green lantern guy gardner

Green lantern guy gardner

He has also been a member of Justice League Internationaland has gone by the name Warrior at one point in his career.

This actually makes a lot of sense considering Gunn's promises for both Superman: Legacy and the entire new DCU at large. Likewise, Fillion himself has served as the voice of Hal Jordan in multiple animated features. That said, Guy Gardner does make sense. Firstly, it's already been confirmed by Gunn and Safran that Hal Jordan is going to be in the DCU with the upcoming Lanterns series currently in development. Joined by John Stewart, it's been reported that the two human Lanterns will work together to investigate a new danger on Earth. Additionally, the events of Lanterns will apparently tie into the greater DCU story being told with its first chapter entitled Gods and Monsters.

Green lantern guy gardner

The Green Lantern Corps is made up of selfless, heroic and valiant individuals who answer the call to fight evil via the power of their willpower. Among the Corps' ranks are some of the most level-headed and undaunted heroes in the galaxy - as well as Guy Gardner. The brusque and uncouth GLC member isn't always the nicest person, but he's far more than just a bad attitude and a worse haircut. Guy Gardner has had tremendous character development throughout the years, with his most abrasive incarnation now being mostly a thing of the past. He's also changed the color of his ring quite a bit, with his backstory seeing similar adjustments. This has afforded Guy a wealth of growth that isn't seen in some of the other Green Lanterns, making him much more than a one-note character. He was revealed to have been Abin Sur's first choice to replace him as the Lantern of Sector , but Hal Jordan was closer. His original persona wasn't too dissimilar from Jordan's, as this was the norm for Silver Age DC characters. That era didn't afford many of its heroes depth, with the main differentiating factor being their divergent powers and origin stories. For a long while, Guy even wore the exact same uniform as the rest of the Green Lantern Corps, with his main point of difference being his red "chili bowl" hair. Gardner was eventually given a more unique jacket-based costume, and after Crisis on Infinite Earths his personality changed as well. Beforehand, he was rendered comatose after being hit by a bus, and another mishap saw him trapped in the Phantom Zone with a legion of evil Kryptonian criminals. These events changed his nature entirely, with the new Guy Gardner being a much gruffer, tougher and rougher customer. Arrogant and obnoxious, he constantly clashed with his teammates on the Justice League International team.

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Guy had a rough childhood and was often beaten by his abusive father. Despite this, Guy always struggled to please his father, but Rolly only seemed to appreciate the accomplishments of Guy's older brother, Mace. Guy's only escape was reading comic books that he collected, particularly those of General Glory. He even modeled his own haircut after the General's kid sidekick as a kid and even when he first became a Green Lantern. As a kid, Guy tried to do many things to impress his father; for example, he built a radio from scratch for a school project.

Nick is an entertainment journalist based in New York, NY. If you like pugs and the occasional blurry photo of an action figure, follow him on Twitter NickARomano. As an actor living in Los Angeles of a certain build, a certain height, and a certain age with a certain camera-ready charm, Finn Wittrock has been up for just about every superhero project in Hollywood in the past 10 years. Generally, not at all come close, but I've always sniffed around the edges of it," he tells EW. I'm considering myself a student of the comic book universe right now. While Wittrock is still researching the Guy character, pouring over various comics, bingeing the animated series, and, yes, even watching the Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern movie, he has seen superheroic entertainment in the past. He feels "people will be really, really pleasantly surprised" by the upcoming show.

Green lantern guy gardner

Eventually, the character was tapped to become Hal Jordan's alternate, someone who could basically fill in for Green Lantern duties whenever it was necessary. Guy is one of the most talked-about Earth Green Lanterns if only because he's such an abrasive person. When the character was re-invented by Steve Englehart and Joe Staton, he became a character who caused friction--not just with other superheroes, but within the Green Lantern Corps as well. Still, no matter how much of a jerk the character can be, he's as devoted to the Corps as anyone, becoming a vaunted member of the Green Lantern Honor Guard. After proving himself against several threats and going to Oa, he took a trip back to Earth along a different path than Hal did. On his path, he ran into an alien race where a disease wiped out all of the adults and left the kids trapped as children. But while Guy was able to help the children there, he contracted the disease, passing the ring onto Hal Jordan in that universe as well.

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Guy couldn't wait to make Beetle pay. Burglar Alarm: A Green Lantern can coat anything with the ring's beam and thus, if anyone other than himself touches it, his ring will glow, alerting him to the possible theft. With the aid of Cabbie , Gardner went under a personal quest to find Arkillo against Stewart. Guy stood up, and said, "You know what they say, J'onny Boy? When Ted Kord, otherwise known as the Blue Beetle, was found dead, the entire world of DC's heroes shattered around them. Gardner plays a significant role in defeating the Spider Guild attack on Oa. Guy, Kyle, Kilowog and Saarek tracked down the Quintet , a group of brother and sister Sinestros who they imprisoned in Sciencells. Kyle's resurrection at the hands of Star Sapphire Miri Riam didn't stop Guy's rage When the Black Lanterns are destroyed, Guy's rage is so uncontrollable that he attacks his friends. The destruction of Mogo creates enough of distraction for Guy and Hal to escape, bringing Ganthet with them. The two agree that their current situations will make a relationship impossible. Energy twin: The ring can create an energy copy of the wielder which is connected to the ring wielder, any information the twin gathers is transferred to the wielder upon touch while others cannot see this twin apart from fellow Green Lanterns. During the return of Parallax , he suffers a metahuman power discharge and his Vuldarian abilities go into recession. Time travel: The ring allows the wielder the ability to travel through time, though the process requires great willpower. After this, Guy had to leave this career path, believing it only fueled his natural anger and aggression.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Green Lantern real name Guy Darrin Gardner is a fictional character and mega-superhero from DC Comics and its universe, appearing as a major character in the Green Lantern comics.

Although this backstory was later overturned in favor of the old one, it showcased how Guy's upbringing was never the happiest. It didn't have a Lantern battery, and as far as Guy knew, there was no such battery that it could draw power from. Superboy-Prime was imprisoned in the middle of a Red Sun Eater obtained through Donna Troy , and fifty Lanterns were posted guard around him at all times. By this time, the power of Guy's ring begins to fluctuate due to the meddling of the villain Parallax Hal Jordan. Young Justice. This template will categorize articles that include it into the " Justice League of America members " category. Guy's only escape at this time is General Glory comic books, going so far as to model his bowl haircut on Glory's sidekick, Ernie. Some time later, during a period where Gardner is performing his duties as a backup Green Lantern, Hal Jordan's power battery, the source of the ring's energy, explodes in Gardner's face due to damage done to it by the Crumbler and traps him in the Phantom Zone. Guy and Kyle were openly opposed to the execution and tried to convince the Guardians to stay the executions. Guy has a hard time, but he does come to terms with it and accepts his role as Green Lantern. Jordan is nearer to the crash, so he is chosen over Gardner. Hal in his own rage assaulted the Corps itself. Kyle and Guy both got tired of their home-life on Earth, and decided to move to Oa to better suit their responsibilities as Honor Guards.

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