Guild wars 2 inventory

By Tyde.

By Forgotten Legend. This brings the maximum possible inventory size for a single character to slots. Make your dreams of identifying entire stacks of unidentified gear at once a reality. EDIT: Anet has enabled the 2 extra bag-slots as of December 13, , as the original posting was a launch-date error. My guess is:: it won't be implemented until next patch which comes next tuesday.

Guild wars 2 inventory

By Muaziz. I have returned to the arms of GW2 after quite the hiatus many many months and I am in abit of a pickle. Even as I post this, I am reading, watching and trying to re-learn all of this myself but I do not want my motivation to play to be hampered by a wall of item management. I have been reading the wiki and numerous other online resources, however it's like handing someone a car service manual when they have forgotten how to drive xD the info is all there but I am still unable to get it into 1st. Maybe I can be happy comparing it to mine I recently started to consume all the bloodstone dust after reaching 30 stacks. Create another character to use as a mule and offload everything to it until you're ready to deal with it. As a general rule though, don't keep anything that isn't account bound; if you need it you can buy it again later, and if you really need to keep it then you can throw it in the guild bank. Baggage the game still carries. If no one's offered to help you over Discord yet I agree that posting screenshots of your inventory and bank could be another way to do it. You can't post the directly to the forum, you'll need to upload them to something like Imgur and then post links. But here's some quick tips for now: 1 Press the Deposit All Materials button in the inventory window - that will send all crafting materials to dedicated material storage in the bank meaning you haven't lost them and they're not taking up space. Anything which is sold has literally no use except to be sold so you won't lose anything important and it might clear some space. Containers - anything which says 'double click to open'. Equipment - anything with stats or which says to select stats that can be equipped in the hero panel. Everything else.

By Muaziz.

Inicio Discusiones Workshop Mercado Retransmisiones. Cambiar idioma. Instalar Steam. Senyin Ver perfil Ver mensajes. I am seeing a lot of new players getting mad at the inventory system.

A bag is an item that increases the capacity of a character's inventory. They come in a variety of sizes, up to 20 inventory slots up to 32 with Path of Fire , and sometimes have special features. All characters start with a 20 slot Starter Backpack equipped in the first bag slot. Characters on a free account have 3 bag slots unlocked, characters on a paid account core game or with either expansion have 5 bag slots unlocked. Additional bag slots can be unlocked through the Gem Store purchase on a per-character basis, for a total of 14 bag slots per character.

Guild wars 2 inventory

Visit any city to find a Master Craftsman and learn a trade. Learning trades lets you craft weapons or armor, or even cook foods that temporarily boost stats. Crafting is the process of turning component items, such as crafting materials , into equipment or consumables. There are nine different crafting disciplines, and initially only two can be active at a time on each character , but up to two more for a total of 4 may be added using Additional Crafting Licenses from the Gem Store. A character may swap between learned crafting disciplines by paying a small fee, dependent on how high their discipline level is. Crafted items usually look different from, but always have comparable attributes to, items of the same level and quality obtained through other methods, for example from loot or vendors.

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Been like that since he was kid. Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2. Anything else gets disposed of, in this order: Sell anything I can on the Trading Post Salvage anything I can from what's left and deposit the materials If I can't salvage it I sell it to a merchant If I can't sell it I put it in the Mystic Forge If it won't go in the Forge at this point we're down to a handful of story rewards or I don't have enough things to combine I'll just delete it. Easily the best advice. All those items you can't use? For the salvaging, I'd like to mention to always unpack the unidentified gear before salvaging as it is possible to get higher rarity. Just always store materials in the central crafting of the bank top right in inventory and they will be available whenever you start crafting on a character. While not as good a deal as character slots, they are a quality of life issue and mean you won't have to mule as much. Sign up for a new account in our community. Precursors that drop for the old legendary weapon variants afaik have it mentioned in the tooltip "used to create the legendary" someething like that as part of the tooltip text. With that big discount I will get them for my main - only char with maxed slots yet to obtain 32 slot bags for every bag slot I hope this helps! I would add that when you start crafting in a few common ones there are bags, boxes, whatever to craft early on. Many players may not choose this option as it is very tedious and time consuming. Is there a way around this?

By Mal.

With Bag Slot Expansions the number can be increased by an additional , which results in a total of storage space. You can get them in most starting areas off vendors. Some players may just sell everything to get as much gold quickly to buy the gear. My guess is:: it won't be implemented until next patch which comes next tuesday. Looks like you will always have a maximum of 5 bag slots in your inventory then since bags will always be character-based. It can be used in the mystic forge for many things, keep it. Sign in Already have an account? Also I think the solution to skins you're not sure you want to use is to delete them. Hayhaka Ver perfil Ver mensajes. For infusions do a wiki check. Use recipes if you have not used them yet. Posted July 29, edited. Sign in Already have an account? To be more specific, some problems I repeatedly run into: - Items that ask you to confirm deletion, yet are safe to delete and serve no purpose to hold onto I have to minimize and check a wiki and hope it has a comment about whether it's safe to delete - So many items, especially relating to collections, but just in general, are unclear whether you should delete them or not. Sign In Sign Up.

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