Greg oden nude

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Users browsing this forum: Google [Bot] and 0 guests. Advanced search. Greg Oden Naked? WTF Like real basketball, as well as basketball video games? Re: Greg Oden Naked? WTF by Patr1ck on Fri Jan 29, am A new low on the Blazers beat came when an unidentified and unfamiliar female media member asked Oden if he might be happy that the pictures came out because "everyone was impressed. WTF by Sauru on Sun Jan 31, pm "so what if i am the next sam bowie i got a huge dick so fuck you all".

Greg oden nude

A friend told the year-old Tuesday morning that the pictures were making the rounds on the internet. Oden is out for this season after fracturing his left kneecap during a game against the Houston Rockets on Dec. He averaged The 7-foot-center was the No. He missed his rookie season after have microfracture surgery on his right knee. Skip to main content Skip to navigation. Blazers' Oden apologizes for nude photos online. Chiefs, DT Jones agree to massive five-year deal. O'Malley puts on show, routs Vera to stay champ. Luka first with six straight point triple-doubles.

Your knee healing well?

What would possess someone, anyone, let alone an NBA player to do that? I just don't get it! And you know it! Take it out your pocket and show it then throw it!!!! Wow, seriously? Why is this country so uptight?

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Greg oden nude

We know we're way late to the party on this, but can we just reiterate how it is that Blazers center Greg Oden not only had a nude picture leaked on the Internet, but that he had a press conference to address it? Seriously, you can read a full transcript here. We know it's a fairly serious situation in some regards, but if you imagine all the questions being asked by either Beavis or Butthead, it becomes a full-on comedic romp. What were the circumstances of the pictures? Were they from a private relationship? It was a lady friend who I was having a relationship with. It was for her. It was definitely meant to keep private.

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It was definitely meant to keep private. Check out this post , for example. Post 14 » by The Notic » Tue Jan 26, pm. Oden allegedly took photos on his cell phone and emailed them to a female. Back to top Roger O. Salary Cap. And I have to learn from that and be careful knowing the type of status that I do have. Cowboys trample Dolphins to set early NRL pace. They then proceeded to gently weep and take 5 consecutive tequila shots. Rooney: Little sympathy for Rashford this season. You never want to really look back at stuff like that.

Greg Oden of the Portland Trail Blazers has apparently joined the list of pro jocks who have shown the world their penises. I guess Oden has a lot of time on his hands rehabbing from a knee injury.

Beyond being embarrassed, can you describe how you're feeling right now? WTF by Sauru on Sun Jan 31, pm "so what if i am the next sam bowie i got a huge dick so fuck you all". Why is this country so uptight? Roger O. It was taken and sent over a year-and-a-half ago. He lacks the total package What do you hope to learn from this? Advanced search. Post 8 » by rapsrealm » Tue Jan 26, pm. He averaged I've definetly grown since then. Post 1 » by The Notic » Tue Jan 26, pm. Sauru wrote: male athletes getting naked?

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