Guthrie ilkçağ felsefe tarihi

Views Downloads File size 2MB. Paradigm a Felsefe SOzliigti. SommersteinOxford, Clarendon Press, Mete Tuncayİstanbul, Remzi Kitabevi,

Birincil Kaynaklar Aristophanes, Couds trans. Sommerstein , Oxford, Clarendon Press, Aristoteles, kinci Analitikler [ev. Hamdi Ragp Atademir , 2. Aristoteles, Topikler ev.

Guthrie ilkçağ felsefe tarihi

By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Felsefenin Temel İlkeleri. Metin Bal, Prof. Doluluk Gr. Ilyas Altuner. Havva Ersahin Kapici. During the Spring-Autumn and Warring States Period, the vassal states of Zhou Dynasty were in a state of tangled warfare and the social system transformed from slavery into feudalism. In the consequence of the widespread use of iron, productivity grew continuously and social, political and spirituel changes occured which lead to the contention of Hundred Schools of Thought in the aspect of culture and ideology. Therefore, regarding Mohist ideas, the strongest critics have been made by latter Confucians. Although in pre-Qin times, Mohism was qualified as one of the most apparent schools of thought with Confucianism.

Eserleri c. Atomcular a.

In this study, it has tried to approach which led to the idea of a science of psychology starting from the ancient philosophy. Natural philosophy approach which the basic philosophy of scientific thought that first starting point was that the main philosophy of the Ionian school of philosophy, the first ideas about psychology has begun in this period. It has led to the birth of psychology that the discussion which "What is the source of information? In fact, under this argument lies debate on what is the source of knowledge. The infrastructure of the mind-body debate that led to the birth of psychology was discussed in the context of philosophy, mythology and beliefs. Furthermore, historical origin of the terms including consciousness, sensation, perception which are the main topics of psychology were tried to be investigated. Also in this study, they presented with a historical sequence that first ancient philosophy, it then is the Roman, Medieval, Renaissance and later periods.

Allan ve H. Metafizik b 5 ve 1 b 4. Devlet d. Ben kendim. Kurgusal ya do bilimsel. Henri Berr'in Robin'in Greek Thought! Kuhn ile P. Biz de bu kitapta. Stebbing, A. Anaximandros'o 's.

Guthrie ilkçağ felsefe tarihi

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Friedlander, An Introduction to Plato trans. To the Memory ofR. Ankara, Hatta bundan dolay onlarn Milet Okulu'nun filozofla rndan sonra geldikleri sylenebilir. Jenkinson , Chicago, Bu koloniler baka alardan da Yunan zekasnn ve kabiliyeti nin gelimesine hizmet etmilerdir. Candan entuna, Istanbul, O halde apeiron, madde gibi her eyin iinde olan deil dir; her eyi iine alan, ynetendir. Bu gr, adalet fikrinin toplum ve devletin zerine ina edilecei bir temel olarak alnd bir ada onaya kmtr. Platon, Devlet. Gould, The Development of Plato's Ethics. Chevalier, Histoire dela Pensee, vol. Avrupa Ortaa' byk se yahatlar ve ktalarn kefiyle son bulur. Cevizci H. Bu bakmdan da Yunan dini ve mitolojisinin - nk Yunan'da din mito lojiden ayrlmaz- Yunan felsefi dncesine hayli elverili bir ortam hazrlam olduunu grmekteyiz.


Epikr, Mektuplar ve Maksimler[ev. Aristotle, Metaphysics trans. İstanbul, Remzi Kitabevi, S, Bluck, "Plato's Meno" Phronesis, 16 , ss. Arslan, lka Felsefesi Tarihi, zmir, Ege niversitesi Yaymlan, Bu konuda da ok farkl dncelerin ortaya atldn, onun la ilgili olarak dolayl ve dolaysz birok etkene dayanldn grmek teyiz. Ege gleri diye adlandrlan bu gler, etkilerini Yunanistan'da da duyurdu ve Aklalar bu frsattan yararlanarak o zamana kadar ol duundan daha byk lde Anadolu'nun bat ve gneybat kylar na g etmeye baladlar Truva destannda da Akhalarn Bat Anado lu'yu ele geirme istekleriyle karlamaktayz. Bu alandaki bo luu bir lde gidermek amacyla Sokrates ncesi filozoflara ayrd mz bu kitapta, zellikle bu filozoflardan zamanmza kalan orijinal fragmentlerin byk ksmn Trke'ye evirdik ve almamzda esas olarak onlar kullandk. Farrington, Greek Saence, I. Annas - J.

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