale of lost love and a beautiful story of the love between sisters, set in the Greek island of Andros at the beginning of the 20th century. Votes: 7, Stratos, an ex-con, struggles to help out his former mafia boss. Then, Stratos learns his loyalty is exploited.

Greek movies gr


Two partners and polar opposites have a different point of view towards life. The Maharaja 77 min Comedy 3. September I 99 min Drama 6.


Pick your favorite Greek movie of this period. If you don't know any, then choose a poster or choose a film you would like to see Note: Greek movies with more ratings. Not Rated min Drama, Romance. An epic tale of lost love and a beautiful story of the love between sisters, set in the Greek island of Andros at the beginning of the 20th century.

Greek movies gr

Proud, independent Stella, an unconventional Rebetico singer who cherishes her freedom, finds herself in an intense whirlwind romance. Everything points to a tragic ending, and in the aftermath of passion, there can be no winners. Votes: 2, Pivoting around a shiny counterfeit gold sovereign freshly milled from the clandestine workshop of an otherwise honest goldsmith, four brief vignettes of human imperfection; seduction; fate; desire, and devotion inextricably interweave.

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A young football player, who works at a gas station, becomes engaged to a poor clerk, but is severely injured in a match. But the past is catching up with Yorgos. Thanasis inherits a castle supposedly inhabited by Count Dracula, and decides to settle the question. Renos, a lonely professional waiter, sees his well-organized life routine changing after an unexpected series of events. Will the two lovebirds get the father's blessing? On the way he will meet one mad, who falls in love with him , and a young women falling in love. Soon, a group of people wants to steal his money. Copy from this list Export Report this list. The Aces of Cadger 77 min Comedy 5. The Taxi Driver 76 min Comedy 4.

Greek cinema has not always been what you would call a flourishing business.

After a misunderstanding, a simple man is considered to be the expected rich nephew of a family. Will he finally make his dream come true? But, what happens if she is truly ravishing instead? Unrated min Drama, Romance. A young football player, who works at a gas station, becomes engaged to a poor clerk, but is severely injured in a match. Theodoros comes to Greece from abroad. The former president of a rural village must first find a suitable husband for his lonely sibling, unaware that his seven nieces have already planned a private romantic rendezvous with their secret beloveds. To Exypno Pouli 91 min Comedy, Romance 6. Dunce 72 min Comedy 5. The Cicada and the Ant 81 min Comedy 6.

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