guardian obits

Guardian obits

Letter: John Pilger obituary. Published: PM.

Ronnie Campbell obituary. Miner turned Labour MP known for his uncompromising principles and championing his Blyth Valley constituency. Published: 3 Mar Nicola Trahan obituary. Published: 28 Feb Barry John obituary. Published: 5 Feb

Guardian obits

Barbara Bush obituary. US first lady — the wife of one president and the mother of a second — was a robust campaigner for the Republican cause and fierce defender of her family. Published: 18 Apr Mark E Smith obituary: the Fall's driving force was poet, satirist and misanthrope. Frontman of the Manchester post-punk band was notorious for his deadpan black humour and confrontational attitude. Published: AM. Neave Brown obituary. Published: PM. Tim Rollins obituary. Other lives. Other lives: Roman Catholic priest noted for his community work and fundraising skill. Letter: Peter Preston and foreign news coverage. Eric Moonman obituary.

Matthew Engel writes: In his novel 51st State Peter Preston predicted not only Brexit but its precise circumstances.

Other lives. Published: 23 Feb Published: 20 Feb Henry Fambrough obituary. Published: 15 Feb Steve Wright obituary. Published: 14 Feb

Letter: John Pilger obituary. Published: PM. Micheline Presle obituary. Ronnie Campbell obituary. Iris Apfel obituary. Other lives. Other lives : Probation officer for more than two decades and a longstanding, active member of the Napo trade union. Other lives: Artist and art teacher who exhibited widely and also wrote novels.

Guardian obits

The writer Martin Amis , who has died aged 73 of oesophageal cancer, delighted, provoked, inspired and outraged readers of his fiction, reportage and memoirs across a literary career that set off like a rocket and went on to dazzle, streak and burn for almost 50 years. His scintillating verbal artistry, satirical audacity and sheer imaginative verve at every level from word-choice to plot-shape announced a blazing, once-in-a-generation talent. He seldom disagreed with Christopher Hitchens , the journalist and essayist who was his soulmate and intellectual lodestar. Amis stirred envy and emulation, ignited controversy, courted scandal. Above all, though, he gave pleasure. His gift of laughter followed him even into Auschwitz in his novel The Zone of Interest. Critics could find its presence an embarrassment. Admirers never did. He published 15 novels, from The Rachel Papers in to the hybrid Inside Story — which enfolds fiction into memoirs and essays — in

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Other lives: Roman Catholic priest noted for his community work and fundraising skill. Bob Pryce obituary. George Brown obituary. Carla Bley obituary. Published: PM. Published: 25 Jan Haydn Gwynne obituary. Jim Bennett obituary. Michael Steed obituary. Other lives : Artist who set up a screenprinting department at the Slade School of Fine Art and exhibited his paintings widely. Published: 26 Sep

Steve Brown obituary. Composer and lyricist who was a long-time collaborator of Steve Coogan and Harry Hill, and co-created the award-winning musical Spend, Spend, Spend.

Frontman of the Manchester post-punk band was notorious for his deadpan black humour and confrontational attitude. Published: 31 Dec Bob Johnson obituary. Published: 12 Jan Prolific poet, novelist and critic who was an astute and sometimes satirical observer of life in modern Britain. Marion Ecob-Prince obituary. Carla Bley obituary. France Gall obituary. Published: 18 Apr Play Video. Felicity Grainger obituary.

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